View Full Version : starter relay

08-24-2010, 09:42 PM
Has anyone had a strater relay go out. Bike won't turn over and the relay just clicks. Battery seems fine so I don't think its the battery jsut the relay. Anyone have some insight?

Easy Rider
08-24-2010, 10:00 PM
Battery seems fine so I don't think its the battery

What exactly does that mean ??

998 times out of 1000, it is the battery...and/or the charging system.
The other 2 times it's either the solenoid (relay) or loose cables.

Do you have a multi-meter ??

08-24-2010, 10:40 PM
Battery seems fine so I don't think its the battery

What exactly does that mean ??

998 times out of 1000, it is the battery...and/or the charging system.
The other 2 times it's either the solenoid (relay) or loose cables.

Do you have a multi-meter ??
:plus1: If battery is down on charge solenoid will just click. :cool:

08-24-2010, 11:34 PM
and a fully charged battery means starter relay.

Water Warrior 2
08-25-2010, 12:11 AM
You must have a fully charged battery or the GZ will not start. A meter will confirm the voltage.

Easy Rider
08-25-2010, 09:48 AM
and a fully charged battery means starter relay.

AND a fully charged battery and a good solenoid probably means a bad connection somewhere.

If you already KNOW that answer, why did you ask the question. :poke2:

A really LOT of people don't know how to properly identify "a fully charged battery" that is in proper working order.........and since you didn't answer my question of "how do you know that", I suspect that YOU are one of those.
This ain't my first trip to the rodeo......and when someone says "the battery SEEMS fine" that usually means that it really isn't. :roll:

So, here's an on-the-bike load test.
Put meter on battery posts (not the connectors but directly on the actual posts).
If it reads less than 12.0 V, stop; something is wrong already.
Then turn on the key; voltage should drop no more than ~.2
Hit the starter. If the voltage goes below 10.0, either your battery is worn out or the charging system is not working right.

At this point, if the solenoid just clicks but the voltage stays up near 12, move your meter leads to the battery connectors and repeat. If it is still near 12 when the relay is clicking, then it is probably a bad solenoid relay. If you "jump" the solenoid and the starter turns/bike starts, then you have pretty much proven a bad solenoid.....or maybe a bad ground.

You aren't going to know what the problem is until you do ALL the tests.

08-25-2010, 09:16 PM
Thank you for telling me I am a complete idiot. How stupid of me to check the voltage (12.22 volts). Again how stupid of me to check the voltage while hitting the starter (11.10 volts). The stupidest thing I did was jump across the relay and start the bike right up. (Humm battery seems fine). So I go to the local bike store and to my surprise they actually had a brand new relay. I buy it, put it in and presto, starts right up. (Not my first time to a rodeo either). Just becasue I didn't give you every detail of my life doesn't mean I am stupid. So forgive me for asking a stupid question it will not happen again.

Water Warrior 2
08-25-2010, 09:24 PM
No such thing as a stupid question. Stupid is not asking for help from some one with more experience and knowledge. Asking a question may also have brightened some one else' day but were afraid to ask. That's a good thing........right ????

Easy Rider
08-25-2010, 10:23 PM
Thank you for telling me I am a complete idiot.

I said no such thing.......yet.

OK, you are a complete idiot. :shocked:

If you knew all that already, what the F*** was the point of posting the question in the first place.

You have done this before and it is just, well, being an idiot.

The answers you get will be in direct proportion to the quality and quantity of information you provide in the question. If you post a simplistic question that makes it look like you don't know much, then you will get back answers starting at the most simple basics.

You asked for "insight" and that's exactly what you got; good, proper and accurate advice......based on the tiny little bit of information you provided.

Maybe idiot is the wrong word; how about you try to stop being such an ASS. :tongue:

Water Warrior 2
08-26-2010, 01:07 AM
Relax Easy. We all have a blonde moment. My latest makes me want to bang my head against a wall. Some day I will write it up in the humor column. :lol:

Easy Rider
08-26-2010, 09:53 AM
Relax Easy. We all have a blonde moment.

This is quite different.
He plants a "bait" question with almost no information, making it appear that he doesn't know where to start........and then takes offense when someone posts suggestions that are too simplistic, claiming that it is a intentional insult.
This is usually called trolling.

08-26-2010, 10:33 AM
A suggestion - end it.