View Full Version : New gizmo on 2010 GZ.

05-13-2010, 12:56 PM
I noticed the photos of the 2010 GZ show some new device added behind the horn. Does anyone know what that is, and how it will affect performance?

05-13-2010, 01:03 PM
I looked at the photos and it looks to me like some sort of new evaporative emission control for gas fumes (??)

BTW, there are only a few 2010 Suzi models and the GeeZer is one.

Let us know if you find out something different.


05-13-2010, 01:16 PM
All I know is it is ugly and detracts from the GZ's looks. Suzuki should have mounted it somewhere less noticeable.

05-13-2010, 01:42 PM
I noticed the photos of the 2010 GZ show some new device added behind the horn. Does anyone know what that is, and how it will affect performance?

I've not seen the photos. Where are they? Sounds like the crankcase ventilation system that's on my 2007 European model, but without the pictures I can't say.

05-13-2010, 04:07 PM
I noticed the photos of the 2010 GZ show some new device added behind the horn. Does anyone know what that is, and how it will affect performance?

I've not seen the photos. Where are they? Sounds like the crankcase ventilation system that's on my 2007 European model, but without the pictures I can't say.
On the Suzuki site. I just search suzuki to get their site.

Water Warrior 2
05-13-2010, 08:50 PM
Shouldn't affect performance at all. It is probably just the charcoal cannister that collects gas fumes and holds them until the engine burns them off. No maintenance required either so no need to mess with it. Your bikes contribution to clean air.

05-13-2010, 11:48 PM
It doesn't look like a cannister, but more like a pressure sensor or valve.

05-14-2010, 04:46 AM
Does it look like this? If so it's the crankcase ventilation. Nothing to do with emission control.[attachment=0:wh3eyr0e]Bike 018.JPG[/attachment:wh3eyr0e]
http://s2.postimage.org/syCL0.jpg (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=TssyCL0)

music man
05-14-2010, 06:27 AM
The GZ already has crankcase ventilation, straight into the air breather case, so now it has two different crankcase vents?

05-14-2010, 09:04 AM
something similar as alantf has on his bike (see near the horn). experts can explain better. i think the turn signals is also more oval in this. picture from suzuki.com

can you explain what this extra ventilation will help in doing?

05-14-2010, 09:27 AM
The GZ already has crankcase ventilation, straight into the air breather case, so now it has two different crankcase vents?

The one on my bike goes to a T-piece, then to the petcock suction system. The other end goes via a steel pipe to a point at the front, below the cooling fins. Never have been able to work out what EXACTLY it did. Even posted the question on this site, but no one was able to come up with a definitive answer. :cry:

Easy Rider
05-14-2010, 09:57 AM
Does it look like this? If so it's the crankcase ventilation. Nothing to do with emission control.

Crankcase fumes are just a different kind of emission !!
PCV is a form or emission control.......just not the kind that usually comes to mind first. :tup:

The old method of just routing the crankcase vent hose to the air cleaner was "cheap and dirty" and didn't really work that good. If you add a little pressure (or suction) at the right point, the system becomes much better at capturing the fumes.....and less likely to plug up your paper air filter.

Water Warrior 2
05-14-2010, 11:08 AM
Oh ya, that little item. We went through this before with no clear definition although a breather control seems likely. Could be something Suzuki put on to keep idle minds from stagnating.

05-14-2010, 11:25 AM
I'd like to see what and where it is hooked up to.

06-14-2010, 09:43 PM
just by looking at the picture its a Air Injection Valve helps emissions by injecting air into the exhaust near the exhaust valve, helps burn the unburnt fuel in the header, doesnt hurt or help the performance.

Water Warrior 2
06-14-2010, 11:44 PM
just by looking at the picture its a Air Injection Valve helps emissions by injecting air into the exhaust near the exhaust valve, helps burn the unburnt fuel in the header, doesnt hurt or help the performance.
Kinda doubt that. Then the bike would need some sort of injection pump.

06-15-2010, 05:34 AM
just by looking at the picture its a Air Injection Valve helps emissions by injecting air into the exhaust near the exhaust valve, helps burn the unburnt fuel in the header, doesnt hurt or help the performance.

No. Like I said earlier, it's something to do with crank case ventilation. One side goes to the front of the crank case via a rubber tube, then a metal pipe. The other end goes to the petcock via a T-piece to the suction.

06-15-2010, 05:53 PM
well this system is on alot of new bikes that are still carbureted, vacuum from the carb is used to power that "mistery" device you guys are speaking of, it gulps in tiny bits of air and injects it into the head near the exhaust port.

06-15-2010, 05:55 PM
where does the hose lead to? one probably comes from the airbox, a tiny vacuum line from the carb, and an output hose to a metal tube located on top of the head.

Water Warrior 2
06-15-2010, 06:11 PM
well this system is on alot of new bikes that are still carbureted, vacuum from the carb is used to power that "mistery" device you guys are speaking of, it gulps in tiny bits of air and injects it into the head near the exhaust port.
Are you thinking of an Exhaust Gas Recirculation valve ?? High vacuum at idle would hold the valve closed and it would open up with less vacuum and more RPM to help burn off unburnt gases from the cylinder. This was a bandage solution on 70's cars and most folks pulled the vacuum line off and plugged it with a golf T.

06-15-2010, 09:47 PM
no not an EGR valve

06-16-2010, 04:35 AM
If you read my earlier reply, you'll see that I'VE GOT THIS DEVICE on my 2007 European GZ. It DEFINITELY doesn't go anywhere near the head. It goes to the CRANK CASE! The other end goes (via a T - piece) to the suction at the petcock.