View Full Version : Mechanical repair question

02-16-2010, 07:35 PM
I posted recently about a missing turn signal light lens cap. Upon closer examination, I have a small crack in the light housing. I didn't order the whole housing, just the lens. I think the housing is made of chromed plastic if there is such a thing. I was gonna try to epoxy the crack before I try to put the new lens on - anybody have any better ideas?

Crack is about 1/4" or less. I can post a photo if that helps.

02-16-2010, 07:55 PM
I think that you are right.

That is what I would do.

Easy Rider
02-16-2010, 09:10 PM
Crack is about 1/4" or less. I can post a photo if that helps.

If that is 1/4" in length, then it is unlikely that there is any real seperation and it would be considered a "hairline crack". If that is true, a drop of super glue might be better as it will wick into the crack and give a good seal through to the outside.

As an aside, I don't use epoxy for anything anymore. For larger jobs, I find Gorilla glue just as good or better and easier to work with. Alas, I need to pay closer attention to getting the nozzle and cap cleaner as I've had two bottles set up INSIDE the bottle now.

[edit] If the crack is at a load-bearing point, like where a screw goes, it's likely that it will open up again with time and vibration.......no matter what you glue it with.