11-29-2009, 01:18 AM
Hello, there...
2009_11_25 To 28 Riding
Total Mileage: unknown
[EDITED 2009_12_14]
Final Edited Verion for the Touring.
I put only some nice sceneris parts of the clips.
Video Clips are not ready, but finished upload some photos to share first.
Here is the details(log) about riding..
0. Los Angeles, CA to Blythe, CA: Interstate 10
1. Night Riding to save next day touring and for good light condition to take Video and Photo
2. 08:00 PM to 11:30 PM
3. stayed at Motel 6: Blythe, CA
Very happy riding day....
Beatiful road, no traffic, no wind, warm temperatures...
0. woke up at 08:30 AM
1. started riding at 09:00 AM
2. I10 .>> Quartzsite >> Hwy. 60 >> Hwy. 71 >> Congress, AZ >> Hwy. 98
>> Prescott National Forest >> Prescott >> GAS up at Texaco, had to use credit card as Holiday Close >> continue to 89
>> Flagstaff, AZ >> I40 >> here missed the way to the Grand Canyon >> I40 to West
>> Hwy. 66, Historic Route AZ >> stopped at the Saligman, AZ for taking photos, all the stores were closed
>> Kingman, AZ, end of the Route 66, GAS UP at the Texaco >> Hwy. 93 North
>> Hoover Dam >> Hwy. 93
>> Las Vegas >> lost the way to the Death Valley >> I15 South
>> Hwy. 160 West to Pahrump, NV >> about 06:00 PM stayed at the Best Western >> McDonald
Beatifule day for a riding, no wind, not cold, not hot... just about for the riding.
At night, there were Snow Storm in desert Death Valley.
I got some betifule Desert Snow Sceneries Video... once in a life time opportunity...
1. woke up at 09:00 >> free morning meal
>> GAS up >> Hwy. 190 toward to the Death Valley
>> Scottys Castle >> met couple of the senior bike rider (Ron) >> Hwy. 190 South
>> Stovepipe Wells at the 02:00 PM
>> setup Camping >> help for the Tenting, needed big hammer from a kind RV camper (he told me that there might be a storm at night ??)
>> relax and some sunset photos >> 05:30 PM already dark >> tent in.... 06:15 PM
Snow in the Desert.
Big rocks and gravels on the road...
Cold and Windy...
And some heavy rain on the way...
But finally at home without any big problems, at 02:30 PM.
1. got up at 08:00 AM
2. GAS >> Hwy 190
>> Olancha >> Hwy. 395 South >> Hwy. 14
>> Mojave
>> Los Angeles ... Home
Picasa Album Link
2009_11_25 To 28 Riding
Total Mileage: unknown
[EDITED 2009_12_14]
Final Edited Verion for the Touring.
I put only some nice sceneris parts of the clips.
Video Clips are not ready, but finished upload some photos to share first.
Here is the details(log) about riding..
0. Los Angeles, CA to Blythe, CA: Interstate 10
1. Night Riding to save next day touring and for good light condition to take Video and Photo
2. 08:00 PM to 11:30 PM
3. stayed at Motel 6: Blythe, CA
Very happy riding day....
Beatiful road, no traffic, no wind, warm temperatures...
0. woke up at 08:30 AM
1. started riding at 09:00 AM
2. I10 .>> Quartzsite >> Hwy. 60 >> Hwy. 71 >> Congress, AZ >> Hwy. 98
>> Prescott National Forest >> Prescott >> GAS up at Texaco, had to use credit card as Holiday Close >> continue to 89
>> Flagstaff, AZ >> I40 >> here missed the way to the Grand Canyon >> I40 to West
>> Hwy. 66, Historic Route AZ >> stopped at the Saligman, AZ for taking photos, all the stores were closed
>> Kingman, AZ, end of the Route 66, GAS UP at the Texaco >> Hwy. 93 North
>> Hoover Dam >> Hwy. 93
>> Las Vegas >> lost the way to the Death Valley >> I15 South
>> Hwy. 160 West to Pahrump, NV >> about 06:00 PM stayed at the Best Western >> McDonald
Beatifule day for a riding, no wind, not cold, not hot... just about for the riding.
At night, there were Snow Storm in desert Death Valley.
I got some betifule Desert Snow Sceneries Video... once in a life time opportunity...
1. woke up at 09:00 >> free morning meal
>> GAS up >> Hwy. 190 toward to the Death Valley
>> Scottys Castle >> met couple of the senior bike rider (Ron) >> Hwy. 190 South
>> Stovepipe Wells at the 02:00 PM
>> setup Camping >> help for the Tenting, needed big hammer from a kind RV camper (he told me that there might be a storm at night ??)
>> relax and some sunset photos >> 05:30 PM already dark >> tent in.... 06:15 PM
Snow in the Desert.
Big rocks and gravels on the road...
Cold and Windy...
And some heavy rain on the way...
But finally at home without any big problems, at 02:30 PM.
1. got up at 08:00 AM
2. GAS >> Hwy 190
>> Olancha >> Hwy. 395 South >> Hwy. 14
>> Mojave
>> Los Angeles ... Home
Picasa Album Link