View Full Version : GZ250 Service Manual & Owners Manual - Download!

08-16-2006, 12:39 AM
Files 1 & 2 are the 230 page service manual for your gz250! This is the FULL service manual that came from the dealer. Covers EVERYTHING you could want on your gz250 from teardown to maintenance. What an awesome book!

File #3 Is the Suzuki GZ250 Owners manual for all years GZ250. Another book you cannot be without for your GZ.

Download options:

1. Service Manual - PDF File (http://www.gz250bike.com/gzfiles/manualserviciogz250.pdf)
2. Service Manual - DOC File (http://www.gz250bike.com/gzfiles/manualserviciogz250.doc)

3. Owners Manual - .zip File (http://www.gz250bike.com/gzfiles/GZ250_Manual.zip)


08-26-2007, 10:49 AM
WARNING: On my computer screen i and l look the same.

For example: On page 2-16 (32) there is a torque chart. The far right column looks like Ib-ft when it is actually ib-ft. You can verify this by using copy and paste it into a text editor. I have verified that this should be lb-ft or foot pounds using a conversion tool. Be very aware when you are getting your torque values from this scanned and ocred manual that they are indeed correct or something nasty might happen.

There may also be errors in the numbers where the ocr software got the numbers wrong. It may have decided a 6 was an 8 for example. It happens. I have not found these anywhere that I can point to but they could be there so be careful.

In the future I will only use torque and other critical values I have verified in a real printed service manual manual.

I should have thought of this a long time ago. It might be why I stripped out the threads in my brake caliper. No way to be sure of this.

Anyone care to volunteer to proof read this. :)

05-22-2008, 01:37 PM
i have PDF file (250cc (GZ250 AR151 2003-2005).pdf) with technical data, with all the bike parts. i think it will be very useful for few.

how can i give u the file or upload it?

08-16-2008, 09:21 PM

You are all Motorbike GODS! Thank you soooo much!

I put in a new spark plug with the correct gap and cleaned out the air filter which luckily only had a little oil on the outside but the drain tube for the air was completely full of oil. I will probably get another air filter anyway for good measure since I have the mileage on my bike according to pdf manual I got from this site (Thank you for that too!).

The bike is no longer revving on its own, the mild puffs of black smoke that came out of the muffler with the regular emissions is completely gone and while standing still, there is no sputtering. I'm about to take a short short ride to test the shifting and if that's good, I'll make it a longer ride.

In less than one week being allowed to ride at night, I've had to ride in the rain and have the bike die on me. :cuss: lol

I think I've learned a very valuable lesson and have paid off some of my bike karma debt.

Again, thank you for all your support. I will be learning a lot on this site and hope to be able to give back as much as I've already been given.

Time to ride! I'll let you know how it goes.

Peace out,