View Full Version : New tire help...

07-29-2010, 09:45 AM
So its about time for a new set of tires.

I am finding it hard to get a front tire in the right size 110/90/16. Currently I have a 100/90/16 on the front rather than the 110 that it came stock with. The 100/90/16 was on it when I got it.

I am thinking about ordering some Kenda Cruisers 130/90/15 and 100/90/16. (they dont come in 110/90/16)

So some questions....
1. What do they put on the GZ from the factory???

2. I have been running the 100/90/16 on front and it seems okay, but is it a good idea to go with that size again, or will the bike perform better with a 110/90/16?


Easy Rider
07-29-2010, 09:51 AM
I have been running the 100/90/16 on front and it seems okay, but is it a good idea to go with that size again, or will the bike perform better with a 110/90/16?

That difference is TINY. You should be perfectly fine. A fresh set of tires will probably feel different in the beginning but it won't be from that little size difference.

07-29-2010, 09:58 AM
I have always ran the KENDA Cruisers & challengers with good luck.The original 110-90/16 is hard to get.Even the dealers will order the 100-90/16 to replace the orginal.

:) :cool:

07-29-2010, 10:16 AM
I got a 120-80 for the front and it was fine. The tiny difference in tire size from stock specs makes no difference in any way. See some of the other tire threads on here, do a search.

07-29-2010, 11:40 AM
FYI; 120-80/16

The 120 is the tread width in millimeters and the 80 is the sidewall height stated as percentage of width. The last number is the rim diameter.

So... the tire is 120mm wide and the sidewall is 80% of 120mm = 96mm.
