View Full Version : Engine Primer??

05-16-2007, 12:15 AM
I just bought a great condition 2003 GZ250 with 740 miles on it, and when the engine is cold, it has trouble starting, even with the choke on. So, just today I was looking to see if there was any primer that would help the motor crank. Well, on the left side where the fuel tank select switch is, there is "On" (main tank) then turned downwards it says "Pri" and to the right it has "Res." (reserve.) I moved the switch down a couple times, then pushed the electric start, and it started right up, cold engine.

Is this the engine primer? If so, how do I properly use it?


05-16-2007, 12:47 AM
Yes its a primer ... properly used ... its for when you run completely out of fuel. You switch to prime and its a 'free flow' valve to get gas into the carbs. Once started, put it back to "on". Res is your reserve, switch it when you initially run out of fuel so you can get to a gas station.

05-16-2007, 12:52 AM
So basically, switch it to prime when the engine is cold (along with the choke on for a little bit), then once started switch to "On", and once warmed turn the choke off?

How long does it take your 250 to start, cold engine, on a relatively warm day (75*F~)?

05-16-2007, 12:58 AM
No, actually it should be set to "on" at all times. When you are riding and the bike starts to sputter like its out of gas (it is), switch it to "res" (reserve). That will give you .9 gal of gas to get to a gas station. If you run it completely out of gas after that (or drain the carbs while working on it) THEN you use the Pri setting. Prime is a free flow non restricted stream of gas .. mainly to fill the carbs with gas after you've emptied them.

If you need ot put it on Pri to start it, then something else is wrong. Possibly that valve is bad within the switch.

You say you bought this used ..... how long has it sit since last ridden??

05-16-2007, 01:10 AM
Quite a long time. The guy bought it with probably a few hundred miles on it, and only rode it to work during one summer. My guess it's been sitting a good year or two, with maybe only a few to several engine starts between then (probably not a lot.)

With the choke on, I can get it started easily under 20 seconds, it seems to take about 10 or 15 seconds to finally crank and start. I let it warm up about a minute, then turn the choke off and go.

05-16-2007, 06:00 AM
In the on position the petcock only lets gas flow if there is vacume. It's not unusual for these bikes to be hard to start after sitting for a few weeks. You might want to change the spark plug as well.

05-16-2007, 10:37 AM
I'm thinking of doing some basic maintenance.... change the oil (not sure if it's been changed ever since it only had 740 miles on it when I bought it), new spark plug..... anything else?

05-16-2007, 10:44 AM
If its a 2003 with only 740 miles on it then it HAD to sit for some time between then and now. I would also pick up some SeaFoam from your local Auto Zone and put it in the gas tank per the directions on the can. That will clean the carbs out if theres any gummy crap in there from it sitting. That could be part of your hard starting problem.

Heck that bike isnt even broken in yet. Make sure you arent running it too hard just yet :)

05-16-2007, 10:52 AM
SeaFoam, alright.

Yeah, it looks to be in dang good condition (no engine/tranny leaks, everything works.) The guy sold it because he said he wanted to get a bigger bike (Goldwing), and he's going to china in about 2 weeks, so maybe he needed some extra money or something. Picked her up for $1,900... not a bad deal at all hahaha, I couldn't resist.

How many miles till it's "broken in"? I think the manual said around 600 miles I think, and it's about 820 now, so yeah, it's still barely broken in.

05-16-2007, 11:01 AM
Wow, from a GZ to a Goldwing ... thats a big step lol. Sounds like you got a good deal.

Yea, just barely broken in is right. Got pretty much a brand new bike there for only 1900.00

But yes, i'd try the sea foam first ... that might clear it up a bit. It'll definetly clean out the fuel system. If theres any gummy crap in the carbs/jets the sea foam will get rid of it. Only time it wouldnt is if the bike is running horrible after sitting a year or so and the jets/carbs are very gummed up.

05-16-2007, 11:32 AM
Yeah I'm not worried about it really, I'll run some SeaFoam through it, change the plug, and change the oil.

05-16-2007, 11:40 PM
Hahahaha, I think I found my problem. I wasn't pulling the choke lever toward me enough, until it slightly "jerks" into place. Today I noticed I pulled it further towards me, and later tonight when I started it cold, I pulled it all the way, and it started right up.

Woops. I'll keep you posted, but it's been starting right up lately, so I see no further issues.

05-17-2007, 05:26 PM
Yep, no more issues starting. When the engine is cold on cooler days (40's-60's) it takes a few seconds to finally start, but other than that, no issues.

05-18-2007, 12:22 AM