View Full Version : riding max speed for long periods of time

02-23-2010, 11:58 AM
how badly does it wear on the bike to top it out for extended periods of time? i took it to the interstate the other day and was pushing 70 and the bike just sounded like it was in pain lol. i only rode a 3 mile stretch to start getting the feel of going that speed. i'm just wondering if its normal to ride such high rpms and if it shortens the life of the bike or causes less mpg.

Easy Rider
02-23-2010, 12:10 PM
i'm just wondering if its normal to ride such high rpms and if it shortens the life of the bike or causes less mpg.

Yes and yes.....both are possible.....and even maybe likely.

There have been a couple of riders report here that they have "blown up" their engines by riding them WFO for a long time.....like 6 months to a year.

I'm sure those posts are still here but it might take a while to find them.

The other side of the coin is: It doesn't seem to hurt it to ride NEAR the upper limit. Many riders report doing 60-65 all the time with no (apparent) ill effects.

02-23-2010, 12:47 PM
It will definitely affect your gas mileage. Anytime you open the throttle all the way, you're blowing more gas into the engine than it can effectively burn off so your mileage will go way down.

02-23-2010, 02:30 PM
Thank you for the info. I guess the best question to ask is... what is the ideal cruising speed for the gz for a decent (say 1.5 hour) trip? i want to take it to my home town to visit my folks and the speed limit on either route is 65.

02-23-2010, 04:22 PM
what is the ideal cruising speed for the gz

You've got to realise that this bike is no crotch rocket. It loves the double nickel. How much above that you go is entirely a matter of how comfortable you feel. :ride:

Easy Rider
02-23-2010, 05:22 PM
and the speed limit on either route is 65.

Either route ??? Is one or both Interstate ??
That sounds kind of high for a 2-lane these days.

02-23-2010, 05:48 PM
I find that my GeeZer operates best at 55 to 60 mph. The engine rpm isn't maxed out. It also runs a bunch cooler than it does at 65. Mine (with my large self on board) struggles to get to 70 mph.

When I bought mine, my semi-elderly old biker salesman told me that "it's a 55 mph bike, and it'll last forever if you can keep her below 60." I'm not one to run the crap out of any of my vehicles...so if I want to go faster, I take the HD or the car.

I also figure that if traffic gets impatient with my 55 mph progress, they can go around me!

That's my take. Good luck!


Water Warrior 2
02-23-2010, 05:54 PM
Lynda found that 60 mph was the sweet spot for her GZ on a longer ride. It did top 80 mph once but sounded very angry with the whole affair. In all fairness to the bike, the GZ is not your typical slab cruiser and must be treated to secondary 2 lane roads where it really shines. Ridden within it's design and capabilities it is a wonderful bike to see the world from.