View Full Version : DIfferences between years on GZ's

05-15-2007, 04:11 PM
Does anyone know if there are any differences between '03, '04 and '05 GZ's.

I just got an '05 GZ and I am about to order the 16t sprocket. I figured I would get a another washer for the shim mod as well as some other bolts that seem to have come loose and are missing while I am at it. The only place I found the sprocket has an '03 sprocket and the bolts and washers they have listed are only showing from the '04 GZ. I want to order everything from the same place and time to save shipping am not sure if they will all work on my bike.

05-18-2007, 11:12 PM
These things have been virtually unchanged since they came out. Any year sprocket will work. I'd also bet my life that any nuts and bolts are the same too.

Take care,

05-22-2007, 06:19 AM
For the most part they are identical. 99.9% maybe. There are some slight variations. Have two of them in the garage I notice these things. Onve version has a throttle position sensor. None of mine do. Not even the wire is there.