View Full Version : GZ250 Key Blank replacement cross reference

04-17-2010, 09:11 PM
I have compiled an aftermarket cross reference list below for the GZ250 99-UP replacement key blanks. After alot of searching local hardware stores and being told they dont have suzuki keys, I compiled the list as my contribution to the gz250 community. The best price I found so far was a site called mrlock dot com, I payed a $1 each for JMA SUZU-12D.P plastic head keys and $3 S/H, much better than the $15 for OEM. Any way, I'm a proud owner of a GZ250 as of last week, I hope my first post helps out a fellow member. Also take your gas cap with you to the local hardware store to make sure they cut it right.

Code Series A6001-A7000 - Suzuki OEM 37146-33E00


Ilco X241
Ilco EZ Line SUZ18
Silca SZ14R
Silca SZ14RAP (w/Plastic Head Cover)
Hillman SU-18
JMA SUZU-12D.P (w/Plastic Head Cover)
Curtis SU18
Taylor X241

04-18-2010, 09:20 AM
That's good info! :2tup:

Thanks and welcome aboard!

Easy Rider
04-18-2010, 11:27 AM
I compiled the list as my contribution to the gz250 community.

Wow.....a new member with something to GIVE instead of begging for help.
That is a refreshing change. :biggrin:

Good show; welcome aboard. :2tup:

08-05-2022, 07:08 PM
Here it is, 12 years later and the site is still up and doing business.

Bought two JMA SUZU-12D.P (plastic head) key blanks and
two JMA SUZU-12D (plain head)

4 Blanks, $13.64 shipped. Still better than one OEM at $19 and change.

Thank you OP wherever you may be.