View Full Version : A silly malfunction but annoying all the same

05-10-2010, 10:21 AM
Hello everyone, new guy here.

I've been riding my GZ250 for about three years since I bought it new. Everything had been running great (famous last words) until something strange happened. I was sitting at the traffic light when I noticed that the right-side handlebar cup (on the very end of the grip) was loose and hanging out. I pushed it back in and started threading the screw with my fingernail when I noticed that it was not catching at all. Now I've come to find that whatever is inside the handlebar to receive the male end of the screw is loose and rattling around the inside of the bars. The throttle grip is in no danger of falling off but it is still soemthing that bothers me.

Does it ruin the bike? No. Is it one of the most annoying things in the world to hear it rattle when I ride? Absolutely.

Does anyone know of a fix for this or should I just bite the bullet and take it to the shop? Any suggestions are appreciated.

05-10-2010, 10:30 AM
Those are bar end weights and one has lost the nut off the back side. Most folks remove them when they install custom grips. You can retrieve the nut. Do a site search as this one has been mega-discussed. Here is a parts blowup from Ron Ayers: Handlebar Stuff (http://fiche.ronayers.com/Index.cfm/Module/Main/TypeID/26/Type/Motorcycle/MakeID/2/Make/Suzuki/YearID/47/Year/2006/ModelID/7858/Model/GZ250/GroupID/373523/Group/HANDLEBAR_)

Welcome to the site. Where in Florida do you reside?


05-10-2010, 10:33 AM
Awesome, thanks so much.

I'm over in the Tampa Bay area (closer to Clearwater).

05-10-2010, 10:35 AM
I'm in New Port Richey, in Pasco County a few miles north of East Lake. PM me if you want to ride.

05-10-2010, 10:59 AM
Sure thing. Thanks!

05-10-2010, 11:56 AM
Welcome to the madness.

05-10-2010, 03:26 PM
Hello everyone, new guy here.

I've been riding my GZ250 for about three years since I bought it new. Everything had been running great (famous last words) until something strange happened. I was sitting at the traffic light when I noticed that the right-side handlebar cup (on the very end of the grip) was loose and hanging out. I pushed it back in and started threading the screw with my fingernail when I noticed that it was not catching at all. Now I've come to find that whatever is inside the handlebar to receive the male end of the screw is loose and rattling around the inside of the bars. The throttle grip is in no danger of falling off but it is still soemthing that bothers me.

Does it ruin the bike? No. Is it one of the most annoying things in the world to hear it rattle when I ride? Absolutely.

Does anyone know of a fix for this or should I just bite the bullet and take it to the shop? Any suggestions are appreciated.
Flexible magnet?

05-10-2010, 05:17 PM
Hook-ended coathanger.
Tip the bike over and try to dump it out of the end of the bar.

Easy Rider
05-10-2010, 07:56 PM
Flexible magnet?

The problem with that usually IS.......there is a rubber expansion plug in front of the washer and nut......and the rubber plug usually stays in there too. Gotta get it out first.