View Full Version : Bike won't start... Short-circuit sound!

03-11-2010, 04:16 PM
Hi guys.
I'm new in this forum, I'm sorry for some errors that may appear...
I have a 1999's GZ250 and lattely I had some problem starting up the engine...
The battery is probably dead, I'll get another one, but the latest problem is on the starter relay. I started earing a short circuit sound from battery lead wire or motor lead wire, I'm not sure which one (I'm noob, I'm telling by the manual images...) when I try to fire it up. Tried to disassemble the battery and starter relay and saw that the contacts had been in contact with rain and they were all with rust (?) around the 20V fuse. Changed the fuse, tried to eliminate the rust but the noise is still there.
Tomorrow I'll try to post a video and some photos here so you can give some advice.
I live in Portugal, I don't know if the European GZ250 differs from the American ones...

Another thing, how can I eliminate the rust from the rims and some screws on the bike? Any special product?

Thank you very much,
João Pinto.

03-11-2010, 05:31 PM
First,make sure you have a fully charged battery and tight conections.what you describe sounds like a dead battery.Welcome and good luck.Keep us posted.

03-12-2010, 05:14 AM
I don't know if the European GZ250 differs from the American ones...

Hi there.
Mine's Spanish. I believe the carburettor has different jets (American emission laws mean their bikes have a weaker mixture) & mine has some sort of suction system from the bottom of the sump. Has yours got the steel tube running down in front of the engine? The American bikes don't have this system.
http://s3.postimage.org/vEFaJ.jpg (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=PqvEFaJ)

http://s2.postimage.org/KQagJ.jpg (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=TsKQagJ)

03-12-2010, 08:51 AM
Alan, I'm fairly sure that that is to capture crankcase vapors. They aren't required in the US.


03-12-2010, 09:29 AM
Alan, I'm fairly sure that that is to capture crankcase vapors. They aren't required in the US.


Yes ... I used the wrong word......... My mind went blank & I couldn't remember "crankcase". It sort of came out as "sump". Getting old(er) sucks! :cry:

Easy Rider
03-12-2010, 10:33 AM
The battery is probably dead, I'll get another one, but the latest problem is on the starter relay. I started earing a short circuit sound

Another thing, how can I eliminate the rust from the rims and some screws on the bike? Any special product?

Welcome. The more the merrier !!

Yes, do get a new battery. The solenoid tends to buzz when the battery is dead; that may be the only problem. AND be sure the new battery is fully charged BEFORE you put it in the bike.

Alas, once things start to rust, there isn't much you can do to stop it completely.
On real metal, 000 steel wool is a good start, followed by some polish/wax.
Do not use the steel wool on paint or fake plastic chrome.

03-12-2010, 01:19 PM
Did you try to charge up the battery before you go out and buy a new one?

03-18-2010, 11:50 AM

Tried to charge the battery, but for start the charger that I bought was not working (found it after the problem was resolved...). Went to a mechanic that told me that the battery was without acid, completely dry. Placed a little bit of acid and charged for 1 day with his charger. Meanwhile connected a Land Rover Discovery battery to the bike to see if it starts, and it was working.
When I got my old battery back it worked just fine, without any problem.

The rust on the rims and cromes was cleaned with a mixture of petroleum (3/4) and oil (1/4) and a steel net with small fibers to scratch the rust of without scratching the cromes to much. Very cool, the bike is great.

Thank you for everything.

03-18-2010, 12:34 PM

Usually works. Glad it is running O.K.

03-18-2010, 01:36 PM
You will have to check your battery periodically if it's not a sealed battery and top it off as needed with real clean water (distilled water is best), don't keep adding acid. The hotter the weather, the more frequently you have to check it - just another thing to do to keep it happy.

Did you get married on your bike? Or are you married to it?