View Full Version : Cannot unscrew oil filler cap!

04-07-2010, 01:02 AM
Hi All-

I've been on this forum before but had to start a new name, couldn't remember the old one!

Anyway- I was unwinterizing the bike today and attempting a simple oil and filter change- but can't even get the darn oil filler cap to unscrew!! I even used a big pair of pliers over a towel, and even that scratched the metal, without the cap budging a bit.

I also tried lubing where the cap meets the case, and tapping (the same trick used for cars), but I think the seal is so tight that no lube got into the threading.

Is there a trick I'm missing? Is it not "righty-tighty, leftie loosie" like everything else on the bike?

I have a shop appt tomorrow but the bike is currently 30 miles from the shop... I got her running but the oil is very low and am not comfortable taking her on the highway without at least adding some oil or doing the full change.

Any help or tips are appreciated!

04-07-2010, 05:05 AM
Try slipping a longish pipe over an adjustable crescent wrench (you can still do the towel thing to avoid scratches.) I suspect the thing wasn't properly threaded or someone got a little crazy and torqued it down.

Should be lefty (counter clockwise) if I remember correctly.

With the long pipe you can apply a tremendous amount of force but in a very controlled increment. Much easier on the knuckles if it slips.

Easy Rider
04-07-2010, 10:34 AM
Is there a trick I'm missing? Is it not "righty-tighty, leftie loosie" like everything else on the bike?

I have a shop appt tomorrow but the bike is currently 30 miles from the shop... I got her running but the oil is very low ......

No trick. It is standard, right-hand threads.

HOW low is the oil ? If you can still see it in the window when the bike is level, you should be OK; just don't make any screaming speed shifts on the way to the shop. :biggrin:

Alan's suggestion is good; if you have a fairly large adjustable wrench, you may not need the pipe extension. Snug the jaws down real good before trying to turn it.

04-07-2010, 11:09 AM
Makes me nervous. I have visions of the top breaking off, but you gotta do what you gotta do.