View Full Version : Saddlebag support bars - interchangeable between years?

07-02-2010, 08:31 PM
Hello all,

I have been looking for some saddlebag support bars, checked out the DIY solution here, and have a question : Suzuki has some on their website (I know a lot of people don't recommend them, but...) that say they are for 2005-2009 models, and I am wondering - would they fit a 2001? From everything I have read, and what I can see, there are no major changes between the years...

Anyone have any idea as to whether or not they might work on my '01?

Thanks all, and happy riding!

AZ Kev

Easy Rider
07-02-2010, 08:41 PM
Suzuki has some on their website (I know a lot of people don't recommend them, but...)

Only because of the price, I think.
I had some. The installation was simple.....although a little ticky due to a tight space.....and they did what they were intended to do.
I was happy with mine.

07-02-2010, 08:49 PM
The Suzuki supports are very simple - they require that you remove the shorter bolts holding a trim piece or something on the fender, and replace them with longer bolts that allow for the inclusion of the supports and some spacers. If you publish the distance between the center of the two bolts on your rear fender for your 2001 we can confirm if it is the same as 2005-2009. I suspect yes.

I have the supports - they were a little tricky to install but basically do what they claim, if not very elegantly. If you have smallish hands (as I do) you'll get the hang of it, but I wouldn't call it a slam dunk. There is little connection/relation between the design of them and the official GZ Suzi Saddlebags (you basically tie the bags to them with a shoelace at random points of your choosing.) I might have gotten it wrong as there were no illustrations or instructions.

Personally, I think the Suzuki saddlebags suck, and for a variety of reasons, but that is another discussion.

07-02-2010, 09:16 PM
Ok alan, I will do that - post the distance between the bolts. I was thinking about doing the DIY ones, as I am pretty handy, I don't really have the tools necessary (a vice, torch, heavy hammer, whatever else). Most of the tools I have are for general mechanics stuff (sockets, wrenches, screwdrivers...) and basic home improvement tools.

I went to the local Ace and found the steel lengths that would work. But by the time I buy them and the tools I will need, I will be spending almost as much as the new chrome ones cost, and I know mine won't look as good as they do! Lol :)

Thanks guys - have a happy and safe 4th of July (even if you live in another country - celebrate for the sake of celebrating!)

AZ Kev

07-02-2010, 09:26 PM
I don't know about those supports but I picked up a Suzuki back rest/cargo rack off ebay Wednesday and it stated 05 to 09 too.

07-03-2010, 02:01 PM
Ok guys, did a measurement from center of one bolt to center of the other, and the exact measurement is 6 7/8". So, if one of you with a newer GZ could measure and post it here, that would be awesome, and will help me to decide what to do.

Thanks all!

AZ Kev

07-03-2010, 04:17 PM
My bike is 1999 model,same measurement as yours.Chrome frame cover is same part# for all models. :roll: :2tup:

07-03-2010, 06:13 PM
Right on - thanks blaine. I would like to see if someone with a newer model, 2005-2009, has the same exact measurement. Of course, if the part number for the chrome cover is the same, I'm not sure how they could be different...? I appreciate everyone's help.

Happy 4th to all my fellow riders out there!

AZ Kev

07-03-2010, 07:20 PM

I have an '08. It's the same. (and I have the supports on there.)

07-05-2010, 02:19 AM
Thanks for verifying that alan - appreciate it. I went ahead and ordered them off the Suzuki site, as that was a lot cheaper than getting them at the dealer. I payed $64 total ordering online - the dealer quoted me $100.

I don't have the Suzuki saddlebags through. The ones that came on the bike are 'All American Rider' I think, and I am pretty happy with them. Once I get the supports on, I can see carrying some pretty good cargo in them. I carry some stuff now, but am wary to carry anything too heavy, as I don't want any parts of the bags getting caught in the rear wheel at all.

After I get them and put them on, I will let you know how it all went - good, I hope!

AZ Kev

07-05-2010, 02:56 AM
I think I only paid about $52 for them (at a dealer...) I called in the order, they called me when they had 'em. I think they discounted them off the list price. Your dealer seems a bit greedy - or maybe he had the wrong part number.

07-05-2010, 03:23 PM
When I went in and ordered the oil filter and o-rings for my bike I pulled them up on the website first and printed the page for what I wanted before going in. The guy at the parts counter looked them up on his computer to verify the parts numbers to order them but the price I got off the website was lower than the price he was showing on his system. They gave them to me for the cheaper price I found online at the website.

07-05-2010, 03:32 PM
When I went in and ordered the oil filter and o-rings for my bike I pulled them up on the website first and printed the page for what I wanted before going in. The guy at the parts counter looked them up on his computer to verify the parts numbers to order them but the price I got off the website was lower than the price he was showing on his system. They gave them to me for the cheaper price I found online at the website.

I find that my dealers price list is always higher than the Suzuki parts website by about 15%.He gives me the discount if I bring in lower quote.
http://www.postimage.org/templates/images/smiley/happy/14.gif (http://www.postimage.org/)

http://www.postimage.org/templates/images/smiley/happy/5.gif (http://www.postimage.org/)

07-05-2010, 04:48 PM
I actually looked into ordering them and having them delivered directly to the local dealership for pickup, but for some reason, the online tool said that wasn't possible. Of course, I'm sure I could have had it done if I had gone into the dealership and asked them.

And that's some great advice guys - to print out the online price and bring into the dealer when attempting to get something. I will definitely remember that for next time :)

AZ Kev

07-05-2010, 04:50 PM
He gives me the discount if I bring in lower quote.

So - in other words - he charges what he thinks he can get away with, until you show him that you know what the correct price is. I think the term is "con man".

I used to find exactly the same thing with insurance companies in England. When it came time for the annual renewal, I'd check around until I found a lower quote. When I told the original company that I wouldn't be renewing, I'd get a phone call asking why. When I replied that I'd got a lower quote,they'd immediately say "we'll do it for that price". My reply was "then why didn't you offer it to me for that price originally? Go :fu: yourself" It's a pity more folk don't do it to this con man.

07-05-2010, 08:21 PM
He gives me the discount if I bring in lower quote.

So - in other words - he charges what he thinks he can get away with, until you show him that you know what the correct price is. I think the term is "con man"

These are the prices in his system,not what he wants to charge.Also if I ordered from on line site I would have to pay shipping.So I usally get the discount and save the shipping charges. :)