View Full Version : Carburetor Rebuild Kit

08-22-2010, 06:56 PM
Has anyone ever rebuilt the carb or this bike, ive taken it apart when I first got the bike 5 years ago, wrecked about 2 years ago, and its been stored for 2 years. Put the bike back together and fueled it up today, only to realize the carbs leaking on the lower seal, any help would be awesome, thanks.

08-22-2010, 08:57 PM
Sounds like you should take the carb apart & soak in carb cleaner over night,than blow all passages out with compressed air,and reassemble.Should not need a rebuild kit.Not overly difficult,just take your time.There is a very good exploded view in the manual,or on line.

:) :2tup:

08-22-2010, 09:43 PM
Hey Terakilla. I went to my local dealer asking for a complete kit, and they told me that a kit was not available for our bike. They said they could get parts separately but not a kit. I even went to Mikuni website. They didnt even list our carb on their site. If you find different info, please post.