01-08-2010, 02:45 PM
The video at the following link is quite good. I would offer the caveat that they are talking about automobile tires actually falling (or flying) apart, and they recommend that a tire not be mounted if it's over 6 years old. I strongly recommend a much more conservative age limit for motorcycle tires, because they lose stickiness (traction) long before they are likely to come apart at the seams. I won't buy a tire if it's over 2 years old, or ride on one if it's over 5 years old. The part where they show how to determine the age of a tire is good, though, and they are absolutely correct in saying that dealers are either ignorant of the issue, or don't care. On this issue, it's buyer beware. I look at the date code on every tire I buy before I let the shop mount it.