View Full Version : GZ250 not working found hanging hose from carb.
12-12-2009, 08:08 PM
Hi everybody, i bought a used 2001 GZ250 last week, and the first 2 days it was running perfectly. Then the next day it just stopped, and I didnt have a clue what happened to it, I've lurked through these forums to see if there was a solution, and tried everything possible. The motorcycle doesnt start at all, no clicks or noise or anything. just got a new battery, fuel tank is full, kill switch is on. So I gave up on it and was just going to wait till pay day to call a mechanic to help me out, but today I found something. a hose hanging on the carb but not connected to anything else on the other end. So here are pictures to show you. If anybody knows where this goes or knows of a solution to why my bike isnt starting, it be really helpful and thank you.
Easy Rider
12-12-2009, 08:55 PM
The motorcycle doesnt start at all, no clicks or noise or anything. just got a new battery, fuel tank is full, kill switch is on.
a hose hanging on the carb but not connected to anything else on the other end.
Alas, the hose is not going to be the source of your problem. It is an overflow drain hose and is not supposed to be connected to anything.
If you mean that the starter doesn't run....and the engine doesn't turn over, then your problem is electrical. Most likely causes are the safeties; side stand, neutral switch, clutch, kill switch and associated circuitry or the ignition switch itself or main fuse. Also could be a loose connection at the OTHER end of one of the main battery cables.
Does the headlight light when you turn it ON ??
If you don't have a shop manual and a multi-meter, a visit to the shop might be the best way to go. I'm guessing it won't be a very expensive fix.
First issue.
1.Kick stand up?
2.Transmission in neutral?
3.Clutch pulled all the way in?
4.Rock the on-off switch several times.
Second issue.
That looks like the drain from the air box. Trace the other end and see if it goes straight down towards the ground with a plug and clip at the end.
12-12-2009, 08:58 PM
yeah the lights turn on fine when i turn it on. yeah my first guess was that it was electrical. i just dont have a clue where the electrical problem could be. but thanks for the info
Looks like we were both working at the same time and came up with the same questions.
It would be nice if we could get some feedback this quick.
12-12-2009, 09:08 PM
I've done all of the above JWR, yet nothing happens.
Since you have the seat off, look at the fuses.
You do know to charge the battery up for longer life, don't you?
12-12-2009, 09:16 PM
battery has been charged, and fuses are fine.
I got one you know how to short the starter???
12-12-2009, 09:57 PM
nope not a clue. please explain
Hold on and I will dig up a picture, so I don't tell you wrong.
Try google while I get this for you.
I have had to jump across relays and starters on a lot of different autos for years.
Down the manual, from this site, go to page 172 6-11.
I could not find the picture that I wanted.
I will jump mine tomorrow and take a picture for you.
Thanks for the quick feedback.
12-12-2009, 10:23 PM
alright, thanks.
The main issue is why did it stop???
Whatever made it stop is also what is keeping it from starting.
I know you said you checked the fuses, but... looking at them will not always tell you if it is good.
Water Warrior 2
12-13-2009, 12:39 AM
A test light and a cheap meter are worth their weight in gold. If you don't have either one you are just guessing in many cases. Great for trouble shooting.
Easy Rider
12-13-2009, 11:42 AM
Whatever made it stop is also what is keeping it from starting.
No doubt. And the most common cause for this is the side-stand safety switch.
Certainly worth looking at it to be sure the wires are still connected..........but given the experience level of the owner, I still think the shop would be the best choice after that. :cool:
Either way, good luck!
Oh, and yes, without a meter or at least a test light, his efforts are going to be pretty much in vain. Even jumping the solenoid won't do much good because.........what are you going to do next ??
12-30-2009, 12:52 PM
Have you double checked the kill switch is on?
12-31-2009, 04:12 AM
yes i have and i found the problem. i guess this little plastic switch that moves when you disengage the clutch wasnt fully operating, i took my bike too the mechanic and he said if it doesnt start, just flick the thing and it should start fine. which it did, so im going to get it replaced tomorrow which is only costing me $40
12-31-2009, 11:07 AM
Why don't you try and clean it up? Spray it with WD-40 or CRC and see if you can get it to work. I don't think you can take it apart and get to the innards of it, can you? I don't have a GZ anymore to look at it.
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