View Full Version : New project for the Honda......

04-07-2010, 12:59 AM
So, i saw an ad on Craigslist that someone had 17" ape hangers with harley controls for sale for $100.00. They were mounted on a Honda Ace. I called the guy initially to ask him a few questions about how he did the cables and such for info on doing something similar to my bike.

Turns out he was looking to sell off this set in lew of a set of drag bars off a honda. So, we ended up trading setups.

I am the new proud owner of a set of 17" apes with Harely controls for my spirit.

Only modification i think i will need to make, is to the clutch cable. I'm going to have to find a 66" soft tail cable (seen em on ebay) and modify the honda end to work down at the trans. Shouldn't be too hard and actually looking forward to doing some custom work for the bike. Throttle cables dont fit right, but with the carb cover plate mount, i can screw a small strip of metal to the side where the cables attach to hold them tightly in place.

Now its not only loud, slammed, raked, obnoxiously yellow and lit up like a xmas tree .... it'll keep my armpits dry in the summer :lol:


Heres a pic with them mounted:

Keep in mind, they wont end up on those 6" risers, they will be resting on short 1.5" risers when im finished. Also, the positioning of them is not the final resting place. They were on loose, and i had them at that angle so they were balanced and wouldn't fall down.

http://s2.postimage.org/bQRri.jpg (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=TsbQRri)

04-07-2010, 01:02 AM
And yes, a bird did shit on the gas tank .... i didn't clean it off for the picture lol.