View Full Version : I've had her for one year.

06-29-2010, 08:05 AM
I've had her for one year. And, while i must confess that I've been looking at bonnies and 883s on craigslist, I can't say i'm at all dissapointed.

She was driven into a flowerbed.
She was hit by a car in a parking lot.
She was put down over some ice two days before Christmas. That one actually hurt.
She also managed to come out with several bad batteries (unusual size?) and an oil seep on the top of the clutch gasket 9 mnts ago (still not fixed).

Given that, I guess i should feel kinda put off. But, alas, no. She always starts. Except for the thing with the battery, but I also live at the top of a hill. Just an awesome machine. I really wish they made one with a 350 or a 400 because that would open up the bike so much. I know there's that 500 single suz makes, but it seems like overkill.

06-29-2010, 08:24 AM
I have had mine almost 4 years,and only now thinking about trading up.I think,go for a ride and change my mind.Can't bear to part with her,can't afford to have two. Decision's..........Decision's
http://www.postimage.org/templates/images/smiley/sad/2.gif (http://www.postimage.org/)

07-01-2010, 10:56 PM
5 yrs and going good. if i have some extra cash i would definitely go for a bigger bike as i want to do long stretches on freeway. i do not have a garage and do not want to park expensive bike out in rain and sun.

07-02-2010, 12:23 PM
Couldn't have said it better myself. I've only had mine for a couple of months, but I have experienced the same thing : I start thinking, "Maybe it would be nice to get something bigger...?" Then, I get on my GZ and ride it, and that thought just disappears. I just love the bike so much, and it fits me so well!

I agree - it would be nice to have a little more on the top end. But that is the one and only thing I would change about it. And I guess it is not enough to make me actually want to get something else. Of course, getting 70+ miles per gallon helps sway that decision a bit too! Lol. But more than that, it is the fact that the bike is so comfortable, easy and fun to ride, reliable, and good looking too.

It's cool to know that blaine has had his for almost 4 years and still feels that way. I think I'll be riding mine til the wheels fall off - either the bike's or mine!

Happy 4th everyone! Have fun and ride safe :2tup:

AZ Kev