View Full Version : Rejetting...which?

07-27-2010, 08:53 PM
I seem to read on here that most of you are changing the pilot jet (120 stock) when changing the air filter / muffler?

Any reason why you're not changing the main jet or other jet? Just curious why the pilot get's changed...


07-27-2010, 09:20 PM
I seem to read on here that most of you are changing the pilot jet (120 stock) when changing the air filter / muffler?

Any reason why you're not changing the main jet or other jet? Just curious why the pilot get's changed...


It is the main jet that gets changed not the pilot jet.The pilot jet only affects the idle circuit and gets adjusted after the plug is drilled out.The main jet is #120.The main jet affects 3/4 to wide open throttle.The needle shim affects 1/4 to 3/4 throttle.For best results all three mods are done. When I done mine I used a #132 main jet.I hope this makes it a little clearer for you.
:smallrawk: :tup:

07-28-2010, 08:59 AM
On the Suzuki parts diagram, the "pilot air jet" is listed as the #120, and the main and other jet were like .065 and something else... Wonder if the diagram is/was wrong that the dealer was showing me...

07-28-2010, 05:20 PM
On the Suzuki parts diagram, the "pilot air jet" is listed as the #120, and the main and other jet were like .065 and something else... Wonder if the diagram is/was wrong that the dealer was showing me...

Something is wrong.The main jet has #120 stamped on it when you remove it.Any main jets you buy will have the number stamped on them.Dealer was likely showing you wrong diagram.

:rawk: :)