View Full Version : Cleghorn Ridge Trail ride (photo slideshow video)
08-08-2010, 03:10 PM
Cleghorn Ridge Trail ride to share.
The trail is locatated in between Cajon and Silverwood Lake at the San Bernadino National Forest.
Total mailage (distance) was 15 miles.
And, the heighest elevation is about 5200 feet.
Clean air and very noisy-less spaces to joy.
The road condition and difficulties are about for me as dirt biginner.
However, there are few very chanllenging sections at the east side riding down to the Silverwood lake.
Steep down and deep ruts with big rocks (not gravels), so riding down from mountain is little tricky.
Many 4x4 trucks were on the trail, and they do really having fun out of the driving (not on riding). ha ha ha
Good sceneries which is hardly achieved by cages on the road.
I felt those cages moving on the freeway little poor when I was looking down them at the up above mountain.
This time, I tried to mount a camera (Kodak ZX3 Play Sport, waterproof and light weight) on the Helmet.
FAILED to achive satisfactory results out of it.
Camera takes good quality videos (HD) and still photos when it is on steady condition with good color saturation; but little warmer than others.
The body movement is transferred to the helmet and camera, and hard to get good stedy video shoots.
Leveling the camera also hard to be achived with this setup.
I put some poor quality video clips which I thought little be leveled better on the end of the video clips... ^^;
Next time, I will go back to Chest Mounting again, far better than helmet setup for me.
Here is some scenery slide show video clips.
Thanks for watching.
08-08-2010, 04:41 PM
Busy - are you riding your street bike out there or did you get a dirt bike?
08-08-2010, 05:43 PM
He got a nice dualsport.
08-08-2010, 06:51 PM
There's nothing wrong with those video clips.
A lot of those trails look pretty similar, but it would be nice to have something like that around here.
I would be watching so much of the road I would miss all the scenery. And I would hate to go over the end of the road down the cliff into the ravine - are those markers at 3:20 on the side of the road where people went over the edge ? (just kidding).
How does that bike ride on a highway with those knobby tires? Is it secure on the road with a good grip on the turns or do you really have to watch yourself in a corner?
08-08-2010, 10:39 PM
Busy - are you riding your street bike out there or did you get a dirt bike?
Hi, Mr. Alan.
I got a yami TW200, a trail bike which is poor man's dual sports bike. ha ha ha
And the spec. of bike is almost similar as GZ250 except 200 cc and dirt-type tires on it.
Air cooled, 5 speed, caburator, and etc...
I don't think that my street bike could go on the even good dirt road well, that's why I got a very budget one to enjoy little bit further.
So far so good for me as very dirt-biginner.
08-08-2010, 10:49 PM
There's nothing wrong with those video clips.
A lot of those trails look pretty similar, but it would be nice to have something like that around here.
I would be watching so much of the road I would miss all the scenery. And I would hate to go over the end of the road down the cliff into the ravine - are those markers at 3:20 on the side of the road where people went over the edge ? (just kidding).
How does that bike ride on a highway with those knobby tires? Is it secure on the road with a good grip on the turns or do you really have to watch yourself in a corner?
Thanks, Mr Mrlmd1..
That I don't know about it, however, I see some truck (migth be 4x4) debries on the road during the yesterday's riding.
Those 4x4 are using pretty steep hills to enjoy their driving, and might be some accident's ?? not sure.
The knobby tires working just fine on the street, but not that comfortable feeling.
As this bike's max speed is very low, I don't have much bad feeing about it.
About the cornering, thankfully this bike tyres are fat very fat compare to the other dirt bikes.
Rear: 180, 80, Frong 130, 80, therefore, even with these knooby I can lean more degrees than my street bike >> not kidding... ha ha ha
And just sticky as my street bike is doing, very satisfied with tire performances on the cornnering.
I saw little bit street friendly version of dual sports tyres from internet forum, but it will have some disadvantages when bike is on the dirt.
If riders' main usage of this bike is short commuting, and then that tires are good for them.
08-09-2010, 07:34 PM
He got a nice dualsport.
Thanks, Mr. ncff07...for explaination !!!
Water Warrior 2
08-13-2010, 03:11 AM
Busy, your helmet mount may not be as good as a chest mount but it does work as a training aid. The helmet mount shows you where you are looking and what you being concerned with while riding. A very nice video regardless of the camera mount. I do know a lot of street riders will just shake their heads at a 15 mile ride on dirt but I know it is worth much more than any 15 mile ride on pavement. Years ago I would take a week off and ride 50 to 60 miles a days in the foothills of the Canadian Rockies. A good dirt bike is the most fun you can have with your clothes on. Or you can have a riding companion and experience the best of both worlds. lol.
08-14-2010, 12:48 AM
Busy, your helmet mount may not be as good as a chest mount but it does work as a training aid. The helmet mount shows you where you are looking and what you being concerned with while riding. A very nice video regardless of the camera mount. I do know a lot of street riders will just shake their heads at a 15 mile ride on dirt but I know it is worth much more than any 15 mile ride on pavement. Years ago I would take a week off and ride 50 to 60 miles a days in the foothills of the Canadian Rockies. A good dirt bike is the most fun you can have with your clothes on. Or you can have a riding companion and experience the best of both worlds. lol.
Yes.. I felt that my head is shaking like hawaian-toy-girl on the cage ... ha ha ha.
Actually, I did not wanted look at the side of the road sceneris while riding, but also wanted to catch on the video some of them.
That's why few part of video shows that my eyse were out of the road directions. ^^;
I still do not have that much currage for the long time.. ha ha ha, I had to keep my eyes on the front of the road where I'm going through.
Thanks !!!
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