View Full Version : Tire Age Hazard Video from ABC News

01-08-2010, 02:45 PM
The video at the following link is quite good. I would offer the caveat that they are talking about automobile tires actually falling (or flying) apart, and they recommend that a tire not be mounted if it's over 6 years old. I strongly recommend a much more conservative age limit for motorcycle tires, because they lose stickiness (traction) long before they are likely to come apart at the seams. I won't buy a tire if it's over 2 years old, or ride on one if it's over 5 years old. The part where they show how to determine the age of a tire is good, though, and they are absolutely correct in saying that dealers are either ignorant of the issue, or don't care. On this issue, it's buyer beware. I look at the date code on every tire I buy before I let the shop mount it.


Water Warrior 2
01-08-2010, 06:17 PM
Thank you very much for posting this video. It really brings home the fact that manufacturers and retailers will gamble with our lives for profit. Check the date of manufacture and then drive or ride far enough to wear out the tires in 3 or 4 years.

01-10-2010, 01:03 PM
That information and video is really good stuff for everyone to be aware of.
I am taking the liberty of posting this on another bike site I belong to to disseminate this.

01-10-2010, 02:07 PM
I am taking the liberty of posting this on another bike site I belong to to disseminate this.

Good! That's what I did. Someone posted it on my local MC club's website, and I grabbed it from there. I'm sure ABC News won't mind.