View Full Version : Baron Engine Guard?????

08-22-2010, 12:04 AM
Has anybody tried these or know of someone who has? http://www.jpcycles.com/product/zz55855 ... medium=cse (http://www.jpcycles.com/product/zz55855?utm_source=googleproducts&utm_medium=cse) I am 6ft and I've read the MC ones may interfere with the clutch / brake having a larger shoe size. I can't seem to find any installed pictures. Thanks,


Water Warrior 2
08-22-2010, 12:32 AM
Ask them if they have any pics(2 or 3 views) of the bar installed on a GZ.

After a second look they may work nicely. Your large boots may fit inside of the verticle portion of the bars. Looks to be wide enough to do that.

08-22-2010, 09:45 AM
I just finished my email to them asking for the dimensions of the guard, as well as any pictures they may be able to supply. For comparison can someone get the dimesions of the MC gaurd both laterally at the top / bottom and vertically? This way I can interpolate the difference when / if they send back a reply. Thanks!

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08-24-2010, 06:47 PM
Okay so the product manager emailed me back, he didn't give me any specs but he did tell me that it was fashioned to fit the same way their Engine guard for the V Star250 model does and gave me this link http://www.baronscustom.com/catalog/dis ... index.html (http://www.baronscustom.com/catalog/display/1365/index.html) He also said that he is 6'2 and wears a size 12 and that the bar does not get in the way for him although if someone were to ride with their feet angled outward that they may touch the bar. He also said that they make mounts for highway pegs for the bar if I was interested. These guys seem very trustworthy in my opinion so I am going to order one soon and let you all know how it goes!

Water Warrior 2
08-25-2010, 12:33 AM
Those are good looking bars with a fair bit of room on the inside. Bonus is they will do a fair job of protecting the bike in a drop. A little on the high side price wise but they are probably a limited production product so the $ will reflect that.

Water Warrior 2
08-25-2010, 12:40 AM
Check out MC Enterprizes for crash bars, tail racks and other stuff that is shiney. The bars don't look quite a good as the Barons but maybe that's just me.

12-13-2010, 10:04 AM
Just got the Baron's Engine Guard out of the shipping box. Will install it later and update with more information about clearance, etc.
For now - the measurements are 25 inches center-to-center from side to side.
From top to bottom, it is slightly trapezoidal. At its widest point (which is the centerline where it hooks up to the frame), it's about 12.5 inches center-to-center from top to bottom
At its narrowest out at the edge, its about 11 inches center-to-center from top to bottom.
Top bar across is straight, at the bottom is where the supports angle downward.
Its hefty - weighs in at 9lbs. Since its at the front of the bike though maybe this will add to stability?

Water Warrior 2
12-13-2010, 04:47 PM
Christmas came early for you. Can you post a few pics after the install ?? There aren't that many bars for the GZ so anything that we find is a bonus.

12-22-2010, 11:21 AM
The guard was an easy install, the only issue was the new bracket hole for remounting the horn was a bit too small, had to be filed out slightly for the horn mounting screw to fit. Probably from the chroming process.
I wear a size 9 boot and it does interfere a bit when shifting. After a few minutes riding you get used to it, need to be very precise with where your foot is on the peg when shifting, but not a showstopper. I think though if your foot is any bigger it could be troublesome.
Right side brake pedal is no problem since you're coming down from the top. Its only when upshifting I found I was pulling up on the bar and not the shifter.
Bar itself is very nice quality, chrome is shiny and the brackets all line up precisely.

Water Warrior 2
12-22-2010, 01:59 PM
Looking good. Now you have someplace to hang some LED driving lights for better visibility to oncoming cagers.

12-22-2010, 02:35 PM
There aren't that many bars for the GZ so anything that we find is a bonus.

This is from the SPAAN catalogue.[attachment=0:btb0f92w]Untitled-1.jpg[/attachment:btb0f92w]

Water Warrior 2
12-22-2010, 05:21 PM
Nice stuff Alantf but too bad it would cost so much to import the stuff. Oh wait, is that stuff available in Britain ? I have heard that moto parts from Britain can be relatively cheap when imported to the U.S. and Canada.

12-23-2010, 09:46 AM
Try googleing amazon.com > motorcycle & ATV equipment. You might be pleasantly surprised by what they're selling occasionally, & they seem to have decent prices. For instance, the leather jacket that I bought over here - I checked amazon last week, & they were selling the exact same jacket for little more than half what I paid.( plus delivery to Spain is now free for orders over £25) :2tup:

07-15-2012, 09:41 PM
Thanks for posting these pictures and the link to the Baron engine guard. I was concerned about the MC Enterprise engine guard, as I had seen in another post that it interferred with the brake lever. I know the GZ use to have a really high brake lever but on the 2008 model I bought the lever is in a lower, closer to horizontal, position. So, I was particular concerned about that problem. I'll order the Baron. (I liked the size look of the SPAAN engine guard, but didn't find those during my Internet search.)

07-15-2012, 11:55 PM
Thanks for posting these pictures and the link to the Baron engine guard. I was concerned about the MC Enterprise engine guard, as I had seen in another post that it interferred with the brake lever. I know the GZ use to have a really high brake lever but on the 2008 model I bought the lever is in a lower, closer to horizontal, position. So, I was particular concerned about that problem. I'll order the Baron. (I liked the size look of the SPAAN engine guard, but didn't find those during my Internet search.)
You should be able to adjust brake lever heighth.

Water Warrior 2
07-16-2012, 02:57 AM
Oh my, I'd forgotten about the Baron bars. Yup they look like they will suit larger hooves on a GZ rider. As mentioned, the brake pedal is adjustable so you shouldn't have any problems overall. Keep in mind after you adjust the pedal height you should check for the brake light function too. The rear brake light switch is easily adjusted and it is found just to the rear of the pedal itself.

07-16-2012, 04:23 AM
For some reason, ALL GZs come from the factory with the brake lever set far too high (and not even set to Suzuki's own spec). You should adjust it so that in a comfortable riding position, your foot is slightly ABOVE it. That way, when you go for the rear brake, you can push down straight away, and not need to move your foot to bring it above the pedal. While you're at it, check that the gear shift pedal is in a comfortable position. That, also, may need adjusting. :2tup:

07-16-2012, 05:20 AM
"ALL GZs come from the factory with the brake lever set far too high"

I just thought the older models (like I rode in the MSF class) had poorly designed brake levers. As you said, you have to really lift your foot up high to get on the brake. Not good for fast braking! I guess the 2008 model I bought used had just been adjusted to a safe position. I thought Suzuki just modified / improved the lever.

I avoided the MC Enterprise engine guard; because, I thought I'd have to adjust the brakelever to that awkward position to avoid interfering with the engine guard.

07-16-2012, 09:53 AM
I just thought the older models (like I rode in the MSF class) had poorly designed brake levers. As you said, you have to really lift your foot up high to get on the brake.

This really shocks me. I would have thought that these so called experts, who are paid to teach novice riders, would have made sure that the controls were set up properly, to at least a position that would suit the average rider. :??:

07-17-2012, 05:17 AM
Alantf --- they told me that all Suzuki's have really high brake levers. I just believed them. They had about 1/2 dozen GZ250s for the class. Brake lever was the same on all of them.

Oh! I want to say thanks for a post you made (I'm not sure when, maybe a few years ago) stating an engine guard's real value is protecting the rider.

Until reading that, I had considered "maybe" getting an engine guard for the bigger bike. But, your post was enough to convince me I need to suck it up and pay the $200 per bike for "crash guards" for both of them. My 17 year old son has just started riding --- and I'm essentially a new rider, haven't not ridden in decades (and not knowing all that much when I did ride). Trying to do it as safely as possible this time around.

Good advice!

07-17-2012, 07:22 AM
Alantf --- they told me that all Suzuki's have really high brake levers.

And this is what I find so shocking. The "experts" either didn't know any better, or couldn't be bothered to set the bikes up. Setting up the bikes correctly is, in my opinion, one of the things that they should have at least mentioned to novice riders. If it was that they really didn't know any better than to say that all Susukis had a high brake pedal (and leave it at that), then they had no business trying to teach new riders how to ride. :cry:

07-17-2012, 07:43 AM
It just occurred to me to give you a heads up on how to adjust the brake pedal, in case you're not sure.

Under the brake pedal, you'll find a bolt with a lock nut. Slacken the lock nut and adjust the bolt until the pedal is in the position you want. Tighten the lock nut.

At the rear wheel. adjust the nut on the brake rod until the brake operates with ½" of free play at the pedal. You may have to move the operating arm on the spline, by loosening the nut & bolt, pulling off the arm, and repositioning it. (I needed to do this to give me sufficient thread left for efficient brake adjustment)

Half way along the bike you'll find the adjuster for the brake light (on a spring). Twist the adjuster until the brake light comes on just after you push down on the brake pedal.

Go for a short ride and see if the pedal is in a comfortable position. If not, adjust it until it feels right for you.

It's really easy to do with just a couple of spanners (wrenches?). Just make sure all the nuts & bolts are snugged up, nice and tight. :2tup:

07-17-2012, 10:05 AM
We had this discussion on another thread about the same subject, posted I think by the same member.
When I installed my MC guard, I think I had to move the brake pedal less than an inch, more like a half inch, to get clearance from hitting the bottom of the pedal against the top of the guard. I seriously doubt you will notice any difference in pedal height after you do this and your foot shouldn't be riding or resting on the pedal anyway.
When I looked at the MC guard compared to the Baron, not only was the MC less expensive, but I thought it looked stronger because of the length of the flat horizontal bars that attach the lower end of the guard to the frame on the Baron seemed not as strong as the shorter ones on the MC guard, and their angle is different, making them look more likely to bend or twist because of their excessive length with the torque applied to them if you went down. I have no objective evidence that this is the case, that one is stronger than the other, but if you look at the two of them, you can see this for yourself.
Here is a pic of the MC guard for comparison, and there are many pics on here of these guards installed on GZs if you do a search on here.
http://s11.postimage.org/6g0yz500f/MC_guard.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/6g0yz500f/)

07-17-2012, 06:01 PM
I ended up ordering the Baron before I saw your post. I "fretted" over what was the right one to get. When you look at enough websites, you discover that sometimes different manufacturer photos of products are used for supposedly the same item. Some of the retail websites at least state that the actual item might vary from the photo. (One of the manufacturer's websites -- can't remember now if it was Baron MC -- even said that about their own product !!! ) Ultimately, I couldn't draw a conclusion about which photos on the retail websites were reliable.

So, I decided the only reliable photos of the Baron and MC guards were those posted by members in the forum. I did notice the longer length of the attachment "lug" on the Baron was probably what created less potential interference w/ the brake lever. And that's why I went with it. The brake lever clearance might not have been an issue on my 2008 bike. The Baron was actually about $25 less than the MC. Paid $176 w/ free shipping for it. But my focus on the fit. I knew I really disliked the high brake lever on the GZs in the class, which was what steered me to the Baron. Probably just one of those things of not having enough knowledge / info about design and adjustment of the brake lever to know that the MC guard was probably fine for my 2008 bike. But, I also just got worn out over the decision process and wanted it to be over! (Ever been there? ) I hadn't thought about the point you raise (the strength of the Baron Guard). I probably would have fretted over that had I thought of it. Hopefully it will at least install easily. And, hopefully my son and I will never need to test their strength.

07-17-2012, 06:05 PM
Alantf - thanks for the instructions are adjusting the brake lever. I hadn't studied it. I like your recommendation of getting them near level for quick access. I'll work on that when I install the guards. Just from a quick look, I think my Honda Shadow probably adjusts the same way. I know I need to find the brake light switch for the rear brake and adjust it. I have to really apply that hard before it comes on (during our pre-ride inspection). I try to always use both brakes, so the light is coming on with the front brake, but I'd like it adjusted correctly. Thanks for the info.

07-20-2012, 10:35 PM
Boy did I make a mistake with the Baron Engine Guard. It arrived this afternoon and the brake is blocked. My brake pedal must be longer than the one on Kirk's bike (shown in photo above posted Dec 2010). I'll try adjusting the brake pedal, but I think the pedal is going to be much closer to vertical to have enough travel / play to engage the drum pads. These photos are just after installing the engine guard. I've not made any adjustment to the brake yet.

http://s10.postimage.org/76ikwhsh1/DSCF1513.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/76ikwhsh1/)

http://s18.postimage.org/g0o53zosl/DSCF1529.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/g0o53zosl/)

http://s11.postimage.org/l1tkow3e7/DSCF1515.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/l1tkow3e7/)

http://s7.postimage.org/rpqnun1jr/DSCF1516.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/rpqnun1jr/)

http://s11.postimage.org/sj2s43sxb/DSCF1520.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/sj2s43sxb/)

07-20-2012, 10:37 PM
Those are the first photos I've posted. They are too small for me to see much in. So, I'm reposting w/ larger images.

http://s8.postimage.org/e6w3mka5t/DSCF1513.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/e6w3mka5t/)

http://s8.postimage.org/l2gc5o4mp/DSCF1529.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/l2gc5o4mp/)

http://s8.postimage.org/qa1fa4l81/DSCF1515.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/qa1fa4l81/)

http://s8.postimage.org/j83hnxhm9/DSCF1516.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/j83hnxhm9/)

http://s8.postimage.org/r2439bpf5/DSCF1520.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/r2439bpf5/)

07-20-2012, 10:38 PM
Well --- they don't look any larger --- and this time I used the size option for message boards.

07-20-2012, 11:10 PM
Sorry for the double posting of photos.

Here's photos after adjusting the brake lever.

It still hits the crash guard after positioning the level are high as possible -- and after adjusting the rear nut on the brake rod.

mrlmd1 - the flat horizontal bars on the guard (for it to connect to the lower frame area) does have some play in it with just arm pressure. Not sure how it would hold up in skid. But, I can't imagine my brake level not hitting the MC guard if it hitting this Baron Guard. I think I saw a photo of the guard that Alantf talked about -- and it is well above the pedals all together. But, all I could find to purchase were the MC and Baron. I think I'm out of options -- and this will have to go back. Might have to visit the Suzuki dealership and see if they have any suggestions. (I picked yet a different image size option this time --- hope it actually is larger -- without being too large.)

http://s8.postimage.org/xhq32pf1t/DSCF1533.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/xhq32pf1t/)

07-20-2012, 11:13 PM
There must be some resizing trick, as the image size that is posting doesn't change even though I'm saying to resize the photos I upload. (But, I know the actual image size of the photos I'm uploading is large that is being displayed.)

Water Warrior 2
07-21-2012, 12:14 AM
Probably best to return the bars. You could just keep raising the pedal but that would lead to different problems. Your experience is helpful in knowing the Baron bars are a bad fit as is. Maybe some one can offer a solution to the fit problem without a major project ensuing.

07-21-2012, 01:46 AM
I agree. I've already got them repackaged for sending back. I had already raised the pedal has high as the adjustment would permit.

The odd thing is that Kirk posted photos of the Baron engine guard about 18 months ago that looked like a great fit, and he didn't have any problem with clearance. I'm wonder if his bike used a different brake lever. I don't know what year his bike is. Mine is a 2008 - and I know it has a different lever (or at least the brake lever comes adjusted/positioned radically differently) than on the GZ250's used in the motorcycle safety course, which I suspect were older than 2008.

I thought a measurement photo might help someone else decide if the Baron Guard would fit their bike. So, the last picture I posted (with the tape measure) shows the distance (6 3/8 inches) from the front of the rubber encased foot peg to the front edge of the brake pedal --- with the pedal depressed. I regard that as at least 1/2 inch too long for comfortable clearance of the Baron Engine Guard. Even then, you'd have to keep your toe back - and needing precise foot placement is not idea for emergency braking.

07-21-2012, 04:45 AM

This is mine. It's a SPAAN, but dunno if you can get them in America. And I also know that it works well if the bike goes down. The bar got bent, but was still strong enough that my legs were ok.

07-21-2012, 04:50 AM
BTW, to upload the photos, have you used the uploader on the site? Below the "post reply" is the uploader.

Browse>add the file>place in line. When they're posted, one click instantly enlarges them to full screen. :2tup:

07-21-2012, 10:02 AM
I had absolutely no problem with the brake pedal hitting the MC guard after I raised the pedal less than one inch, as I said in previous posts. This is not an issue at all, and depending on where your pedal is at the time of installation, you may not even have to do that. I was quite pleased with the MC guard.

07-21-2012, 02:22 PM
Alantf -- You've got the guard that i want !!! I had seen a photo in another topic that you posted, but I couldn't find a supplier. I did look at what I think was the SPAAN catalog on-line. But, I wasn't sure about ordering it --- and custom's fees, etc. I might have to look into that again. But, I'd definitely be stuck with it once it arrived from overseas.

mrlmd1 - I'll look into the MC guard again. Although it fit perfectly on your bike, the Baron guard fit Kirk's bike perfect only. So, I'm just plain leery of hassle and return shipping expense of ordering another guard that comes that low. But, between the two brands - I wanted to confirm your earlier suspicion that the Baron guard might not be as strong in a crash. The longer connecting arms it has does not make crash bar as rigid as I would like -- especially for a crash.

(Oh, I did use the forum's photo uploader to upload all of the photos -- and selected a different size for each posting, but they all show up the same size. Maybe I'm not clicking on some button / tab or something.)

Thanks everyone. I'm going to the Suzuki dealership today to see what they have to say.

Water Warrior 2
07-21-2012, 04:04 PM
Humble, as you can see the Spaan bar does fit and you know who the supplier is. Do a bit more research to find the exact cost. Look to the U.K. suppliers for Spaan bike parts. They seem to be the cheapest on the globe for some reason and you may get the bars from there without selling your first born.

07-21-2012, 04:13 PM
Word of warning about the SPAAN bars. If you do manage to get one, make sure you order the bars for the 250. The bars for the 125 won't fit. The Spanish supplier sent the 125 bars to the bike shop, and he had to send them back, because the bottom fixings are different, as the 125 has only one exhaust pipe. :)

07-31-2012, 12:50 PM
Thats great info about the brake pedal being so high. All this time I kinda thought it was just me or there was something wrong with my foot. I'll try to adjust it.

Water Warrior 2
07-31-2012, 08:52 PM
Thats great info about the brake pedal being so high. All this time I kinda thought it was just me or there was something wrong with my foot. I'll try to adjust it.
Adjust the pedal for comfort and ease of use. Then adjust the rear brake light switch to come on with just a little movement of the pedal.

08-01-2012, 12:07 AM
I just wanted to add that I bought some crash bars from SPAAN for another bike a few years ago and the shipping charges were reasonable, I think it was about $35 if I remember correctly. I used "Google Translate" to communicate with them and it worked fine. Best of luck with whatever you decide, I definitely feel better having engine guards on my bike.