View Full Version : Possible low idle?
08-01-2010, 01:22 AM
Hi everyone,
I'm new here from California. I just bought a 2007 GZ250 and I really love it. :D I have one thing that's bothering me though...
After the engine warms up, while idling, I notice, more so at night, that the lights very slightly flicker. Is this due to a low idling issue or is this just how GZ250's operate? It doesn't sound like it's going to stall so much, just looks like it's a bit on the low side.
08-01-2010, 04:46 AM
Hi there, & welcome.
Suzuki recommend an idle speed of 1200 to 1400 rpm (with the engine THOROUGHLY warmed up). This should be your starting point, to get it adjusted to what YOU feel comfortable with. The adjusting is done with the big white knob under the tank (under the carb) Once the engine is really hot, don't be afraid to reach down & tweak it every time you stop, until you get it to your liking. :2tup:
Easy Rider
08-01-2010, 10:11 AM
It doesn't sound like it's going to stall so much, just looks like it's a bit on the low side.
I think we've discussed this here before but don't remember the outcome.
I suspect what you observed is perfectly normal, resulting from the regulator trying to keep the voltage up when it really can't at idle. It won't hurt to tweek the idle speed up just a bit but you shouldn't use the flickering lights as your gauge of whether or not it is right. It is generally better to have the idle a little high rather than low.
Your friendly local Zuki dealer should be able to set it for you; probably no charge as it only takes about a minute if you have the right meter. After that, you can tweek it just a little bit if you are uncomfortable with the recommended setting. Just be sure the shop KNOWS what the recommended setting IS; they are sometimes brain dead from setting V-twins on the low side.
08-01-2010, 12:42 PM
I think I read that thread Easy is refering to. I believe it was mentioned the generator barely puts out enough power AT IDLE to keep the battery charged, so once you go above idle there should be no flickering lights. If you think the bike's idle is too low, go to youtube and listen to a few GZ's to get an idea of what it should be (if you don't have a tach).
08-01-2010, 03:02 PM
I have a tach and at 1300 rpm idle the light flickers a bit indeed.
I'd say, no worries, it's the way things are.
As soon as you open the throttle, the lights go back to a steady bright.
Regarding idling, when the engine is warm, it still idles quite low (1200-1300 rpm) and not until it' s really hot, it idles at 1300-1400 rpm.
Here, mine is idling at around 1400 rpm:
Easy Rider
08-01-2010, 06:52 PM
Here, mine is idling at around 1400 rpm:
Do you have the tach set for "dual fire" ??
If you don't, it will read twice the real speed.
That sounds more like 700 RPMs to me.
I think it is WAY too slow.
Hard to tell for sure from a video but it seems on the verge of stumbling and that is NOT right.
1400 should be way smoother than that.
08-02-2010, 04:48 AM
That sounds more like 700 RPMs to me.
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