View Full Version : Noise - Chain - Other 2000GZ

12-29-2009, 06:55 PM
Hearing a clanking noise when powering on and most noticeable in lower gears. The noise is not noticeable when riding steady speed in higher gears. Noise sounds like chain hitting or in that area. I tightened chain to manual specs and noise still exists. Have not yet cleaned and lubed chain or checked if chain itself is within specs.

Fairly recent purchase from dealer. Bike has 21,000 + miles and I have put on the last 500 miles.

12-29-2009, 07:42 PM
I occasionally experience what my mechanic calls "chain slap" when I hit a bump or accelerate off from a start quickly.

It is the chain hitting the chain guard or the swing arm. Most of my noise was cured by a minor redesign of the chain guard. (read: I bent it)

You were really overdue for a chain adjustment and maybe need a new chain. That'll probably cure most of it. (I clean & lube mine about every 2500 miles and adjust at 5000)

The local Suck-yucki dealer told me a mine was a normal GZism and it's not a prob. Hopefully that's all yours is.

Good luck and welcome to our nightmare.

:skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:

Easy Rider
12-29-2009, 09:16 PM
You were really overdue for a chain adjustment and maybe need a new chain.

Good luck and welcome to our nightmare.

:plus1: On the new chain. May need new sprockets too. This would be a good time to consider changing the front one to a 16T.......to open up an old topic again. :biggrin:
There is a rubber "shock absorber" inside the rear hub that you might want to change too.

Don't put off a cleaning and inspection. Something could be BADLY worn and on the verge of failure. Chains can do NASTY things if they come loose.

As long as we are on the safety subject, how old are the tires? Give them a close inspection too.

And, yes, welcome. We are all just bit players in the Sarrris nightmare !!!!! :roll: :crazy: :crackup

Water Warrior 2
12-30-2009, 12:12 AM
If the bike history is unknown you may have all original parts. If that is the case the chain and sprockets are probably in need of replacement. The noise is probably the chain trying to climb off the teeth of the front sprocket. You need an experienced person to look at the chain and sprockets.

12-30-2009, 07:50 AM
Thanks for the replies. All are on target. I cleaned and lubed the chain and adjusted the tension again. The noise went away. New chain and new tires on order. Will have sprockets examined.