View Full Version : My "wont start" situation

04-17-2010, 09:09 PM
Okay, I rode my bike all day yesterday with no problems, ran good and started good. Hopped on to go to work and wouldnt start, so i got another way to work. Today troubleshooting all day. Put car battery on for jump (car off) would try to start "chacha chacha chacha" but no engine turn over. Determined battery is shot so i ordered one. Moved on to spark plug. With new plug engine starts but doesnt revv like it used to. It does initially but the more you turn throttle , it pops and skips. Idle seems fine. So i think it may be bad gas. I used ghetto gas. What do you all think? I put a capful of berrymans in it for the first time this season. Waiting on battery to continue. If i feel good to ride it/still acting wacky, I'll take it in to the shop.

2007 thirty thousand miles

Easy Rider
04-17-2010, 10:09 PM
So i think it may be bad gas. I used ghetto gas. What do you all think?

I put a capful of berrymans in it for the first time this season.

Waiting on battery to continue.

Yes. Drain the tank and float bowl.

Use some more B12 with fresh gas; READ THE DIRECTIONS, a capfull in a whole tank of gas is worthless. I think the recommendation is 1 OZ per gallon of fuel but twice what's recommended won't hurt.

Be sure your new battery is fully charged before you install it.

P.S. For future reference, if the engine MOVES, it is turning over. If it turns over but doesn't run, that is usually called "won't fire".

04-17-2010, 10:26 PM
Even if you had a bad battery it should turn over and start with a boost.especially if it ran good the day before.

music man
04-17-2010, 10:47 PM
I am seriously beginning to think that Easy really works for, or has stock in Berrymans B12 corporation, he is pushin that shit like a crack dealer pushes crack. :poke2: :poke2:

04-18-2010, 01:41 AM
Ok will drain tank and add more berrimans. After i charge the new battery all day. Thanks a bunch.

04-18-2010, 06:01 AM
Just drained float bowl. Got about a tablespoon of water out! And about 1/4cup fuel. Should I drain the tank through the same hose on PRI, or some other way? I saw conflicting posts whether draining the whole tank through the carb nipple was good/bad. I hope it works better now. I have not fired it back up yet.

04-18-2010, 06:37 AM
Should I drain the tank through the same hose on PRI, or some other way?

Same hose,yes, but it might be better/quicker to take hose off carb & point it at the receptacle, that way, any gunge goes straight into the bucket & not the carb jets. Remember, also, that even on prime, the fuel below the petcock pipe will stay in the tank. so you might think about removing the tank and/or petcock. If you remove the tank (not a big job!) you can invert it & pour all the contents into a bucket. :2tup:

Easy Rider
04-18-2010, 11:44 AM
Should I drain the tank through the same hose on PRI, or some other way?

That's a tough call. At this point, I think you should put it on PRIme and drain another 1/4 cup or so and then close the screw while still on PRIme.

Hopefully the carb cleaner will pick up whatever is left in the tank. If not, you can do the full tank drain later......if it looks to be needed.

[edit] Get the full dose of cleaner IN the tank before you do that so it will get into the float bowl quickly too.

04-19-2010, 07:24 AM
I am seriously beginning to think that Easy really works for, or has stock in Berrymans B12 corporation, he is pushin that shit like a crack dealer pushes crack. :poke2: :poke2:
It's great stuff, man. I can't get enough. :lol:

04-19-2010, 11:59 AM
I am seriously beginning to think that Easy really works for, or has stock in Berrymans B12 corporation, he is pushin that shit like a crack dealer pushes crack. :poke2: :poke2:

that is some good stuff, i have used many kind of fuel cleaner and it all seemed to be crap, i had a old car that got bad gasmilage, i ran some of that stuff in my car and i actually got a little better mileage and the car seemed to run smoother, ran a nother tank of it and got even more improvement.

i believe in that stuff. so keep on dealing the b12 easy.

Easy Rider
04-19-2010, 01:08 PM
i believe in that stuff. so keep on dealing the b12 easy.

I didn't even know it existed until about 8 months ago. Recommended by an automotive engineer in another bike forum I frequent.

I was a Gumout fan in the past and I think the formula of B12 is similar and sometimes easier to find as Wally World carrys it.

04-19-2010, 01:17 PM
Been using it for over 20 years, it IS good.

music man
04-19-2010, 03:34 PM
I didn't even know it existed until about 8 months ago.

Really? viewtopic.php?f=10&t=608&p=3787&hilit=+berrymans#p3787 (http://www.gz250bike.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=608&p=3787&hilit=+berrymans#p3787) :whistle:

Easy Rider
04-19-2010, 04:09 PM

OK, make that 18 months.....or 3 years.....or 4 maybe.
WTF !!
Don't you have anything better to do ????? :redflip:

music man
04-19-2010, 04:15 PM
[quote="music man":bagsgavk] Really?

OK, make that 18 months.....or 3 years.....or 4 maybe.
WTF !!
Don't you have anything better to do ????? :redflip:[/quote:bagsgavk]

Then to mess with you, why hell no :twisted: :twisted: Just messin' with ya Easy :poke2: