View Full Version : Info needed on V Star 1100

GZ Jess
08-12-2010, 05:35 PM
So I am doing my research on my next bike. I have been riding my hubby's HD Superglide and I love the power and weight of it but my legs aren't long enough to feel really comfortable on it. I am not really finding a HD that fits what I want so I have started looking into others but I really don't know much about them.

I thought I wanted a Honda Sabre 1100 but I went to a dealership and sat on it and touched about the same as the HD.

Next I sat on the V Star 1100 Silverado (I think) and it instantly felt comfortable. So tell me anything you know about it! Thanks.


08-12-2010, 05:39 PM
I know I'd let you buy me one if you wanted! :biggrin: Thats about all I know about it though sorry.

Easy Rider
08-12-2010, 05:42 PM
Next I sat on the V Star 1100 Silverado (I think) and it instantly felt comfortable. So tell me anything you know about it! Thanks.

Why are you looking at such BIG bikes ??

Did you try something like a Shadow 750.....or a Vulcan 900 even.....or a Suzuki M or C50 ???

The V Star might be the perfect bike for you but you don't NEED 1100 CC's to ride one up......or even 2-up occasionally. Hell, my 600 will exceed the speed limit in every state in the union and nothing will really run away and leave it in the dust.......in most situations......and it still gets 60+ MPG on the highway.

Just making conversation until (if) someone comes along with some real experience with that model. :cool:

08-12-2010, 05:43 PM
Have you considered a Harley Sportster low (883 or 1200)? The seat height is ridiculously low. If you are small of stature you may find a good fit there. I don't personally think you can beat the HD fit and finish, but I'm a Harley guy from way back.

The new 2011 Sportster 883 Super Low is advertising a 25-1/2" seat height. That's (supposedly) the lowest seat height available. $7999 You can see it here: Sportster Super Low (http://www.harley-davidson.com/en_US/Motorcycles/superlow.html)

The 1100 Yamaha is probably going to be a bit large and heavy if you have a short inseam and are a small framed person. You may find the V-Star 650 acceptably low as well, although a little short on highway power.

My best advice is to try them all on for size before you decide. Harley offers test rides so don't be timid. Ask and ye shall receive.

Good luck and keep us posted.

:2tup: :rawk: :2tup:

GZ Jess
08-12-2010, 05:58 PM
Easy, I don't think I have a really good answer for you. I do know that I ride with a bunch of big bikes and although my GZ has done extremely well at teaching me how to ride and can keep up in most situations I do want to ride the highway a little more often. I did think in the 700 range but after a little research they are not much cheaper than the 1100 and I know that I will not "want to" upgrade soon. I do understand that the 700s (and similar) have enough power I just am really trying to limit the number of bikes I buy. My hubby is already giving me grief over wanting a new one now.

Sarris, I too am a Harley girl at heart (even though I don't care what anyone else rides). I did a little research on Sportsters and what I have found is everyone wants to upgrade to the big twin rather quickly, for many different reasons. I have heard a mix of reasons but most ladies I talk to say that if you want to tour or spend hours in the saddle the Sportster is not for that. Some day I would love to have a Deluxe or maybe even a Road King but price is holding me back. So I have found I can go metric and get a similar set up for at least 1/3 of the price. I was able to flat foot the V Star stock. It is very low and wide but the seat tapers in a great deal by the tank. I am interested to see if I like the floor boards and heel toe shifter but those are things that I want.

Thanks everyone. Keep any info you have coming!

Easy Rider
08-12-2010, 08:24 PM
Easy, I don't think I have a really good answer for you.

That's perfectly OK; just be sure that you have a good answer for YOU !! :cool:
I'm just trying to get you to think outside the box a bit.

That is, get a bike that fits you and that you are honestly comfortable with. A lot of relatively new riders sucumb to the "bigger is better" theory and it often is NOT true.

Just don't end up getting more bike that you can handle.......being honest with yourself.
What **I** think doesn't really matter......or anybody else either for that matter. :biggrin:

08-13-2010, 12:25 AM
I'm just gonna interject here a little. 600, 883, 1100, 1200 whatever you decide to upgrade to just be careful on it especially until you and the bike are "one" so to speak and don't let it get away from you and don't get hurt.

Water Warrior 2
08-13-2010, 02:14 AM
Jessica, take a long look at a C-50 Suzuki. 805 cc V-twin with FI, water cooling, drive shaft and not too tallish. Also heel toe shifter and floorboards. Get aftermarket crashbars. They are available with or without bags and shield. Lots of new in the crate 1 or 2 year old bikes in warehouses looking for a new home and the open road. Lynda has a M-50 and really likes it.
The 1100 Star is a very popular bike and there is a boatload of them around here all the time. Haven't ridden one but a few of my coffee buds have one and nary a complaint. The only Yamaha flaw I am aware of is the oil filter issue. Need to remove the pipes to change the filter. An oil filter relocation kit would be nice and not all that spendy in the long run.

08-13-2010, 05:14 AM
I have found I can go metric and get a similar set up for at least 1/3 of the price. I was able to flat foot the V Star stock. It is very low and wide but the seat tapers in a great deal by the tank.

Wouldn't a V Star + a new seat still be cheaper than a Harley? :2tup:

GZ Jess
08-13-2010, 08:31 AM
I have found I can go metric and get a similar set up for at least 1/3 of the price. I was able to flat foot the V Star stock. It is very low and wide but the seat tapers in a great deal by the tank.

Wouldn't a V Star + a new seat still be cheaper than a Harley? :2tup:

Yes, way cheaper and that's why I am going this direction versus the HD!
