View Full Version : My new (to me) 2006 Ninja 250

01-20-2010, 06:01 PM
I just bought this a couple of days ago to keep my S50 happy, having a companion next to it. The price was right and it's very clean and shiny, practically new. I took it out for my first ride today, and it's an incredible amount of fun - quick, light, very nimble, handles great, unbelievable brakes, very comfortable and smooth, also 60-80mpg, but no protection from the wind - it will be great in the summer or whenever it warms up down here. Although it's 250cc and the weight's about the same, it's night and day different than the GZ. Twin cylinder, water cooled, 6 speed, very high revving (redline is 14.000), and is a sport bike not a cruiser so the seating position is slightly forward leaning with knees bent up a little, but not that pronounced and is very comfortable. And it's also got a CENTERSTAND in addition to the side stand. The insurance is almost 3x the GZ, 1 1/2 times the S50, because it's a sport bike. And the deep red color matches my new Firstgear TPG jacket (and my summer mesh jacket) perfectly. I knew there was more than one reason to buy that new jacket. :)
http://s2.postimage.org/AQ7Wi.jpg (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=TsAQ7Wi)

http://s4.postimage.org/1HdQ6r.jpg (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=aV1HdQ6r)

Water Warrior 2
01-21-2010, 01:42 AM
Too pretty for words. The Ninjette would be my first choice for a sport bike. Am I envious..........YES, dammit.

01-21-2010, 09:24 AM
I can only say what I said before: I wish we hadn't gotten rid of ours. Everything you say about the bike is right on. If you want economy, you got it. If you want fun, you got it. People always mistake if for a 650. It looks bigger than it is. And, up in the power band, it'll pull your head back. They've been making them forever, and they're pretty bulletproof. While not as easy to maintain as a GZ250 (what is?), it is well within the capabilities of anyone with rudimentary mechanical skills and a bit of tools to do all the routine stuff. You just can't go wrong with the little Ninja. Again, congratulations on a choice well made.

01-21-2010, 09:52 AM
The color is great.

01-21-2010, 11:10 PM
What a beautiful bike, and I'm jealous of the center stand!