View Full Version : Grass Mountain Trail, (Photo/Video)

07-18-2010, 07:29 AM
Grass Mountain Trail, includes Forest Service Rd. 7N01 and 6N04.
I lost (missed) these trails at the last weekend riding, because of the mis-reading the map.
Actually, I didn't planned these but some stories forced me to go and ride there.

My today's trail plan was "Santa Clara Divide Road".
However, as alwasy, the planned road was closed since last wild fire.
Second plan, got a trail from the Book of "Sourthern California Back Country Road".
"Rowher Trail", which is not far from my original destination.
Ha ha ha, when I saw the trail sign, I had to just say "What the xxxx!"
Sign says that "MOST DIFFICULT".....

O.K., I made mind to go to the last weekend's trails again but the parts where I missed.
Grass Mountain Trail, easy and fun for me. ^^;

Last weekend, I had learned some lessons about the riding preparation under the hot weather condition.
So, I do prepared.
Lighter mesh jacket and pants( I did not on today this pants ), and Camel Back-Pack.
For the convenience, I put the mounting for my GPS on the handle bar.
Small kid's toy watch also attached on the handle bar too; GPS shows time ha ha ha, anyway no cost at all.
For the riding back to home from trail, I had to change bike tires pressure.
Yes, I do installed 12 V power outlet to use my mini air pump which I had never used on the road.
It certainely helpful, easy air pumping and worked charm for me and bike.

Even if it was very short trail riding, the riding and sceneris were wonderful.
And I'm getting some confidence over dirt riding with my new toy.

Here is today's short photo/video riding clips to share with.



Water Warrior 2
07-18-2010, 12:56 PM
Excellent video Busy. The TW seems to be a great little mule for exploring.

07-18-2010, 03:15 PM
Wow, I missed your post last month when you bought this bike. Nice bike and perfect for the kind of exploring you like to do, Busy. In a couple of years you'll have every rideable road and trail memorized AND on video and people will be looking at you as the Guru of So Cal roads and trails.

07-18-2010, 07:47 PM
Excellent video Busy. The TW seems to be a great little mule for exploring.


Yes, it is like Mule of bike... ha ha ha
I did change rear sproket (just little bit smaller) size for comfortable highway commuting.
If it wasn't changed, it might run like a real mule at the trails I guess !!

07-18-2010, 07:52 PM
Wow, I missed your post last month when you bought this bike. Nice bike and perfect for the kind of exploring you like to do, Busy. In a couple of years you'll have every rideable road and trail memorized AND on video and people will be looking at you as the Guru of So Cal roads and trails.

Where have you been Mr. Moedad?
I didn't see you in the forum some time ??

Anyway, thanks for the comments.
Yes, this bike is much like GZ250 on the dirt, so far so good and lovely toy.
Did you know that bike TW200 went to the North Pole decades ago ?... ha ha ha
And it's design has never changed like gz's design...