View Full Version : Electrical totally dead

03-06-2010, 01:56 PM
Hi everyone. I've checked through the forums for some help but didn't find any for my particular issue (I may have overlooked it...sorry in advance if I have).

I currently have no power on my bike and I'm not sure where to start looking. Here is how I reached this point...

A few weeks back my bike wouldn't crank or anything. I still had power elsewhere (lights all worked, horn blew). My thought was that my starter relay was shot. In the process of trying to check it something squirrely happened...the bike started cranking on its own with the sidestand down and the ignition switched to the off position. Now I do not have any power to anything. No lights, hown won't blow...nothing. Any suggestions on where to begin? Could my key switch be shorted out? Like I said, the batter has juice and fuses are all good.

Easy Rider
03-06-2010, 02:11 PM
Hi everyone.

A few weeks back my bike wouldn't crank or anything.


Are we to assume the bike in question is a GZ250 ??
Either way, these questions are hard to answer without BEING there.
You need a multi-meter and someone who knows how to operate it.

Have you recently posted this problem in another forum......like the last couple of days ??
If so, you are getting some good "guesses" over there.......and I doubt you will get any better answers here (or anyplace else for that matter).

Good luck.......but I think you need some "onsite" help.

03-06-2010, 02:12 PM
The bike is a gz250 and I have not posted anywhere else yet.

03-06-2010, 02:13 PM
Sounds like a MAJOR short circuit somewhere on the wiring loom. I think the first thing to do is to remove the battery, to prevent any major disaster, then do a complete check (remove the tank) of the loom. There's every chance that something as major as this will show up straight away. You might also want to charge up the battery, then get a local auto electrician to load test it, to make sure it isn't completely f***ed up. Good luck.

Water Warrior 2
03-06-2010, 02:24 PM
Hi everyone. I've checked through the forums for some help but didn't find any for my particular issue (I may have overlooked it...sorry in advance if I have).

I currently have no power on my bike and I'm not sure where to start looking. Here is how I reached this point...

A few weeks back my bike wouldn't crank or anything. I still had power elsewhere (lights all worked, horn blew). My thought was that my starter relay was shot. In the process of trying to check it something squirrely happened...the bike started cranking on its own with the sidestand down and the ignition switched to the off position. Now I do not have any power to anything. No lights, hown won't blow...nothing. Any suggestions on where to begin? Could my key switch be shorted out? Like I said, the batter has juice and fuses are all good.
Welcome to the forum. Never heard of that problem before but always a first for everything. I would suspect you tripped the starter relay accidently and it tried to start the bike as it is intended to do. Somehow you had by-passed the sidestand and clutch safeties to give it power. Can't think of any other ideas that might help you, but some one will be along shortly.

Easy Rider
03-06-2010, 02:26 PM
The bike is a gz250 and I have not posted anywhere else yet.

OK, well that's really strange. Someone else has a similar problem AND they describe it exactly, word for word, just like you did. :??:

Anyhow, the obvious answer is that you have blown the main fuse.
A shop manual is available on here for download; you may find it helpful.

The other slightly less obvious answers are: Your battery finally died completely OR you have a badly corroded connection at one end of the main battery cables; then there are probably a half dozen or so other possibilities.

You NEED to check things out with a voltmeter. Really.

03-09-2010, 10:25 PM
i would defo think you have touched both sides of the starter relay with something, screw driver etc, thus giving direct feed so it wouldnt need the key etc to try n turn over, i have to occasionally do this on my cbr due to the contacts sticking n the first time u do it the sparks dont half make u jump lol

this will of either killed an already knackered battery, have you tried to charge it ???
and more likely than not it will of popped a fuse or possibly burn out a wire so i would defo say charge the battery up, swop out the fuse for a new one to be sure and have a good look around the wiring by the relay it is unlikely for it to burn something tho

03-10-2010, 09:50 AM
easy may have just solved your problem, the very first thing you check in this kind of situation would be the fuse box and your battery terminals, than your battery, after that if you stll have the problem i would say the next step is to check your ignition switch. (the thing you put your key in to) when you turn the key it needs to make contact and if it is not making contact nothing will happen and the bike will not know you are trying to turn it on.

03-11-2010, 02:43 PM
did you fix your bike or what?????