View Full Version : Does Boulevard S40 have backfire or popping problems?

06-09-2010, 11:40 AM
I am still thinking of getting a GZ, but have also thought about the Boulevard S40 instead for its higher power. I have read several forums where the owners complain of it backfiring or popping. In one case a mechanic told the owner there is nothing that can be done about it due to emmission controls. I get the impression that it is an on going problem with this model. Does anyone have an S40? Does it have this problem?

06-09-2010, 11:56 AM
I once had a VS 1400 (S83) and it farted and popped due to the lean settings for emission control. I put pipes on mine, an open air cleaner, and had both carbs jetted. It was a pain to get the carbs right as one is a sidedraft and one is a downdraft and they had different jets and settings.

Once the setting were correct, it ran perfectly and stayed that way. The "S" models are fairly bulletproof.


Water Warrior 2
06-09-2010, 12:53 PM
The S-40 is a nice bike. They do run lean which can be solved quite easily by rejetting it's carb. Spruces up the throttle response and eliminates the popping and back firing. Other than that slight problem they are know for having a short life cam chain adjuster(dohicky)that most owners just replace before too long to make it almost a bullet proof engine.
My opinion here only but I doubt the S-40 is a lot faster when you look at a cruising speed but there is the reserve power factor for passing, hills and just grins. There is a 4 ft 9 in gal South of here that rides one and is very happy with it as a first bike.

06-09-2010, 01:54 PM
The only reason I would want a little more power than the 250 is that here in NW Texas 35 mph winds are considered a nice spring day. The S40 seems like it would fill the bill with the extra horses, still be light weight, and not break the bank. If there was such a thing as a GZ 350 I would grab it. Also, I am finding that S40 accessories (eng. guard, sissy bar, etc.) are pretty much non-existant online unless I stick with Suzuki brand. Would rejetting the carb on the S40 require a different exhaust or other modifications? I'm just doing my research here.

Water Warrior 2
06-09-2010, 02:27 PM
Just a carb rejet and adjust would be good. Nothing else would be required to make the bike perform nicely. An S-40/650 Savage forum could help you find the best but limited aftermarket accessories for the bike.

music man
06-09-2010, 03:10 PM
Yes the S40/ Intruder does fart and pop just like Sarris and others have said, and it is exactly as said, it just needs to be rejetted to fix it. Which is ridiculous that you have to rejet it just to make it run like it should run from the factory but that is another story.

Easy Rider
06-09-2010, 06:09 PM
Would rejetting the carb on the S40 require a different exhaust or other modifications? I'm just doing my research here.

NO! As a matter of fact, if everything is still stock, just adjusting the idle mixture screw seems to get rid of most of it.......and with an actual working muffler, I don't see what the big deal is about a little popping on decel anyway.

As for accessories, you will probably find more listed under it's old name....LS650 Savage. Like the GZ, the basic design hasn't changed much for a LONG time.

P.S. Have you taken note of the 3 or 4 other intermediate bikes that we have upgraded to here with good results ??

06-10-2010, 12:02 AM
Thanks for the inputs. Every time someone mentions a bike model here, I check it out on-line. I don't think I want to get anything heavier than an S40 as I will have to push it for a while around my house and through a gate to put it in my back yard, and as a newbie I don't want something that is hard to handle so weight is a major consideration. Light weight (among other things) drew me to the TU and GZ originally.

I spent some time searching rejetting that some of you mentioned. It seems easy enough, but I have to agree with Easy Rider that the owner shouldn't have to do what the manufacturer should have done. And at the owners expense!

I also checked Easy's suggestion of adjusting the idle mixture screw. Everywhere I read everyone was happy with that fix. Also, there was some mention of removing a plastic spacer from the slide needle (Am I correct? This is all new to me.) They say these adjustments significantly improve the S40 performance.

This leaves me wondering if similar adjustments can be done to the GZ to improve its performance? You may be able to tell I am still trying to 'get smart' about motorcycles. (I used to be a jet mechanic, but this is all new to me.)

Water Warrior 2
06-10-2010, 12:12 AM
Okay, now you can tell us why you have to push your bike around the house. It is easier to ride instead of push.

06-10-2010, 12:19 AM
Okay, now you can tell us why you have to push your bike around the house. It is easier to ride instead of push.
It is a narrow space and I will have to S weave between my neighbor's and my air conditioners then through a 36" wide gate. With some practice I might be able to ride it part way, but maybe not. Besides that I am 60 and don't want to mess with a heavy bike. Or an overpowered one for me.

06-10-2010, 12:24 AM
This leaves me wondering if similar adjustments can be done to the GZ to improve its performance? You may be able to tell I am still trying to 'get smart' about motorcycles. (I used to be a jet mechanic, but this is all new to me.)

If you check under "performance mods" there is a big section on on shiming the needle jet and changing main jet.I rejeted my bike and find a big difference in performance.The G.Z. and the S40 have very similar carbs.

06-10-2010, 12:38 AM
This leaves me wondering if similar adjustments can be done to the GZ to improve its performance? You may be able to tell I am still trying to 'get smart' about motorcycles. (I used to be a jet mechanic, but this is all new to me.)

If you check under "performance mods" there is a big section on on shiming the needle jet and changing main jet.I rejeted my bike and find a big difference in performance.The G.Z. and the S40 have very similar carbs.
I have read up on the performance mods but didn't see anything about just adjusting the carb screws without rejetting. If just adjusting the screws on the S40 improves performance as well as people are saying, would it do the same for the GZ?

06-10-2010, 12:46 AM
[/quote]It is a narrow space and I will have to S weave between my neighbor's and my air conditioners then through a 36" wide gate. With some practice I might be able to ride it part way, but maybe not. Besides that I am 60 and don't want to mess with a heavy bike. Or an overpowered one for me.[/quote]

Power walk it. The bike will move its own weight.

06-10-2010, 01:09 AM
If you check under "performance mods" there is a big section on on shiming the needle jet and changing main jet.I rejeted my bike and find a big difference in performance.The G.Z. and the S40 have very similar carbs.
I have read up on the performance mods but didn't see anything about just adjusting the carb screws without rejetting. If just adjusting the screws on the S40 improves performance as well as people are saying, would it do the same for the GZ?

Yes, It will only improve performance and drivability from idle to 1/4 throttle.Needle shim helps 1/4 to 3/4 throttle.Main jet helps 3/4 to full throttle.

Water Warrior 2
06-10-2010, 01:45 AM
Okay, now you can tell us why you have to push your bike around the house. It is easier to ride instead of push.
It is a narrow space and I will have to S weave between my neighbor's and my air conditioners then through a 36" wide gate. With some practice I might be able to ride it part way, but maybe not. Besides that I am 60 and don't want to mess with a heavy bike. Or an overpowered one for me.
Practice with the GZ and see how well you can move along sitting on it with a little power to motivate the bike. You can better balance the bike while astride it. Same goes for a heavier bike.

06-10-2010, 05:00 AM
the owner shouldn't have to do what the manufacturer should have done.

I don't live in America, but it seems that it's more to do with your government (and the emissions regulations) than the manufacturer. My European (Spanish) GZ is set up completely different from the factory, with the correct (I think) carb settings for the bike. :2tup:

06-10-2010, 07:55 AM
the owner shouldn't have to do what the manufacturer should have done.

I don't live in America, but it seems that it's more to do with your government (and the emissions regulations) than the manufacturer. My European (Spanish) GZ is set up completely different from the factory, with the correct (I think) carb settings for the bike. :2tup:

Correct,Manufacturer has their hands tied by the government. :plus1:

06-10-2010, 08:15 AM
I have read several forums where the owners complain of it backfiring or popping. In one case a mechanic told the owner there is nothing that can be done about it due to emmission controls. I get the impression that it is an on going problem with this model.

A lot of licensed mechanics will not do any adjustments on a carburetor because of federal law forbidding it.That is why the bikes come with a plug over the idle jet.Bikes overseas run richer and are adjusted for best performance. :rawk:

Easy Rider
06-10-2010, 11:30 AM
This leaves me wondering if similar adjustments can be done to the GZ to improve its performance? You may be able to tell I am still trying to 'get smart' about motorcycles. (I used to be a jet mechanic, but this is all new to me.)

Yes. And the proceedure is documented in at least one thread right here.......with pictures.....but the gain in performance, while real, is not as dramatic as with the S40.

Easy Rider
06-10-2010, 11:34 AM
I have read up on the performance mods but didn't see anything about just adjusting the carb screws without rejetting. If just adjusting the screws on the S40 improves performance as well as people are saying, would it do the same for the GZ?

There is only ONE screw that's adjustable and, on both bikes, that only affects the idle and VERY low end. On both, it makes the idle smoother and the transition to mid-range a little better and on the 40 reduces the popping. None of those effects are very dramatic.

06-11-2010, 11:16 AM
The gov't regulations have apparently gotten to the point where they are causing carbureted engines to run LESS efficiently, which defeats the purpose of trying to save fuel, etc. I think the days of carburetors are about over. No cars or trucks use them anymore. Just lawnmowers and motorcycles and similar things. I wouldn't be surprised to see all 2011-2012 motorcycles have fuel injection. A fuel injected GZ might be a good thing, if it didn't cause the price to skyrocket.

New GZ250
06-11-2010, 11:32 AM
The gov't regulations have apparently gotten to the point where they are causing carbureted engines to run LESS efficiently, which defeats the purpose of trying to save fuel, etc. I think the days of carburetors are about over. No cars or trucks use them anymore. Just lawnmowers and motorcycles and similar things. I wouldn't be surprised to see all 2011-2012 motorcycles have fuel injection. A fuel injected GZ might be a good thing, if it didn't cause the price to skyrocket.

The Suzuki TU250 has fuel injection, and is the same price of the GZ250

06-11-2010, 01:32 PM
The gov't regulations have apparently gotten to the point where they are causing carbureted engines to run LESS efficiently, which defeats the purpose of trying to save fuel, etc. I think the days of carburetors are about over. No cars or trucks use them anymore. Just lawnmowers and motorcycles and similar things. I wouldn't be surprised to see all 2011-2012 motorcycles have fuel injection. A fuel injected GZ might be a good thing, if it didn't cause the price to skyrocket.

The Suzuki TU250 has fuel injection, and is the same price of the GZ250
That's true. I just haven't seen any new or used TU's or GZ's at dealers or on the road in my area. When I asked my dealer he said he couldn't get a TU, but was willing to order a GZ. Maybe the TU will be back for 2011. If so, I will get one, otherwise it may be a GZ. I have backed away a little from the thought of getting an S40. In the end it will depend on what is out there for a good price when I am ready to buy.