View Full Version : Electrical systems dies - help!

04-16-2010, 06:53 PM
I'm having a problem that I hope someone can help me with.

Sometimes when I turn the key to the start position and the lights come one, I press the electronic start button and the electrical system simply shuts off and dies. There is a "click" which immediately precedes the system dying.

In order to get the electrical system to work again, I have to disconnect the battery and then reattach it once again. Once I do this the electrical system works once again. When I turn the key to the start position I can usually start my bike normally.

What is causing the electrical system to simply shut down and why does it work again after the battery has been unattached and then reattached?

Easy Rider
04-16-2010, 07:06 PM
What is causing the electrical system to simply shut down and why does it work again after the battery has been unattached and then reattached?

You have a bad connection; either at one of the battery terminals OR the other end of those two fat cables OR inside the battery.

First take both battery cables OFF and clean the posts and clamps (inside) with steel wool or similar. Then have a look at the OTHER end of those cables; might want to loosen and re-tighten them just to be sure.

If those 4 connection points are really making good connection, then you must consider the likelyhood that there is a loose connection INSIDE the battery. It is not a rare occurance.

Should check or replace the main fuse too. Have heard of one getting loose and heating up enough to damage the socket.

04-16-2010, 10:13 PM
Make sure when you disconnect the "+" red terminal it does not contact any metal part of the bike.

Easy Rider
04-17-2010, 11:40 AM
Make sure when you disconnect the "+" red terminal it does not contact any metal part of the bike.

Good start. Maybe this is a good place for a reminder of proper techniques for working on batteries.

ALWAYS remove the cable from the negative (black, -) post first and insulate or tie it off so there is no way it can contact the post again; then you also insulate the negative post on the battery......unless you will be removing it from the bike immediately.

After that, you are relatively safe to do whatever you need to do......just so long as none of your tools touch that bare negative battery post.

Disclaimer: That is for negative ground vehicles. Some really old ones might be pos. ground as might be some really BIG equipment or trucks. I've never seen one though.

Water Warrior 2
04-17-2010, 06:23 PM
The negative battery cable is removed first when disconnecting the battery.

The negative battery cable is connected last when reconnecting the battery cables.

As per Easy : negative ground vehicles only.

Easy Rider
04-17-2010, 07:45 PM
The negative battery cable is connected last when reconnecting the battery cables.

Oops. Seems like I always forget some tiny little IMPORTANT detail !! :roll:
