View Full Version : Finally made the move.
07-14-2010, 11:48 PM
Sold my G.Z. today. :itsokay: After 31/2 years and 44000 kms, didn't want to let go.A lady 51 bought it as her first bike.I had advertised It for $2200.00 secretly hoping nobody would pay that much for a 1999 model.Husband & wife looked and bought it on the spot,didn't even try to beat me down!I was shocked,didn't have a clue what I was going to buy for that amount of money.Long story short,I found a 1990 Kawasaki 454 LTD with 8000 kms for $1200.00.Real good shape,new MVI,new tires,and new drive belt.As for this forum I'm sticking around.If the Kawasaki works as good as my G.Z. did,than I made a good buy with some money left over for windshield & saddle bags. (
Water Warrior 2
07-15-2010, 12:06 AM
Far out. Good price for the GZ and the Kawi should work well with that low kms. You will have to post some pics and show us the new ride.
07-15-2010, 12:34 AM
You sold your GZ??? :poorbaby:
07-15-2010, 05:16 AM
After 31/2 years and 44000 kms,
Just noticed something - nothing whatsoever to do with bikes! As you probably know, I'm a complete dum dum with computers .......... so allow me to be a smartarse, & show off my limited knowledge ( :neener: ) For the half, you've used one>slash>Two. If you hold down the Alt, then type in 171, you get ½. Similarly, 172 gets ¼ & 0190 gets ¾. Phew ..... me knowing about computers.......... never thought it'd happen in a million years :lol: :lol: :lol:
07-15-2010, 06:47 AM
I tried that,doesn't work for me.I have "WINDOWS 7" would that make a difference?
:??: O_o
When I hold down "ALT' & hit 171 it does nothing.
:2tup: :roll:
07-15-2010, 07:30 AM
Ah....... I'm on XP. ....... Not so smart as I thought I was. :blush: :oops:
07-15-2010, 07:43 AM
Congratulations on the "new" bike. I'm right there with you, although I haven't actually sold my GZ yet. I misplaced my title and an waiting for a replacement from the state. I have a feeling you're really going to enjoy the Kawasaki.
And, just to show how smart I am, I finally figure out what P.E.I. stands for!
3-D Video
07-15-2010, 09:16 AM
And, just to show how smart I am, I finally figure out what P.E.I. stands for!
Well, I ain't so smart. What does P.E.I. stand for???
Prince Edward Island?
Pretty Empty Inside?
07-15-2010, 10:54 AM
And, just to show how smart I am, I finally figure out what P.E.I. stands for!
Well, I ain't so smart. What does P.E.I. stand for???
Prince Edward Island?
Pretty Empty Inside?
I don't think you give yourself enough credit. :)
Water Warrior 2
07-15-2010, 12:00 PM
I used to think NY NY was a typo.
3-D Video
07-15-2010, 12:17 PM
Please Educate the Idiot, this is Prime Engine Information! :)
07-15-2010, 01:24 PM
Prince Edward Island
Perfunctory Explanation, Indeed. Previous Excerpt Included.
3-D Video
07-15-2010, 02:37 PM
A Palpably Entertaining Interaction, though I find any Positive Effect Illusive (again, I'm Probably Echoing my Ignorance), so, Please. Enough. I give…
What does P.E.I. stand for?
07-15-2010, 04:06 PM
Ok, let's try a different tack:
Prince Edwards Island's
Acronym is P.E.I.
Land cradled on waves
- haiku
Water Warrior 2
07-15-2010, 04:41 PM
Ok, let's try a different tack:
Prince Edwards Island's
Acronym is P.E.I.
Land cradled on waves
- haiku
Yup, and they have a real bitchin bridge from the mainland. Tall enough for freighters to go under, strong enough to resist winter ice flows and long enough to need a car or bike.
3-D Video
07-15-2010, 05:23 PM
Ok, let's try a different tack:
- haiku
Fuel from petcock pours
through carburetors float bowl
drowned in sea of gas
Pop, stumble, fume, die
there's no fuel like an old fuel
use Berryman 12
Main, reserve, P.E.I.
I am gazing at the moon
now floor has caught fire
If only I knew
to switch it over to main
I would be alive
3-D Video
07-15-2010, 05:27 PM
Yup, and they have a real bitchin bridge from the mainland. Tall enough for freighters to go under, strong enough to resist winter ice flows and long enough to need a car or bike.
Water Warrior, you seem like a real nice guy... I'm beginning to have my doubts about BillinGA :)
Do you know what P.E.I. stands for?
07-15-2010, 07:27 PM
Prince Edward Island
Petroleum Equipment Institute
Precision Engineering Institute
Public Enterprise Institute
Pacific Ecological Institute
Prince Edward Island's
Professional Educators of Iowa
Pittsburgh Electrical Insulation
Prince Edward Islanders
Private Equity International
Private Equity Investments
Production Engineering Institute
Pack Expo International
Palm Edition Intel
Palmer Eye Institute
Parlay Entertainment Inc
Participant Expansion Initiative
Participation Enhancement Intervention
Partners for Economic Inclusion
Paso Electric Issues
Paxar's Excess Inventories
Pennsylvania Ear Institute
Personal Experience Inventory
Personnel Excel as Investigative
Petroleum Equipment Institutecottages
Petroleum Equipment Institute's
Philadelphia Exhibitions Initiative
Philadelphia Exhibitions Intiative
Phoenix Energy Institute
Physical Education Index
Pickup Engine Identification
Plans Evidence of Insurability
Plant Electrical Instrumentation
Polio Eradication Initiative
Polycom Expands Industry's
Porcelain Enamel Institute
Poverty and Environment Initiative
Power Electronics Inc
Power Engineering International
Powertech Engines Inc
Practical Education Institute
Precision Engineering Industries
Predict Energy Intake
Prevention and Early Intervention
Price Edward Island
Prince Edward Islands
Prince Edwards Islands
Princeton Environmental Institute
Principal End Item
Private Equity Industry
Private Equity Investor
Private Equity Investors
Productive Engineering Inc
Products and Equipment Impellers
Products Ethox International
Professional Education Institute
Professional Education International
Professional Engineering Institute
Professional Engineers in Industry
Project Education Inc
Provide Evidence of Identification
Public Education Initiative
Pump Engineering Inc
hehehehehehe :lol: :lol: :lol:
07-15-2010, 08:26 PM
I tried that,doesn't work for me.I have "WINDOWS 7" would that make a difference?
:??: O_o
When I hold down "ALT' & hit 171 it does nothing.
:2tup: :roll:
Try again - Hold down ALT and use the keys on the numeric keypad, with 'NUMLOCK' on (such that they generate numbers when typed, not "Home", "PG UP" etc.)
(edit:) After you hit the number(s), let go of the ALT key and the symbol should appear. ALT 56 = 8
ALT 1, 2, 3 = ?,?,? etc. (don't do ALT 4, it works like "Go back one page")
ALT 247 and 253 = ? and ²
Oh and also congrats on your new bike, may it serve you as well as the GZ did. :2tup:
Water Warrior 2
07-15-2010, 11:05 PM
Ok, let's try a different tack:
Prince Edwards Island's
Acronym is P.E.I.
Land cradled on waves
- haiku
Yup, and they have a real bitchin bridge from the mainland. Tall enough for freighters to go under, strong enough to resist winter ice flows and long enough to need a car or bike.
3-D VIDEO..............Reread my quote. A good hint there. :whistle:
Actually just grab a map and all will be explained.
3-D Video
07-16-2010, 03:06 AM
Land cradled on waves
- haiku
hehehehehehe :lol: :lol: :lol:
grab a map and all will be explained.
So, the Japanese have trouble pronouncing "R"?
You have taught me that True Self is found in the company of others. This humble Grasshopper bows to your Buddha nature :)
BTW, Blaine, congratulations on your new bike :2tup: :2tup: :2tup:
07-16-2010, 04:15 AM
So, the Japanese have trouble pronouncing "R"?
There used to be a bumper sticker, in England, to put on Datsuns........ "I'm backing Blitain" :biggrin:
07-16-2010, 04:40 AM
Wow! I've been missing all the fun.
Congratulations on the "New" bike. The 454 LTD is the predecessor of the Vulcan 500. May you have many miles of smiles. Can't believe you got that much for the GZ. If I ever decide to get rid of mine (unlikely) I think I'll have you sell it for me.
07-16-2010, 04:56 AM
Wow! I've been missing all the fun.
Congratulations on the "New" bike. The 454 LTD is the predecessor of the Vulcan 500. May you have many miles of smiles. Can't believe you got that much for the GZ. If I ever decide to get rid of mine (unlikely) I think I'll have you sell it for me.
Thanks.I really lucked out,both on the sale and the buy.I put on about 300 kms yesterday.Man, what a difference in comfort and speed.Rode the G.Z. for so long I forgot what a bigger bike felt like.Makes the whole transition a lot easier.I was having doubts till I rode the Kawasaki. ( (
3-D Video
07-16-2010, 05:31 AM
I don't even believe it!!! :retard:
This whole time I thought that the Prime position on the fuel selector was labeled "P.E.I." instead of "PRI".
Somewhere between Blaine's location, and God knows what, I got my wires crossed.
Now it all makes sense… Sheesh! :bong:
Boy! You guys sure have been patient with me :)
07-16-2010, 05:50 AM
I don't even believe it!!! :retard:
This whole time I thought that the Prime position on the fuel selector was labeled "P.E.I." instead of "PRI".
Somewhere between Blaine's location, and God knows what, I got my wires crossed.
Now it all makes sense… Sheesh! :bong:
Boy! You guys sure have been patient with me :) ( (
07-16-2010, 02:48 PM
I don't even believe it!!! :retard:
This whole time I thought that the Prime position on the fuel selector was labeled "P.E.I." instead of "PRI".
Somewhere between Blaine's location, and God knows what, I got my wires crossed.
Now it all makes sense… Sheesh! :bong:
Boy! You guys sure have been patient with me :)
Holy smokes! I had no idea! I thought you were just yanking my chain pretending not to know what P.E.I. was. I guess confusion ran both ways.
Seriously, for the longest time I couldn't figure what pei stood for in blaine's signature. Sometimes I'm a little slow on the uptake.
And kudos for you mastery of creative acronyming!
3-D Video
07-16-2010, 02:53 PM
I don't think you give yourself enough credit. :)
Boy, were you wrong! :lol:
Water Warrior 2
07-16-2010, 02:54 PM
Private Effin Island !
07-16-2010, 04:24 PM
Wow - really?!?! Blaine - you sold your GZ??? Holy shcnikes man! Well, although I am sad to hear it, as you were one of the "GZ Godfathers" I looked up to on this site, along with alan, easy, water warrior, and some others, it's cool that you are going to stick around.
I too can't believe how much you got for your GZ! I bought my '01 for a $1000, and it is in primo condition.. makes me wonder what I could get if I were to sell it. But chances are, that's not going to happen for a very, very long time - if ever.
Of course, I am sure you may have said that at one time too, so who really knows what tomorrow will bring, right? Have fun on that new bike man, and thanks for hanging out with us still. :2tup:
AZ Kev
07-18-2010, 10:13 AM
This is special Alt function to insert the characters and there are many more. This is really helpful when composing any document.
07-19-2010, 01:28 AM
Best of luck with the new bike Blaine. I hope to follow in your footsteps someday with a VStar 650 but I think that's going to be a long way off.
07-30-2010, 11:29 PM
Just to update,have about 1800 kms on the LTD, no problems.When I first bought it I changed the oil using AMSOIL 10-40 100% synthetic.Installed new plugs,and air filters.I also Installed a in-line fuel filter,and ran some SEAFOAM Thur a couple of tanks of fuel.Also adjusted drive belt.As much as I loved my G.Z. there is no comparison power wise.Lots of power for passing and getting out of the way in a hurry if need be.Not bad on fuel either at about 50 mpg. (
:) (
09-27-2010, 09:54 PM
Just to update,have about 5400 kms on the LTD, no problems.When I first bought it I changed the oil using AMSOIL 10-40 100% synthetic.Installed new plugs,and air filters.I also Installed a in-line fuel filter,and ran some SEAFOAM Thur a couple of tanks of fuel.Also adjusted drive belt and flushed the cooling system.As much as I loved my G.Z. there is no comparison power wise.Lots of power for passing and getting out of the way in a hurry if need be.Not bad on fuel either at about 50 mpg.
:) (
Water Warrior 2
10-03-2010, 10:07 PM
That is good to hear Blaine. A little TLC goes a long way.
10-26-2010, 09:21 AM
A new look for the L.T.D. (
Painted tank,forks,fan shroud,and fender.Took decals off side covers,new shield,grips,and mirrors.Replaced mufflers with Harley mufflers,and added new sissy bar bag and new tool pouch up front.Also added 20 amp running lights,and blue underglow.
10-26-2010, 01:38 PM
Is that a cellphone photo? Or is my eyesight worse than i feared? I like the little bag - it might fit on my Geezer sissy...
Was the harley muffler a look thing or a sound thing (or both?)
Finally, I've though about a tool bag, but I worry about people helping themselves when I'm away from the bike. (When I'm touring I like to be either sitting on it, or sitting where I can see it, but if I go out somewhere local, I can't always do that.) Anybody have things disappear?
Water Warrior 2
10-26-2010, 02:30 PM
I like the change in appearance. The black forks are much nicer than the original look.
10-26-2010, 02:56 PM
Anybody have things disappear?
Someone stole a briefcase out of my ragtop Jeep about 20 years ago. No locking doors on that vehicle. The briefcase was totally empty, and was a cheap piece of crap. No real loss. So far nothing has grown legs while bungeed to a motorcycle, or in non-lockable saddlebags. But, I tend to be as careful as I can, like you. I keep it in sight unless I absolutely have to leave it, and then for as short a time as possible.
Lockable hard luggage makes life a lot easier when touring.
10-26-2010, 03:37 PM
Is that a cellphone photo? Or is my eyesight worse than i feared? I like the little bag - it might fit on my Geezer sissy...
Was the harley muffler a look thing or a sound thing (or both?)
Finally, I've though about a tool bag, but I worry about people helping themselves when I'm away from the bike. (When I'm touring I like to be either sitting on it, or sitting where I can see it, but if I go out somewhere local, I can't always do that.) Anybody have things disappear?
Photo was taken on my laptop as I don't own a good camera.Mufflers were put on because they were given to me if I could make them work.Original mufflers were getting rusty.A friend took them off because they were too quiet.They have a nice rumble at idle,and are quiet at road speed.They are as quiet as the original ones.When I installed the tool bag I put a pop rivet through each buckle making removal imposable without a drill.My sissy bar bag is bolted through with the original bolts for the backrest. :roll: :)
10-26-2010, 03:47 PM
I've looked at some cables for securing my T-bag when touring, but so far I haven't actually implemented it. I worried that if I made it look "too secured" it might have the opposite effect - arousing curiousity about what might be in there that was worth so much trouble. I do have locking hardbags, but any one with the slightest street sense could pop them open in a second or two with a screw driver and a good yank. So far I've not had any incidents, but after an idiot stole a crap ass radio out of my '95 Camry (RIP), and effed the window and door frame up to do it (leaving two full size palm prints on the window - later used to convict him) I've been reminded of the general stupidity of the thieving public.
10-26-2010, 05:07 PM
Score one for BMW. I won't say that a determined thief couldn't get into my saddlebags or topcase, but it wouldn't be any easier than smashing a window on a car - probably harder. And they have no idea whether or not there's anything in there of any value.
Water Warrior 2
10-26-2010, 07:30 PM
A convicted felon I used to know had a saying, "Locks only keep out the honest folks".
05-05-2011, 04:33 PM
A new look for the L.T.D. (
Painted tank,forks,fan shroud,and fender.Took decals off side covers,new shield,grips,and mirrors.Replaced mufflers with Harley mufflers,and added new sissy bar bag and new tool pouch up front.Also added 20 amp running lights,and blue underglow.
This is what "Black Phantom' looks like after a much needed dissamibaly and rebuild over the winter.With new side covers,rear shocks.rebuilt & rejetted carbs,pod filters,and new paint.
:cool: :) (
05-05-2011, 04:47 PM
Still waiting for that "good camera", eh, Blaine? :poke2:
Enjoy the ride, she looks great!
05-05-2011, 05:38 PM
Looking good.
What did you use to paint the forks? Did you do it yourself?
05-05-2011, 05:44 PM
Looking good.
What did you use to paint the forks? Did you do it yourself?
I painted the whole bike myself.The forks were painted with Krylon satin finish exterior enamel.
:) :rawk:
05-06-2011, 03:18 AM
The bike looks good there Blaine. Ride safe.
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