View Full Version : Proper Use of Prime

03-15-2010, 04:42 PM
I hope this is not a repeat question, I Looked for an old post on this topic, but haven't found one.

Got a gz250 last summer. So last fall I put stabil in the tank, ran the bike a bit, topped off the tank, and drained the floatbowl on the carb.

It's now March and some nice weather is predicted for this weekend. So my question is how do I use the Prime setting to properly restart the bike? How long do I leave it on the prime setting? Do I switch it to Run before I try to start the bike, or after?


Easy Rider
03-15-2010, 04:49 PM
and drained the floatbowl on the carb.

Do I switch it to Run before I try to start the bike, or after?

Draining the bowl was a minor mistake. With Stabil in the gas, that is not necessary. If you really want to drain the bowl, do it in the spring before starting.

PRIme is the same as Reserve.....without the automatic shut off. It will allow the bowl to fill again without the bike running. Unless the float inside the carb is stuck open, it doens't make any difference when you put it back to RUN. You should leave it on PRIme for at least a few minutes before trying to start.

03-15-2010, 05:07 PM
Put it on prime, by the time you get ready, it will be ready.
After the bike is running, switch back to ON.

Water Warrior 2
03-15-2010, 08:01 PM
and drained the floatbowl on the carb.

Do I switch it to Run before I try to start the bike, or after?

Draining the bowl was a minor mistake. With Stabil in the gas, that is not necessary. If you really want to drain the bowl, do it in the spring before starting.

PRIme is the same as Reserve.....without the automatic shut off.
Easy, I think you just had a blonde moment. Prime is not the same as reserve. Both On and reserve are opened by the engine vacuum valve built into the petcock. This allows you to safely park the bike while in either position. Prime bypasses the vacuum portion of the petcock and gravity feeds fuel to the carb.

Easy Rider
03-15-2010, 09:01 PM
[quote="Easy Rider":yne5oaw0]PRIme is the same as Reserve..... without the automatic shut off.

Easy, I think you just had a blonde moment. [/quote:yne5oaw0]

Who is the blonde here ??? I think I said that. :biggrin:

Water Warrior 2
03-15-2010, 11:05 PM
[quote="Water Warrior":2j0rbvcm][quote="Easy Rider":2j0rbvcm]PRIme is the same as Reserve..... without the automatic shut off.

Easy, I think you just had a blonde moment. [/quote:2j0rbvcm]

Who is the blonde here ??? I think I said that. :biggrin:[/quote:2j0rbvcm]
OOPS, sorry Easy. It was the way I read the statement and it translated a little left of center.

03-16-2010, 01:16 PM
Cool -- Thanks for the notes and the help!


03-17-2010, 02:18 PM
Just a followup on my restarting of my bike.

So yesterday evening the weather was beautiful, no need to wait for the weekend. I had fully charged the battery the day before, checked the tire pressure and cleaned off the dust.

Just to make sure there was no funny stuff in the carb bowl or the tank, I opened the drain on the carb and set the petcock to prime for a few seconds. This let out a few ounces of fuel, and I figure it would flush out anything that settled to the bottom, if there was anything. I then closed the drain screw, set it to prime for a few seconds, then set the petcock to run. Started right up, and I went for ride!

03-17-2010, 03:04 PM
Good news...
Have fun.
