View Full Version : Too much oil

06-27-2010, 10:57 PM
I looked more closely at the engine oil level today of the bike I picked up last week. It looked like it was overfilled. I drained about 100-200ml and now it's at a 'full' line.

I also unplugged the air cleaner drain hose and there was some oil in there (not a whole lot). Are the two related?

The air filter itself looked clean, but it smelled of gasoline.

Anyway, what else could have gotten fouled up by having too much oil in the engine? What should I check? The bike runs fine as far as I can tell.


06-27-2010, 11:18 PM
It is normal to get a little oil and gunk in bottom of air box.As long as air filter is clean dry it is fine.(check inside of filter for dirt as it draws air from inside).A little over full of oil wouldn't hurt in the short term.If bike is not perfectly level,It takes very little to give you a false reading.
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06-28-2010, 05:46 AM
From my own experience of my GZ (& I'm NOT saying that this is the correct way) I know that if the bike is on the side stand & I can see a TINY level of oil in the glass, then it's going to be at the full level when I stand the bike level. I still do the correct check before I leave the garage, but do the other check automatically, if it's been in (say) the supermarket car park. :)

Easy Rider
06-28-2010, 10:54 AM
I also unplugged the air cleaner drain hose and there was some oil in there (not a whole lot). Are the two related?

The air filter itself looked clean, but it smelled of gasoline.

Yes, it's possible the two are related, however...........
The little amount that it was over shouldn't cause ANY ill effects and it's quite common to find
some "crud" in that drain tube; that's what it is there for. Be sure to put the cap BACK ON.

It is common for the air filter to have a slight gassy odor. Were you looking on the INSIDE to check for dirt; that's where it accumulates for this bike.

I think you are just fine.

07-03-2010, 10:42 PM
did you buy from some who was using or was it just sitting in a garage. its 4 yrs old. so you should check several things (plug, tires, battery, chain and lube it, carb cleaner as this bike chokes a lot) just to be sure they are in good running condition. any prior experience will be handy and this bike is same as others.

as Easy said some "gassy odor" is fine but if it the odor is strong, check if the choke is working properly and lube it as well..