View Full Version : GZ250 - GZ125 wheel interchangability

01-19-2010, 07:38 PM
Hi guys, sorry if this is in the wrong section.
Long story short, thinking of buying a GZ250, which has a nail in the front tyre, causing the seller to postpone sale.

I am the proud owner of a GZ125, and was thinking offering to swap the 2 tires on purchase would hasten, garantee, and cheapen sale, (I know i'd knock some mulah off the price if i din have to fix a bike i was about to get rid of).

My question is:Are the wheels on the 2 models interchangeable? I believe they should be but thought I would check with the experts :)

Btw, I'm living in Ireland, My bike is an '98, the bike for sale is a '00, any other questions just ask.

ps love the forum, if theres a better place for gz owners to check on, id like to have the link :tongue:

01-20-2010, 03:09 PM

I'm not sure, but i don't think we have the 125 here in the US. I have seen posts on it here from other (Irishmen?) though. Don't know about the wheel, but the frame and everything else looked damn similar. The wheel on the US GZ250 is wider than other 250 cruisers (like the rebel) and I think it is also wider than the new TU250. Seems like you could check the specs easily enough.

From what I've seen on here regarding tires (I haven't bought any yet) it's not a simple matter to find tires (to buy) that match the make/model of the ones that come on the bike from the factory. It seems like there has been some improvisation in some cases.

Regarding other forums, there was a yahoo group for GZ'ers and a few others on various general/manufacturer/magazine bike sites but I think this one is the most comprehensive.

01-20-2010, 08:19 PM
thanks alanmcorcoran, il do some more research on the webernets

Water Warrior 2
01-21-2010, 12:48 AM
Google is your friend. Look for Suzuki GZ 125, Suzuki Marauder 125. Also check out Suzuki Global for international sales of 125's. Compare tire sizes and any parts list you can run across.

01-21-2010, 05:29 AM
One gz125 part that I know for sure won't fit the 250 is the engine guard. 3 times (once original, then twice after accidents) the Suzuki agents sent the local bike shop the 125 guard, & 3 times the bike shop guy had to send them back. Could this only happen in Spain? :bang: