View Full Version : Kickstand...

04-03-2010, 12:03 AM
Put it down BEFORE you get off the bike. It sounds lame, but a moment of absent-mindeness can hurt, even when the bike isn't rolling.

I thought I had put the kickstand down, but hadn't, and when I stood up and swung my right leg over the seat I quickly discovered the mistake. As light as the GZ is, there's no stopping it when you're on one leg and she's already over quite a few degrees. A leather jacket and a crash bar ensured that the biggest hurt was to my pride, but it was a lesson well learned.

04-03-2010, 12:17 AM
Bein there,done that.Of course in front of a crowd at local coffee shop.I was butt of jokes for weeks,until someone else done the same.Never made that mastake again!!!

04-03-2010, 03:49 AM
I use the kickstand as my kill switch. As absent minded as I tend to be, perhaps this has saved me from this particular "Whoop-shit." Now, if only the kickstand killed the headlamp, too!

04-03-2010, 07:06 AM
This latest dummy maneuver was also done in front of a crowd, adding to the pain of my injured pride. The first time I did it was in my driveway, a day or two after I got it. I was alone that time, but hoping that my wife hadn't seen it from the house. I figured that she'd use it it as evidence that I shouldn't be riding.

Good idea about using it as the kill switch; last night (as I felt the pain in my elbow) it occured to me that this might be a way to watch myself more carefully!

Easy Rider
04-03-2010, 12:29 PM
I thought I had put the kickstand down, but hadn't, and when I stood up and swung my right leg over the seat I quickly discovered the mistake.

Two things:

It's just a matter of time. Almost every person who rides a bike has done that at least once. If you haven't yet, your time is coming !!! :shocked:

I dismount on the right side; don't know why exactly, it's just a habit. One advantage is that the bike falls AWAY from you instead of ON you when you neglect to put the stand down. :biggrin:

Which leg do YOU swing over the seat ???

04-03-2010, 01:16 PM
I dismount on the right side; don't know why exactly, it's just a habit. One advantage is that the bike falls AWAY from you instead of ON you when you neglect to put the stand down. :biggrin:

The big disadvantage to doing that is the possibility of a nasty burn on your leg from the hot exhaust. I can show you scar pics if you'd like...

Also, on smaller bikes it can be fine. I do it on the GZ and the Ninja all the time, but on bigger/taller bikes, it takes more work and stretching to get on. Maybe on big bikes, it'd be like mounting a horse - one foot on the peg first, then hoist yourself up and swing the leg over.

04-03-2010, 06:14 PM
Now, if only the kickstand killed the headlamp, too!

There is a thread in the "How To" part, about just that. It involves hooking up a relay. Very simple (theoretically):

viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2304 (http://www.gz250bike.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2304)

PS Re: the subject, never done that, but I once put it on the stand, on a slope, so it started rolling forward off the stand and fell over. Disgrace.

04-03-2010, 06:44 PM
but I once put it on the stand, on a slope, so it started rolling forward off the stand and fell over.

Theoretically, leaving it in gear stops it rolling forward. Practically, that's bullshit. (I too learned the hard way) That's why I have a piece of velcro wrapped round the mirror stem. That way,when I park on a slope (and I live in the mountains :cry: ) I can grab the velcro, & wrap it round the rubber grip/brake lever & make an efficient parking brake. :2tup:

04-03-2010, 06:54 PM
Simpler solution - park facing uphill.

04-04-2010, 05:07 AM
Simpler solution - park facing uphill.

Not quite so simple when a lot of our narrow mountain roads are "one way" only. :cry:

Easy Rider
04-04-2010, 12:13 PM
Simpler solution - park facing uphill.

Not quite so simple when a lot of our narrow mountain roads are "one way" only. :cry:

In my experience, in a LOT of Europe, you'd better take the first parking space you come to as they are often at a premium......even for bikes. You NEED to be able to park safely at all kinds of angles.

There probably are a few other places in the US that come close but the only ones that come to mind right away are San Francisco and most of West Virginia. :biggrin: