View Full Version : Idle Problems Solved

04-08-2010, 03:25 PM
I recently had my bike looked at for a spring tune and some idling problems (Apartment living makes it hard to do these things yourself some times). I suspected that the float valve might have been stuck because it seemed like the engine flooded when running at low revs. When the revs were high it seemed to run fine. Anyway, the answer came back from the shop and I thought I would post it in case others had this problem. Turns out that the problem was that the Petcock was leaking, thus causing the engine to flood unless it was running fast enough to burn off the extra fuel. I don't know if others have had this problem or are having trouble idling. It might be worth checking your petcock.

Easy Rider
04-08-2010, 10:45 PM
Turns out that the problem was that the Petcock was leaking, thus causing the engine to flood unless it was running fast enough to burn off the extra fuel.

The only way that can happen is with a vacume operated petcock. It is possible for the diaphram to have a leak such that gas is sucked into the vacume line, thus bypassing the carb altogether. That is the ONLY way a petcock can cause the engine to run rich. ONLY WAY.
And that is a pretty rare failure. Usually a leaky diaphram will cause the vacume operated petcock valve to not open at all.

04-09-2010, 10:47 AM
Hmm... I guess this is where my mechanical knowledge fails me. So do you think they took me for a ride or do you think it is just that their description of the problem was imprecise? The carb clean and petcock replacement seems to have solved the problem. Did it maybe only need a carb clean?

Easy Rider
04-09-2010, 10:55 AM
So do you think they took me for a ride or do you think it is just that their description of the problem was imprecise?

Did it maybe only need a carb clean?

Let's hope it was just a misunderstanding about the explanation.......because it's too late to really DO anything about it now. Petcock's are a VERY low failure item. Maybe it was leaking fuel to the outside and you just didn't notice it.......maybe. :roll:

04-09-2010, 10:58 AM
:lol: It's hard to be mad, even if taken for a ride, when you have a working bike and sunshine

04-09-2010, 02:04 PM
It's hard to be mad, even if taken for a ride, when you have a working bike and sunshine

Poetic...I like it.

04-11-2010, 05:58 PM
yeah if its nice out, your bike is running good and they did not hurt your wallet too bad than hey, you can now ride away and enjoy your self.

if the petcock was set to prime all the time i guess you could say it was leaking gas into the carb. that was not the problem was it??

04-20-2010, 05:50 PM
I had the exact same problem on an '82 Yamaha Virago, and it also blew black smoke at low revs. It is quite likely you didn't get taken for a ride.