View Full Version : removing front tire questions

04-06-2010, 01:09 PM
hey i'm about to change the front tire on my gz and i have all the necessary tools except for the hex key to get the main pin out. it's very large and i'm going to the hardware store to pick it up but i need to know what size it is. if anyone knows plz let me know :)

music man
04-06-2010, 03:42 PM
hey i'm about to change the front tire on my gz and i have all the necessary tools except for the hex key to get the main pin out. it's very large and i'm going to the hardware store to pick it up but i need to know what size it is. if anyone knows plz let me know :)

This is about the best I can do for ya, viewtopic.php?f=10&t=2380&hilit=allen+wrench (http://www.gz250bike.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=2380&hilit=allen+wrench)

According to two different people on this thread it is a 12mm, the reason I posted a link instead of an answer is that I don't personally know for a fact, and I no longer own a GZ to go check. But 12mm seems to be a safe bet.

04-06-2010, 03:43 PM
i think one of my old post has that information, let me see if i can find it

04-06-2010, 03:51 PM
well i bought a set that came with a few of these, i bought it specifically to get off the front wheel, the 12 and the 14 have both been used, it is one of those, i tried them out on the front wheel of my new suzuki and the 12 is the one that fit. so it would probably be the 12

04-06-2010, 07:29 PM
i found that a T60 bit worked perfectly. thanks for your replies and i hope my discovery helps others :)