View Full Version : Lane Splitting

06-17-2010, 01:55 AM
Saw this somewhere else and thought Id post it here since its been discussed before. This is in Cali where lane splitting is legal. It aint worth the risk.

3-D Video
06-17-2010, 02:30 AM
Lane splitting is so much a part of riding here in Europe that some jack-ass on the Périphérique got pissed and scraped the side of our car with his keys, must have thought we were too close to the dividing line for his comfort. And they don't just move through traffic, they go full bore through jams and back-ups. Totally nut!

06-17-2010, 05:07 AM
He was going too fast. The max legal limit for lane splitting is +5 mph from the flow of traffic, up to the speed limit.

I'm of the opinion that if you are careful, observant and not just a little bit lucky, lane splitting can be safely done in the right circumstances. Only if the traffic is aware that splitting is happening and people are generally okay with it. Also if everyone is in a decent mood and doesn't let other traffic or motorcyclists driving upset them. And if all the other drivers are happy and are being courteous with their time and attitude.

Needless to say, those variables must all match up just right for it to be performed safely. Otherwise....it probably shouldn't be done.

...except at corners and stoplights.

...and drive thrus.

06-17-2010, 06:16 AM
The max legal limit for lane splitting is +5 mph from the flow of traffic, up to the speed limit.

I don't think there's any legal limit in Europe. If I'm wrong, I hope one of our other European members will put me right. :2tup:

06-17-2010, 09:35 AM
When I was taking a day off riding in Fairfield, CA, there was a CHP station right around the corner from my motel. I was out for a walk and noticed it. I stopped and asked about lane splitting. What I was told was that:

1) It must be between lanes of cars (no shoulder riding either side)

2) It can't be done in a "reckless" manner - judgment call by cop.

No mention of specific speed differential. I'm just reporting what a cop told me. They often don't know the specifics of the law themselves. The cop also told me that, generally, the only time they have trouble with it is when riders on sport bikes go way too fast through traffic, really asking for trouble. Again, I'm only reporting what this fellow said - I have no bias against sportbikes.

I did it once while I was out there - at a long set of lines waiting at toll booths. Traffic was essentially stopped, and I went through very slowly. That was wonderful! Wish we could do it here.

Easy Rider
06-17-2010, 10:18 AM
The max legal limit for lane splitting is +5 mph from the flow of traffic, up to the speed limit.

What ?? Where ??
Certainly NOT in California, where the practice is "legal" only because it has not specifically been prohibited and has not been made illegal.

New GZ250
06-17-2010, 10:28 AM
I live in California, and statistics show there are no more accidents lane splitting, I find that hard to believe but that is what the state says. I have never split lanes and don't plan to. In fact I don't even split lanes at a stop light where traffic is stopped, I consider myself a very conservative biker. Even when I was young a foolish I didn't.

06-17-2010, 06:56 PM
In the summers here, it's the cagers splitting lanes between the motorcycles.

06-17-2010, 06:58 PM
Saw this somewhere else and thought Id post it here since its been discussed before. This is in Cali where lane splitting is legal. It aint worth the risk.

Guy was going too fast, and wasn't paying attention. He earned that get-off.

Water Warrior 2
06-18-2010, 12:28 AM
In the summers here, it's the cagers splitting lanes between the motorcycles.
Should open season on those clowns. They have no idea how dangerous it is to squeeze a bike over to a different path of travel.

06-18-2010, 05:00 AM
I suppose this is one of those inflammatory topics like ATTGATT, etc. so, in the interest of providing thread fodder, I will weigh in here with my non-expert and un-asked for perspective...

1) Yes, lane splitting is dangerous. So is riding a motorcycle. If you want to be safe, watch TV.
2) If you don't live in California, deciding that lane splitting is "not worth the risk" is kind of like saying French women aren't any good in bed when you've never been to France. True, it may not be worth the risk, but it seems like it should at least be an option if you are going to have an opinion about it. My apologies if you are actually from California.
3) Although I am generally a risk adverse person (read "pussy"), and I admitttedly avoided lane splitting for the first six to nine months (hell, I avoided the freeway for the first six to nine months), I am far more likely to lane split (now) when the opportunity presents itself than not. I lane split on the freeway, on residential two laners, and backroads. I only do it when there is an excessive amount of cars and they are not moving regular like. There are two main reasons I do it: Firstly, to improve my rate of progress relative to the cars. Secondly, it's pretty darn fun. Is it risky? Yes. Is it suicide? No. I honestly don't think it is that much more risky than all of the other shit we have to contend with. A little more? yes. A lot more? No. BTW the cops do it ALL THE TIME. And they are on some pretty good size Harleys, Beemers and Hondas with fairings, and bags, (and shotguns!)
4) California has a very high percentage of motorcycle riders as compared to the rest of the country. Many of the people you encounter in cages are also riders. It is far more common for CA drivers to move over and give you space than to move in and encroach (yes, we have douchebag drivers here too, but they are the minority.)

So, as a lifelong pussy that lane splits with impunity and enjoys it, I say it IS worth the risk. Flame on!

06-18-2010, 05:15 AM
In a quieter vein ........ Over here, it would never occur to riders NOT to lane split :cool:

10-21-2010, 02:21 AM
Hard to judge whether he was going to fast from a video like that...

What I will say is that the minivan broke the law by crossing the double yellows to get out of the HOV lane.

That's no excuse to let your guard down, but that van shouldn't have been changing lanes there in the first place.

10-29-2011, 02:38 AM
Im gonna revive this thread because its a good one and an important lesson for newbies.

I live in Gibraltar so laws here differ somewhat from the US but my dad always told me solid line means dont split, dotted line means split if safe to do so. I lived by that during my provisional license days and it served me well. Sure I got held up at the traffic lights more than other motorcyclists, but no more than I would have if I was in my car.

I couldnt believe it on the day of my test when i stopped behind a car in a solid line road, on a bend and waited for the lights to change when my examiner actually told me to split the lanes and go up to the front of the queue of traffic.

10-29-2011, 06:40 PM
hi all

i drive an f350 taking service calls here in southern cali average about 125 miles a day. weekly they are scrapping a biker off the pavement. its a mixed bag of riders, some are cautious others are reckless and others are just outright nuts. i've even seen one biker lane splitting blow his horn at the biker in front of him to get out of his way. oh the good part here in so cal is that the hov lane is for anybody that wants to risk the fine so the yellow lines are meaningless when it comes to changing lanes into and out of the hov lane. granted with the amount of traffic lane splitting saves a lot of time when its bumper to bumper travelling 20 miles an hour in traffic. so its a lot more dangerous here in so cal to split lanes. as for me i'm still learning and the gz is not fast enough for the hov lane.

safe biking and be careful


04-18-2012, 12:50 AM
Did the car signaled? or not? or maybe he was just going to fast?

04-20-2012, 04:12 PM
It's almost frowned upon to not "lane split" in Ireland if your on a bike (think we call it filtering through traffic here)

As a personal rule i don't go any higher than 3rd gear but some people absolutely tear through traffic

Water Warrior 2
04-20-2012, 06:47 PM
There is a vid on Utube right now about a guy from Vancouver Island B.C. The rider had a camera mounted on his bike and was lane splitting on the highway at 299 kph. I personally think a jail sentence of at least a year would get his attention. He has a long list of offences and suspended licenses which haven't changed his habits.

04-22-2012, 12:37 PM
Wow, well I personally am afraid to lane split, even at a stoplight, but I think part of it is cultural. If I lived in a place where it was the norm and was considered something that actually helps to ease traffic (which I believe it does) then I think I certainly would lane split.

It's just that I keep imagining that the car drivers here would be very pissed if I passed them when they couldn't even move.

04-22-2012, 08:17 PM
Wow, well I personally am afraid to lane split, even at a stoplight, but I think part of it is cultural. If I lived in a place where it was the norm and was considered something that actually helps to ease traffic (which I believe it does) then I think I certainly would lane split.

It's just that I keep imagining that the car drivers here would be very pissed if I passed them when they couldn't even move.

I think that's normal for car drivers everywhere - A LOT of the drivers here seem to take offense if you over take them even if they're crawling along - the worst are the ones that deliberately move over into your way just so you can't get past - but screw them, if your out taking the risk of driving a bike and enduring all the elements you have to get something back in the trade off

04-22-2012, 11:26 PM
This is just plain nuts.



Water Warrior 2
04-23-2012, 02:57 AM
Brilliant !! 2 Darwin Award contenders wearing T-shirts and sneakers. I can't imagine the idea of crossing an intersection at high speed when there just might be a red light runner coming through. These 2 squids ride like the road is their personal property and everyone else better cooperate. I have very little pity when the likes of these riders get mowed down. I do feel for the other folks involved through no fault of their own and abiding by the rules that should keep them safe.

04-23-2012, 03:12 AM
You see at the end he reduces his speed and tucks himself in behind the pickup. On his right you see a cruiser passing him. It's a cop. He got pulled over and he says that the cop was cool talking about how fast the sport bikes accellerate. I wonder if that was while he was writing a ticket for speeding. That cop must have had a thrill splitting to catch him. Not my cup of tea.


Water Warrior 2
04-23-2012, 05:20 AM
You see at the end he reduces his speed and tucks himself in behind the pickup. On his right you see a cruiser passing him. It's a cop. He got pulled over and he says that the cop was cool talking about how fast the sport bikes accellerate. I wonder if that was while he was writing a ticket for speeding. That cop must have had a thrill splitting to catch him. Not my cup of tea.

I'll bet the cop was giving him enough rope to hang himself. Too bad there isn't a law against being stupid on wheels.

08-10-2012, 12:43 PM
The guy was not paying attention and driving a little too fast, Its nuts that is legal in CA where almost every thing is illegal!!

08-11-2012, 06:22 PM
Eek, that made my stomach hurt. I felt the pain of the one biker they zipped by in his/her lane. I hate when inconsiderate riders do that to me because I often move around in a lane. When I see a rider approaching, I will usually wave them through in my lane, letting them know I won't be moving over into them.