View Full Version : 2011 models on Suzuki site.
07-19-2010, 05:10 PM
I see Suzuki has posted their 2011 models on their site. Slim pickings, indeed. The GZ is gone, but the TU is back!
07-19-2010, 05:29 PM
I kind of figured they'd ax the GeeZer in the US because it needed fuel injection and catalyst to pass the 2011 emission regs.
It's a shame, as I think most would pay a few $$ more to get the updated version.
07-19-2010, 05:33 PM
I agree with you Sarris. Maybe they just need a little more time to re-engineer things and they'll re-introduce it in a fuel injection version next year. With this economy, re-tooling for a new model line or a major engine change has got to be hard to justify. I don't see them putting the same engine from the TU into the GZ even though they share a lot of similarities, something about the exhaust on the TU just doesn't transfer to the "Cruiser" look. I think the Vulcan 500 was probably axed for similar reasons.
New GZ250
07-19-2010, 06:24 PM
The TU250 is not currenting available for sale in California due to CARB regulations.(California Air Resource Board) guess this only leaves the Kawasaki Nija 250 and the Yamaha V Star 250. Fewer and fewer small bikes available for the beginner and others. Many of the smaller to mid-size bikes can't be sold here. Thats why I have a Triumph Bonneville, would of gone smaller but nothing really available.
Easy Rider
07-19-2010, 07:47 PM
The TU250 is not currenting available for sale in California due to CARB regulations.(California Air Resource Board)
Are you familiar with the details of that ??
It could be that Zuki just hasn't submitted that model for certification yet.
But then it seems I remember that EVERYTHING on the road was going to need a CAT very soon now.
07-19-2010, 08:35 PM
So, will this make my '08 more saleable or less saleable?
07-19-2010, 08:41 PM
So, will this make my '08 more saleable or less saleable?
I think, if they really stopped making them, more saleable, because
a) it is relatively newer than the average GZ250 around.
b) the parts from previous model years fit it.
07-19-2010, 10:25 PM
Alan, usually, older vehicles are only required to meet the restrictions that were in effect the year they were manufactured. So, your GZ should be very marketable in California, as long as it met the California restrictions for that bike in 2008. I personally believe that Kawasaki produced more 2009 Vulcan 500's than they expected to sale, so that they would still be available for sale as new bikes in 2010, even though they wouldn't have met the air pollution restrictions if they had been manufactured in 2010. This is one area where motorcycle manufacturers may have a slight advantage over car manufacturers. Cars that are left over from previous model years are extremely difficult to sell, and usually require a substantial discount for someone to consider buying one, thus, the introduction of next years models well before the end of the calendar year. However, there seems to be much less reluctance on the part of motorcycle buyers to buying last years model as a new bike, as long as there's some price incentive to do so.
New GZ250
07-19-2010, 11:22 PM
[quote="New GZ250":3d0qurti]The TU250 is not currenting available for sale in California due to CARB regulations.(California Air Resource Board)
Are you familiar with the details of that ??
It could be that Zuki just hasn't submitted that model for certification yet.
But then it seems I remember that EVERYTHING on the road was going to need a CAT very soon now.[/quote:3d0qurti]
I read a review for the 2009/2010 TU250 and it indicated the TU was coming to California in the future, kinda crazy because fuel injection burns a lot cleaner. I did a fast Google search and I don't see any for sale in California. Leave it to the regulators, I assume California would be a big market for Suzuki. When I bought my 09 GZ the TU wasn't an option.
Quote from Rider Magazine, they did a road test/review on the TU.
"You can’t buy a TU250X in California as I write this, but Suzuki has a Golden State version in the works. I hope it shows up soon. As a small, economical motorcycle for short trips the TU is easy to get along with and doesn’t try to be anything it’s not—just what you’d look for in a friend."
Water Warrior 2
07-20-2010, 12:14 AM
Quite a few 2010's and 2011's will not be on Suzuki's website until the current sales slump disappears. Some models just will not be produced until current inventories of new bikes of any year are sold off. Many 2 year old bikes are still sitting in crates ready to go home with some one. No manufacturer is immune to the economy and it's ups and downs. They will just produce what is most in demand to keep the doors open.
07-21-2010, 02:00 AM
I do want a TU, but I am having trouble talking myself into accepting that color. I wonder if Suzuki got a good deal on Chinese military surplus vehicle paint.
07-21-2010, 03:32 AM
I stopped by the local Suzuki dealership Tuesday and asked about all the models that were showing 2008, 2009, and 2010 as current. The salesman told me what WW explained above: they won't make any more of those models until current inventory is sold. That in itself does not mean that they are dropping anything from the line.
07-21-2010, 01:50 PM
Phewww.... I am glad to hear that you actually confirmed what WW said dhg. I would hate to think that they would axe the GZ250, especially considering how much gas costs nowadays.
It makes sense though, as I was at my local dealer last week, and they still have a brand new 2009 GZ sitting there for sale. I think the whole "Harley" craze got everyone hooked into buying the big, loud, flashy bikes. But when I looked at the mileage those bikes get, it made me wonder for how much longer that craze will last. Of course, no one really buys a bike like that for the great mileage now, do they? LOL!
I'll take my 70mpg - they can have the "cool" image :2tup:
AZ Kev
07-21-2010, 02:08 PM
When I was looking for my bike I found dozens of 2009's. They seem to sell fairly well but they're still out there. I would like to upgrade to a brand new one in a couple of years so my hope is that they will still be available. I don't really want a TU. I like it and all but like the GZ much better. I can't see myself, at this point, getting a rebel. I do, however, like the Star a lot but the GZ is a much better value IMO.
07-21-2010, 02:56 PM
I think the whole "Harley" craze got everyone hooked into buying the big, loud, flashy bikes. But when I looked at the mileage those bikes get, it made me wonder for how much longer that craze will last. Of course, no one really buys a bike like that for the great mileage now, do they? LOL!
I'll take my 70mpg - they can have the "cool" image :2tup:
Have you ever ridden a Harley? I suggest you do before you paint all Harley owners (including me) with such a large brush. I have been riding for almost 40 years and IMHO, you can't beat a Glide for comfort and amenities. I'm sorry if you've had a bad experience with a HD owner. Most are just regular guys and embrace anyone who has the cajones to ride. Remember, it's not what you ride, it is the ride.
So.....please stop the continuing, unwarranted, and ignorant Harley insults. They are unbecoming for an intelligent friendly fellow.
Thanks! :)
07-21-2010, 03:29 PM
IMHO, you can't beat a Glide for comfort and amenities.
I'm sure I remember you saying that you got one of the last good ones, & that the later versions (the six speed, if I remember rightly) had a lot of problems with cooling, vibrations etc. I think you said that it cost $1000 to put right the faults on new machines. :) :??:
07-21-2010, 03:55 PM
I just got back from checking out the local motorcycle shops, just to see what is available out of curiosity. I was surprised to see the huge number of used Harleys and othe big bikes they have at low prices. One guy said he is not accepting any more because he doesn't have any place to put them. But not a single 250 was to be seen. When I said I was looking for something in the 250 to 400 range, the guy said he no longer sells them because after a few weeks the owners bring them back wanting to trade up to something bigger. This sounded odd; if they are bringing back the small bikes, why are there none to be found on the used market around here, and if they are trading up to big bikes, why are there so many used big bikes available? I think he was trying to discourage me from a small bike hoping I would buy a big one.
07-21-2010, 03:59 PM
Dentheman, I went to several bike shops before I found mine and when I said I was looking for something with a 250 engine most of the people said "So are we". They sell fairly well. This guy was probably just a crab apple haha
07-21-2010, 04:09 PM
Dentheman, I went to several bike shops before I found mine and when I said I was looking for something with a 250 engine most of the people said "So are we". They sell fairly well. This guy was probably just a crab apple haha
Here in West Texas I have yet to see any 250 on the road in a year or more. They seem to be big bikes and scooters, nothing in between. When I finally do get my small bike I think it will be something of a curiosity to the locals. I am thinking seriously (still) of a GZ or a TU, particularly the nicer looking 2009 TU (compared to the less 'attractive' looking 2011 TU).
07-21-2010, 04:10 PM
Alantf; your memory is correct, although the problems I mentioned were mostly limited to the one model year after the introduction of a new motor (EPA regs) and transmission, and most were corrected in the subsequent model year (as well as under warranty on the affected models).
As far as the "faults" you mention, Harley owners call it (in jest) the Harley tax and it includes an upgraded exhaust, ignition module, and free flow air cleaner. The stock bike runs great off the showroom floor but most owners want a bit louder exhaust, hence the need for the ignition module and air cleaner. Not really faults, just a preference most owners opt for. You take my "Harley humor" the wrong way.
There is no better finished, better embellished, comfortable motorcycle available. They offer more options and add-ons than any other manufacturer, and as I said before, their dealer service is impeccable, if a little expensive.
All I'm saying is , how can you say you don't like oranges if you haven't tasted one? Everyone likes to talk down Harley because of the horror stories from the 70's when they were owned by AMF. Those days are long gone and they make one fine motorcycle today. Try one, you may like it.
Oh... I forgot, you live on an island with about 200 miles of road. Sorry. :cry:
LOL :whistle:
And Den, there are a lot of used ones available because of the high initial cost vs. the bad economy. People are trying to get their cash out for other uses. It's like that with expensive cars as well. There will be a herd of 250's on the market when (if) the economy turns around. Mark my words.
There are rich boy weekend leather up HD riders (usually assholes) and there are real bikers who use their scoot daily. I consider myself the latter. And for my main bike, it's Harley Davidson all the way. Period.
Easy Rider
07-21-2010, 04:24 PM
You take my "Harley humor" the wrong way.
That's a 2-way street, I think.
YOU seem to take some of the ribbing a little too seriously too.
A couple of months ago, I made a comment about folks on the "left coast" and now Alan won't hardly talk to me anymore. Can't we all just get along ???
If those comments never elicited a reaction they would become much less frequent, I believe.
07-21-2010, 04:24 PM
I have to admit, and I never thought I would say this, but the new sportster Forty-Eight makes me want an HD. If I had the money I would buy one. Thats a beautiful bike. Also, I did think HD had the same problems from the 70's. I always heard people call them Hardleys cuz they "hardly ever run". I'm glad to hear they are better bikes these days. For me, the Indians are the nicest looking but they're also very expensive.
07-21-2010, 04:33 PM
Yeah, it's funny the first 20 times or so.............
O_o :whistle: O_o :whistle:
07-21-2010, 06:32 PM
I like some harleys there nice bikes. Some harleys I wouldnt have if someone gave it to me. Same with them all. I like my GZ but the TU i dont. And Ive caught comments that goes both ways on my GZ. Had an older guy say he likes it then ask me if it WAS a harley, then later told a couple other guys it looks just like a small HD. But another guy i know rides a sports bike with a big motor, he seen my bike and laughed and told me boy thats a real powerhouse! I looked at him and said yea well its 2 wheels aint it? That shut him up pretty quick
07-21-2010, 07:09 PM
I used to have a Ninja and I considered anyone on 2 wheels a biker. I rode with people with 250's. People who just got to have the big motor and call other bikes slow are the kind that eventually get themselves killed and give us all a bad name. Live and let ride I say!
07-21-2010, 08:26 PM
When I said I was looking for something in the 250 to 400 range, the guy said he no longer sells them because after a few weeks the owners bring them back wanting to trade up to something bigger. This sounded odd; if they are bringing back the small bikes, why are there none to be found on the used market around here, and if they are trading up to big bikes, why are there so many used big bikes available?
:2tup: Hooray, someone has their gray cells working and puts it in writing, very eloquently ! Bravo !
07-21-2010, 08:33 PM
A couple of months ago, I made a comment about folks on the "left coast" and now Alan won't hardly talk to me anymore. Can't we all just get along ???
I pulled one on him on the Tag O'Rama thread and haven't seen him post there since.
Alan, I sincerely apologize for getting you upset in any way, about the tag-o-rama rules. It was never my true intention to question the validity of your tag (the one you didn't move the bike for).
And for what it's worth, I do appreciate your presence here. :bow:
07-22-2010, 05:08 PM
Sarris - my apologies if the comments I made came off as insulting or demeaning to ALL Harley riders, as that was not my intent. I can see however, how it could have been interpreted that way, and so I will offer my apology to ALL Harley riders here, and make sure that I don't make such "blanket" comments anymore.
I am not a Harley basher - far from it. I guess what I was referring to is that select group of riders - of all bikes, actually - that tend to look down on anyone who isn't riding "their kind" of bike, be it a Ducati, a sport bike, a bobber, or even a Harley. People who fall into that category, and go shopping for a motorcycle, typically don't use mpg as the major deciding factor - as I did when I bought my GZ. That's all I was really saying, that if someone were to buy a bike solely on miles per gallon, while trying to retain that actual motorcycle feel, not wanting a scooter, then it seems to me like the GZ, or the Rebel, or something equivalent is the way to go.
All that being said, this is a GZ250 forum, and I thought maybe I was in the "trust tree" here, and could enjoy some freedom from the bashing/humiliation that SOME - not all - Harley riders dish out to those of us who ride smaller bikes. But I stand corrected, and will use better manners and etiquette from here on out.
AZ Kev
Easy Rider
07-22-2010, 06:42 PM
All that being said, this is a GZ250 forum, and I thought maybe I was in the "trust tree" here, and could enjoy some freedom from the bashing/humiliation that SOME - not all - Harley riders dish out to those of us who ride smaller bikes. But I stand corrected, and will use better manners and etiquette from here on out.
**I** think Sarris over-reacted. Not the first time and won't be the last. :biggrin:
Big of you to offer an appology; good show. :tup:
07-23-2010, 09:54 PM
Right on Easy - thanks for the vote of support :2tup:
I try to follow the Hippocratic Oath whenever possible : "first, do no harm".
AZ Kev
07-25-2010, 03:08 PM
I'm 56 years old and have loved riding motorcycles since I was eight. I have a Sportster right now. We will be moving to the Big Island of Hawaii in a year or two.We already bought a house there. I recently sold my 2007 Yamaha XT225 dual sport and have my 2007 Royal Enfield 500 Bullet on consignment. I'm trimming the herd as shipping mainland to Hawaii costs big bucks. We will not be taking any furniture.Just probably my Sportster, my wife's SYM HD200 scooter, my tools, maybe out Toyota pickup, and a few other things. I can tell you that, once we move (and possibly before) I will be getting a smaller motorcycle (and will probably keep my XL883). I am thinking about another small dual sport-maybe a Suzuki DR200 (there is a Suzuki dealer in Hilo about 15 miles away). I would also consider a GZ250 street bike. Gas is always lots more money there. I do most of my own maintenance, so I prefer simple air cooled and non-EFI motorcycles. Also, I won't buy a bike with shim type valve adjusters.They are way more difficult to adjust, and you must buy the shims making you more dependant on the dealers.
I didn't want to sell the XT225, but someone approached me to buy it, and I sold as I am having to get rid of "things" as I can for the move.
Here is my short list of bikes I may buy:
1.Suzuki DR200
2. Yamaha XT225
3.Honda CRF230 dual sport
4.Honda Rebel
4.Suzuli GZ250
5.Yamaha Virago 250
This is all just to show that even an old geezer like me with almost 50 years of riding can still have fun riding smaller motorcycles. I believe that the industry (and I work in the industry) perpetuates the myth that you must have an ever larger and larger motorcycle with more power, more complexity, etc. This is simply a crock. I have toured with full camping gear on multi state trips with a 350cc thumper dual sport bike and had a blast doing it. Out modern bikes are approaching (and exceeding) 2000ccs (Yamaha designed,built, tested and dropped an over 2000cc street cruiser).
I think, if I had to have only one motorcycle, it might have to be something like a Suzuki DR650 (a 350 or 500 would be better,but nobody makes one).
07-25-2010, 08:14 PM
I cant say for any of the others on your list except the Rebel and GZ, I've been on both of those and the GZ just fits me better and is more comfortable. I felt a tad cramped on the Rebel. Guess it goes without saying but try before you buy. :2tup: Good luck on your move.
Water Warrior 2
07-26-2010, 01:43 AM
Suzuki make a nice 400 cc enduro. They also make a Motard version of that bike that is very popular.
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