View Full Version : White wall tires for the gz 250?

01-23-2010, 07:26 PM
hi there. i've been searching hi and low for some whitewall tires that would fit the gz 250, but with no luck :cry:

the closest thing i found was some avon venom tires, but they are too wide, and i don't really like the "race" style pattern on it.

so, what is your experience with this? have you seen any white walls for this little bike, or don't they exist at all in the correct size?

and yes, i know some would probably say that this doesn't belong on the gz 250, but i don't agree. and to underline my point i have made a quick example of af gz with whitewalls in photoshop. i can't remember where i got the photo, but i think it might have been in here actually, so thanks for the beautiful picture to whoever own's this bike. :) anyway, behold the beauty of this simple mod on a gz 250:


i am definitely going for this! :cool:

but, whitewall tires in the right size? where to get 'em? anyone? :??:

Water Warrior 2
01-23-2010, 10:20 PM
Looks cool but unlikely you will find actual WW tires for the bike. My only suggestion is painting your own with an appropriate paint for the job.

01-24-2010, 12:11 AM
been there, done that. i tried ww paint and those f*... loose whitewalls (portawalls) on my car, and neither is going anywhere near my bike. both are horrible.

but i found this company that can vulcanize (or whatever it's called) actual whitewalls on any car tire the same way that real whitewalls are made, as far as i understood anyway. i have just emailed them to find out if they can do the same with a motorcycle tire, i sure hope so. :)

Water Warrior 2
01-24-2010, 12:22 AM
Gotta feeling the price of the finished product will make your hair stand on end.

01-24-2010, 01:08 AM
I bet it can be done. I've just looked around a little and I've found a couple that might work. I know that you don't need to follow the exact specifications on tire size that Suzuki lists for this bike (my tires are a different size than stock), but I'm too tired right now to look for specifics. Somebody else might know offhand what alternate sizes you can look for. I'll check around again in the morning.

01-24-2010, 11:14 AM
I bet it can be done. I've just looked around a little and I've found a couple that might work. I know that you don't need to follow the exact specifications on tire size that Suzuki lists for this bike (my tires are a different size than stock), but I'm too tired right now to look for specifics. Somebody else might know offhand what alternate sizes you can look for. I'll check around again in the morning.

ok, please let me know if you find something. :)

in the meantime i got an answer from the tire company (on a sunday, good service so far) and they said it could be done, but could not give me an exact price before they knew which tires and how wide a whitewall i wanted on it. but for car tires the price is about 3 times the price of a normal tire. so it's expensive, but then again, it makes a huge difference to the overall look of the bike. at least it's nice to know it can be done if you can't buy any stock whitewalls. :cool:

04-06-2010, 01:22 AM
that looks awesome, did u go for it?? post some pics if u did.

04-07-2010, 02:53 AM
I like the look of the whitewalls. So, why don't you do a poll here and find out how many might be interested, then you can relay the info to him and see what he would supply the tires already with whitewalls to the memebers here. You might be able to knock down the price with more volume.


04-29-2010, 01:51 PM
I have looked everywhere for a pair! If you guys find anything that isnt ludicrously expensive then im in!

04-29-2010, 02:42 PM
White wall tryres, plus an Indian fender (see gadgets & farkles) mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Sounds interesting! :2tup:

04-29-2010, 10:41 PM
Not digging it with the blue but those would rock with the white paintjob I want.

Water Warrior 2
04-30-2010, 02:18 AM
Bigger fenders may catch more air and slow you down. I am sure Alan can relate to this with his bicycle experience.

06-25-2010, 12:00 PM
Anybody tried this paint??


06-29-2010, 05:15 PM
Not digging it with the blue but those would rock with the white paintjob I want.
For those who haven't seen it, there is a white GZ on the 'globalsuzuki' site.

Water Warrior 2
06-29-2010, 09:02 PM
Yup. One of our members has one. Looks good too.

06-29-2010, 09:39 PM
I think this will get you to the pics of our member with the whitewall tires on his GZ.

viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3537&start=0 (http://www.gz250bike.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3537&start=0)

And this may be the link to those whitewalls you are looking for.
http://www.amazon.com/Avon-AM42-Venom-R ... B001CD5A18 (http://www.amazon.com/Avon-AM42-Venom-Rear-Tire/dp/B001CD5A18)

Here is a 140/90-15 Whitewall for $106.99
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001CD ... automotive (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001CD6M56/ref=noref?ie=UTF8&s=automotive)

Here is an MT90-16 Whitewall for $195.99 Not sure if this will work on the front or not, but it looks like the one that is on the GZ in the other thread.
http://www.rockymountainatvmc.com/produ ... lyId=22930 (http://www.rockymountainatvmc.com/productDetail.do?navType=type&webTypeId=229&navTitle=Tires+and+Wheels&webCatId=8&prodFamilyId=22930)

Here's a Whitewall Dunlop D404 130/90-15 for $122.56
http://www.amazon.com/Dunlop-Metric-Cru ... B002G61X4I (http://www.amazon.com/Dunlop-Metric-Cruiser-Motorcycle-Tires/dp/B002G61X4I)

07-04-2010, 07:46 AM
Burkbuilds - The whitewalls you found, are these dimesionally the same as those on a GZ?

I'm desperate to found some WW's that will fit! I'm new to custom tire fitting, an help would be great.


07-04-2010, 06:48 PM
i have not read all the post on this thread yet but i am pretty darn sure they make some kind of tire pain so you can paint your non white walls into white walls.

07-04-2010, 11:29 PM
Burkbuilds - The whitewalls you found, are these dimesionally the same as those on a GZ?

I'm desperate to found some WW's that will fit! I'm new to custom tire fitting, an help would be great.

Well, at least the Dunlop 404 130/90-15 is, that is the spec size for the rear tire. The others have some variation from OEM spec sizes so I'm not sure about them. The MT 90-16 MIGHT work on the front, but I'm not positive because I don't know how that compares to the OEM specified size of 110/90-16. Hopefully someone here more knowledgeable about tires can answer that, or maybe you could call a shop and ask a tire salesman what the difference in the two is. Good luck.

07-05-2010, 12:47 AM
Well, at least the Dunlop 404 130/90-15 is, that is the spec size for the rear tire. The others have some variation from OEM spec sizes so I'm not sure about them. The MT 90-16 MIGHT work on the front, but I'm not positive because I don't know how that compares to the OEM specified size of 110/90-16. Hopefully someone here more knowledgeable about tires can answer that, or maybe you could call a shop and ask a tire salesman what the difference in the two is. Good luck.

The MT90-16 is the same as a 130/90-16.ML90-16 is the same as a 110/90-16.
:2tup: :cool:

07-05-2010, 01:04 AM



07-07-2010, 10:56 AM
Ok guys, thanks for you help. I've been doing some digging around, called a few tyre fitters etc, and at last I may have found a solution. See below.

For the front:

Avon Gangster AM9 MT90-16 74H (110/90-16) White Wall Tyre

and for the rear:

Continental Milestone CM2 130/90-15 M/C 66P White Wall Tyre OR the D404 From Dunlop.

My issue of course is that they are different brands of tyre, in an ideal world I'd buy them as a pair but this, boys and girls just isn't possible. If you want a set of white walls for your GZ you have to buy the front in one brand and the rear in another. This however generally isn't recommended by tyre fitters.

Also, the rear tyre fitted to the bike in the pictures above is infact an Avon Venom - However it looks slightly wider than a 130/90-15. I checked this out and Avon did used to sell a 140/90-15 apparently or one close anyway, I can't remember which one exactly now but it was damn close! Provided you don't go too wide, you should still be able to fit a wider tyre on the rear. Haven't looked in to slightly wider whitewalls yet, but I will and get back to you.

music man
07-07-2010, 11:55 AM
My issue of course is that they are different brands of tyre, in an ideal world I'd buy them as a pair but this, boys and girls just isn't possible. If you want a set of white walls for your GZ you have to buy the front in one brand and the rear in another. This however generally isn't recommended by tyre fitters.

When I still had the GZ, I had two totally different brands and styles of tire treads on it. I rode it when it did have the same tire treads on it and when it didn't, and honestly I couldn't tell any difference. Now if you were on a bike that you were going to scrape the pegs going 70 in a curve, or you were going to go 160 down the freeway I might not advise that, but on the GZ, I don't see that much of a problem. Just make sure the speed and load ratings are pretty much the same and you should be fine. :2tup:

07-07-2010, 04:30 PM
Also, the rear tyre fitted to the bike in the pictures above is infact an Avon Venom - However it looks slightly wider than a 130/90-15. I checked this out and Avon did used to sell a 140/90-15 apparently or one close anyway, I can't remember which one exactly now but it was damn close! Provided you don't go too wide, you should still be able to fit a wider tyre on the rear. Haven't looked in to slightly wider whitewalls yet, but I will and get back to you.

A 140/90-15 will fit on the rear,as I have one on the rear of mine.You need to put a washer behind the strut bar next to the hub for a little extra clearance. :2tup: :)

07-09-2010, 08:53 AM
For the front:

Avon Gangster AM9 MT90-16 74H (110/90-16) White Wall Tyre

CORRECTION - this is not a 110/90-16 tyre, this is a 140/90-16 tyre and may not fit on the front. Maybe if you remove the front fender it might but with the front fender on definately not.

Sorry guys.

07-09-2010, 09:01 AM
This should work on the front instead, see below.

Front Tyre: Shinko Classic 240. Available in single or double white wall. Tyre size is 130/90-16. Again you may have to remove the front fender as the tyre is slightly wider than the stock 110/90-16.

Who needs a front fender anyway! :cool:

07-09-2010, 09:22 AM
This should work on the front instead, see below.

Front Tyre: Shinko Classic 240. Available in single or double white wall. Tyre size is 130/90-16. Again you may have to remove the front fender as the tyre is slightly wider than the stock 110/90-16.

Who needs a front fender anyway! :cool:

That tire is too wide for the front rim,as the front rim is 1/2 inch narrower than the rear rim.You are going up two sizes, 20m.m,3/4 inch.If you did get it on the rim,you would prematurely wear out the center of the tire because of the narrow rim. :bong: :cool:

07-09-2010, 11:47 AM
That tire is too wide for the front rim,as the front rim is 1/2 inch narrower than the rear rim.You are going up two sizes, 20m.m,3/4 inch.If you did get it on the rim,you would prematurely wear out the center of the tire because of the narrow rim.

Hmmm.. yeah you're probably right. Over time I imagine you would wear out the tyre's center. Depends on how often you use the bike I guess.

I'm pretty sure this is the tyre used by one of our white walled members, can't remember his name now, I wonder if he's noticed significant tyre wear on his? If you're reading this mate let me know.

07-09-2010, 12:40 PM
That tire is too wide for the front rim,as the front rim is 1/2 inch narrower than the rear rim.You are going up two sizes, 20m.m,3/4 inch.If you did get it on the rim,you would prematurely wear out the center of the tire because of the narrow rim.

Hmmm.. yeah you're probably right. Over time I imagine you would wear out the tyre's center. Depends on how often you use the bike I guess.

I'm pretty sure this is the tyre used by one of our white walled members, can't remember his name now, I wonder if he's noticed significant tyre wear on his? If you're reading this mate let me know.
That is proper width for the rear,although I run a 140/90-15 on the rear. :) :yes:

07-12-2010, 02:44 AM
Hey there I have the whitewalls on my GZ. The front wears just fine and my rear as well. I'm running an Avon Venom in the rear. It's a 150 and it cuts it a little close with the chain and looks great compared to the old tire. I will try to get specs off the front tire tomorrow. Good luck

07-12-2010, 08:34 AM
Hey there I have the whitewalls on my GZ. The front wears just fine and my rear as well. I'm running an Avon Venom in the rear. It's a 150 and it cuts it a little close with the chain and looks great compared to the old tire. I will try to get specs off the front tire tomorrow. Good luck

What did you need to change or modify for the rear tire to have enough clearance.
:rawk: :cool: