View Full Version : the wind is sure giving me some major trouble today, blah

04-06-2010, 03:34 PM
a super nice day out but we got some 30 some mph winds and i do not appreciate my bike leaning sideways every 3 seconds especially when the wind seems to be blowing in different directions a big gust from the left and than one to the right and when i was stopped at a traffic light it was trying to blow me over.

tomorrow is going to be nice around 75 but the temps are suposd to drop down the the low 60's and than down to the 40's no fun. but a few nice days in the 80's were great while they lasted.

04-06-2010, 04:59 PM
Here too...we're gusting to over 45mph. Just keep loose on the bars and stay in the middle of your lane and you should be able to handle most of what it throws at you. It's tough though and I've actually been staying in a little because of it.

Fish Baseball
04-06-2010, 10:30 PM
We've been copping a fair bit of wind down here in Australia as well, add to that storms, hail and lightning. Love riding in the rain! But on a serious note, just means take it a lot easier and don't lean so far into the corners I guess.....and watch out for tram tracks, cause metal rails in the wet don't seem to offer a great deal of traction....

Easy Rider
04-06-2010, 10:52 PM
and watch out for tram tracks, cause metal rails in the wet don't seem to offer a great deal of traction....

5X dangerous if wet and you are crossing at an angle.

10X dangerous if it is early morning in the winter and crossing at an angle, as they retain frost a LOT longer than the roadway under some conditions.

TWO undie stains in rapid succession as the front tire skips to the side a bit, followed immediately by the back doing the same thing. :skull:

04-07-2010, 04:18 PM
Here too...we're gusting to over 45mph. Just keep loose on the bars and stay in the middle of your lane and you should be able to handle most of what it throws at you. It's tough though and I've actually been staying in a little because of it.

it's probably not as bad as it seems, but it is kind of scary, i just worry ill be leaning around a turn and that big gust will take me down, probably piss off all the traffic but i was taking corners quite slowly

there were a lot of guys out there riding in that wind but i prefer not to ride in it, kind of takes the fun out of it, i think

04-19-2010, 09:29 PM
Also, if you have a jacket that zips or buttons up off to the side...the wind can get in! I have a new Icon jacket that looks like a pea coat, and the other day the wind was gusting 22mph, and it kept going in my coat and pushing me around more. I had to stop and button it up all of the way to my neck to keep from making a parachute!

04-19-2010, 09:36 PM
I have a Fieldsheer 3/4, and with the vents open, I look like the Michelin-man riding down the road. It's like I'm wearing a giant airbag.

music man
04-19-2010, 09:42 PM
I have a jacket like that too, it is not a motorcycle jacket, but it is warm as hell. I tried to wear it one time on my bike and you would have thought I weighed 400 pounds.

04-20-2010, 11:30 AM
Also, if you have a jacket that zips or buttons up off to the side...the wind can get in! I have a new Icon jacket that looks like a pea coat, and the other day the wind was gusting 22mph, and it kept going in my coat and pushing me around more. I had to stop and button it up all of the way to my neck to keep from making a parachute!

where did you get that icon pea jacket, you got any kind of internet link for it, i want something along those lines.

if i cold find a dickies style jacket that was warm with a zip out liner, made out of the right material, plain black and has armor i would be super happy.

04-22-2010, 05:23 PM
http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com/1/ ... acket.aspx (http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com/1/2/49/2205/ITEM/Icon-Womens-Rogue-Jacket.aspx)

This jacket isn't as warm as my waterproof FieldSheer jacket, but it's nice to wear when it's a little bit chilly or windy outside. The pads that came in it are a lot better than the foam ones that came in the FS jacket though. I don't think there's a male version of it, but if I ever see one I'll let you know!

edited for brainfarts

04-22-2010, 09:54 PM

This jacket isn't as warm as my waterproof FieldSheer jacket, but it's nice to wear when it's a little bit chilly or windy outside. The pads that came in it are a lot better than the foam ones that came in the FS jacket though. I don't think there's a male version of it, but if I ever see one I'll let you know!

edited for brainfarts

that thing looks like a civil war jacket, when i saw it pictured a bunch of people riding around on motorcycles with funny hats dodging cannon balls :lol:

04-24-2010, 12:54 AM
Damn, you're right! Now I just need a shoulder strap for my rifle and I will ride around like that all day! I think a weird curled moustache is in order, too.

04-24-2010, 10:17 PM
Damn, you're right! Now I just need a shoulder strap for my rifle and I will ride around like that all day! I think a weird curled moustache is in order, too.


04-24-2010, 10:25 PM
When I read the title of this post, my first thought was, "Then lay off the beans.", but I see it was not about that at all. :biggrin:

04-26-2010, 09:41 AM

This jacket isn't as warm as my waterproof FieldSheer jacket, but it's nice to wear when it's a little bit chilly or windy outside. The pads that came in it are a lot better than the foam ones that came in the FS jacket though. I don't think there's a male version of it, but if I ever see one I'll let you know!

edited for brainfarts

I almost ordered that one! And still thinking about it, it's one of the cuter styles even if it does look like a Civil War jacket :biggrin:
Oops, girling the place up again, sorry guys. :cool:

To keep on topic, yes the wind sucks!! I got hit by a gust that messed with my head Sat on my first real highway ride (husband following in the car). After that I made it a point to practice on trafficless roads while the wind was hitting pretty good so I could get a feel for it.

04-26-2010, 12:29 PM
My 30 yo daughter bought a jacket by "Shift". It's a very attractive black and white womens riding mesh jacket with some attractive (read female type detailing) for about $175. She really likes hers. They are really tailored for women and it looks like it's well made and has some substantial armor. This is the model she has: My Daughter's Shift Jacket (http://shop.shiftracing.com/ecomm/ProductForward.do?forward=product.pagedef&proId=17740&cid=396&cname=Womens&proNumber=70112&imgName=70112001F.jpg)

Here is one on e-bay now at $112 Shift Jacket (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=350345490833&viewitem=)

This is from the guy who won't do ATFGATFT. But my kid is a different story. She wants to wear armor and I think it's great.

Good luck in your search!


04-27-2010, 12:54 AM
I actually take some of the armor out of the jackets. I can't move my arms with the gigantic shoulder pads in, plus the shoulder pads make my backpack side off. This especially happens with my fieldsheer jacket because the material is already kinda slippery.

This is the one I have:

http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com/3/ ... acket.aspx (http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com/3/12/108/9580/ITEM/Fieldsheer-Womens-Mirage-Jacket.aspx)

Hooray, thread is successfully hijacked!

04-27-2010, 05:12 AM
the shoulder pads make my backpack side off.

Ever thought about some kind of box on the back to put the backpack in? It really is much more relaxing, riding without all that weight on your shoulders (& healthier too, I'd imagine :) ) and from experience, I know that the extra weight on the back doesn't alter the handling of the bike. :2tup:

music man
04-27-2010, 07:43 AM
, plus the shoulder pads make my backpack side off.

I always make sure to get a backpack that has a cross strap on it, to connect the two shoulder straps, that way it doesn't shift around or try to come off at all.

04-27-2010, 07:53 AM
Ooooh I love that jacket too...

04-27-2010, 09:55 AM
if it is hard to move with the shoulder pads maybe the jacket is too small, i have no problem with the armor in my jacket.

it is kind of hard to find one that fits just right, it is always best to go to a local motorcycle shop and try one on if possible, different brands run different sizes, the shift jackets seem to run about the size they are supose to be, i have a medium icon jacket and it's probably really a large. i have tried on other medium jackets at the motorcycle shop that fit like a large also. than i tired a small and thy were way to small.

so check your local motorcycle shops first, we got 2 big ones here that have tons of new and use bikes, rick rousch and state 8 both have a lot of gear for sale

04-27-2010, 11:59 AM
Gainesville is lame. We only have 1 bike shop here and they maybe have 4 or 5 ladies jackets at any given time. And usually they're all hideous, with pink butterflies and flowers and swirly things on them. No thanks, not for me! There are a few more shops in Ocala, but the salespeople there annoy the shit out of me. I try to nicely say I'm fine and just looking but they just keep coming over to talk to me.

I'm only on my bike for 10 mins on the way to school so buying some big box thing to put on the bike seems kind of a waste. If I go long distances I just use my magnetic tank bag and my saddlebags to carry stuff for me. The cross straps thing would be cool, I wonder if I can find some to add to my backpack? Again, not going to buy a whole new backpack just for some straps. I bet I could make some, I'm pretty handy at sewing. It's really not an issue now that it's hot outside cause I don't wear a jacket but maybe next winter I will reconsider.

04-27-2010, 12:31 PM
it might be worth the pushy sails people, if they come bother you just say i am looking to buy a coat, if i see one i like and it fits right i will buy it, so i do not need any help, i can try on coats just fine by my self, thank you lol

i have this cargo net thing, it has a few hooks that go under the rear fender, set your stuff on the rear seat, hook one side on, stretch it over top of what your carrying and hook the other side on and you are ready to drive away, it works quite nicely, the hooks on mine are just made of plastic, think i'm going to get some rubber tubing to slide over the hooks to make sure its not taking the paint off if i ever need to use it,

i used it one time when i bought my full face helmet, i rode to the shop to look around and decided to get a full face for the colder weather, i bought the net the same day and strapped my new helmet down on the back seat,

it is probably not good for loose items but you could definately strap a back pack down with it. but i would not suggest strapping down a few loose books lol here is a picture of what they look like. got to love google images, you can find pic of almost any thing


04-27-2010, 01:25 PM
I have a net like that for each of my bikes. They are very handy to have at all times.

Bikebandit sells them for like $2, so if you're ordering from them for anything else, why not just add one to the cart?

Easy Rider
04-27-2010, 04:19 PM
The cross straps thing would be cool, I wonder if I can find some to add to my backpack? Again, not going to buy a whole new backpack just for some straps.

I wonder if you could accomplish roughly the same thing with a velcro "strap" about a foot long ??

04-27-2010, 04:58 PM
You have a sissy bar on your bike - why can't you just strap on and bungee the backpack to the sissy bar? That works quite well.

music man
04-27-2010, 05:09 PM
I wonder if you could accomplish roughly the same thing with a velcro "strap" about a foot long ??

That is a good idea Easy, you would probably need to attach it to at least one of the straps (sew it in maybe) otherwise it would probably be hard to deal with if it wasn't at least semi-attached.

Water Warrior 2
04-27-2010, 09:09 PM
The cross straps thing would be cool, I wonder if I can find some to add to my backpack? Again, not going to buy a whole new backpack just for some straps.

I wonder if you could accomplish roughly the same thing with a velcro "strap" about a foot long ??
Good idea Easy. Also hit a $store for a nylon strap with a buckle on it.

Oh before I forget, New Enough notified me today of a clearance of Ladies jackets for $40. Worth checking out.

Easy Rider
04-27-2010, 10:47 PM
[quote="Easy Rider":8sma7z9n]
I wonder if you could accomplish roughly the same thing with a velcro "strap" about a foot long ??

That is a good idea Easy, you would probably need to attach it to at least one of the straps (sew it in maybe) otherwise it would probably be hard to deal with if it wasn't at least semi-attached.[/quote:8sma7z9n]

Yea, probably would be better.
Maybe not though, if you pulled it tight.........and some of us have...mmmmm...."things" to help keep it from moving around too much. :shocked: :crackup

04-30-2010, 11:28 AM
Thanks for the ideas guys! The backpack really only slips when I wear my waterproof jacket with the shoulder pads in it, so I took the pads out. I haven't been wearing the jacket that often, since it's been hot and not rainy. This summer I am only taking 2 classes at a time so chances are, my notebooks will go in the saddlebags and I'll just throw in a small bag to carry them at school. The jacket will probably go in the other saddlebag since it'll be rainy season. =( Once again, hooray for full face helmets! Raindrops + eyes = pain.