View Full Version : How much insurance do you pay?

11-06-2009, 02:43 PM
So how much insurance do you guys pay for the GZ250. As Iv said before sometime in Jan I play to get a Virago 250 so I wan't to know the range or so of insurance for the 250 bikes.

Not just basic insurance though I want full theft protection.

(In the last month 4 motorcycles have been stolen from my college campus. Mostly 600 & 1100cc sports bikes but still one can never be to sure. If I am going to spend my savings of almost 3 years on this I better make sure its well protected. Id also like to know if its a ridiculous amount something like $500 a year would be insane for a $3000 motorcycle. If that was the case I would honestly rather not buy anything and just keep driving a car. I pay $600 a year for my 1996 Camaro full coverage been driving for 3 years no accidents.

I also want to know if you need to pay insurance if you just have the motorcycle sitting in your house. I know a lot of people don't ride their bikes all year long especially in the winter. It seems like a waist to have to pay insurance all year long if you don't plan to ride that long.

I plan to buy the bike in Jan-Feb but I probably won't actually ride it until May so I don't wan't to have to pay insurance for something I'm not going to use.

11-06-2009, 03:50 PM
Get a big heavy cable lock and chain it through the rear wheel and frame if you park it on campus. The only way to steal it then is to pick it up and carry it away, which can be done by a few guys but isn't that easy to do in the daylight.
I think I pay about $380/yr. in Fl. for my S50 (805cc), and my GZ was only ? $175-180 if I remember correctly.

11-06-2009, 04:54 PM
The way they stole my class mates Honda CBR1100 was in less than 30 min they hotwired it, cut the chain he had used to secure it to a post, and took off with it.

11-06-2009, 05:55 PM
Get a bigger chain. Or a real heavy braided cable which is harder to cut. Park out in the open, Etc., etc., etc. If they want it bad enough they will get it. If the bike is real dirty and looks like an old POS, nobody will steal it. Leave a puddle of oil underneath (but don't ride over it when you leave to get it on the rear tire).
They also make alarms for bikes which may work if the thief doesn't know it's there, and also Lojacks for bikes, to try and get it back. Some older car alarms used to beep your pager (remember them?) - I don't know if any new alarms will call or text your cellphone. Just pay for the insurance for theft.

11-06-2009, 07:06 PM
I paid $300 year for liability only.

11-06-2009, 08:39 PM
120.00 a year for my volusia and 80.00 a year for my gz.. that was liability on both, probably should get full coverage tho.

music man
11-06-2009, 09:47 PM
120.00 a year for my volusia and 80.00 a year for my gz.. that was liability on both, probably should get full coverage tho.

Mine was 100 dollars a year the first year i had the GZ, and 80 dollars the second year. the Intruder is 120 dollars a year, these are all liability prices.

Water Warrior 2
11-06-2009, 11:03 PM
120.00 a year for my volusia and 80.00 a year for my gz.. that was liability on both, probably should get full coverage tho.

Mine was 100 dollars a year the first year i had the GZ, and 80 dollars the second year. the Intruder is 120 dollars a year, these are all liability prices.

Try paying that every month. The U.S. probably has the lowest ins. rates in the world.

music man
11-06-2009, 11:58 PM
Yea but that is just for bare bones liability, all that will pay for is the damage to someone else's vehicle and keep me from getting a ticket for no insurance.

Water Warrior 2
11-07-2009, 12:47 AM
Yea but that is just for bare bones liability, all that will pay for is the damage to someone else's vehicle and keep me from getting a ticket for no insurance.

53.30 a month for bare bones liability/639.60 a year and another $325 yearly for private coverage which covers my bike for fire, thieft, vandalism, collision with a $500 or $1000 deductable. Can't remember the exact deductable. That is with a very clean driving record for at least 34 years.

11-07-2009, 04:49 AM
Over here, mine's the equivalent of around $270 a year for the gz. For some reason they'll cover fire but not theft.

11-07-2009, 07:03 AM
I just renewed my full coverage through Geico for my GZ250 for $102 for the whole year(12 months). This is full coverage with a $250 deductible for comprehensive and collision. Last year I paid Geico $125 for the whole year. This renewal, I got discounts for the MSF course(which I passed and mailed them a copy of the completion card) and renewal discount. I live in the Chicago suburbs. My coverages are the minimum that the state of IL legally requires(limits $25,000/$50,000) for bodily injury liability each person/each occurrence and uninsured motorist each person/each occurrence. Medical payments coverage is only $2,000. Property damage liability is $15,000. Remember, these are the state required minimum coverage in IL.

11-07-2009, 07:53 PM
*gets annoyed at people who think state minimums is "just fine"*

I pay $180/year for $100,000/$300,000 bodily injury, UM, and UIM coverage on my Marauder. No comprehensive or collision. I think my property damage liability it $50,000.

11-08-2009, 01:34 AM
$55 a year for liability on the GZ and the Ninja 250R sportbike. $85 a year for the Shadow 750. In a few days, I'll have more numbers.

New GZ250
11-08-2009, 03:41 PM
Just under $200.00 a year, I carry full/maximum everything! Think deduct is $250.00. If I paid what Water Warrior pays, I'd buy a horse!
Don't forget this is for a 2009 bike.

11-08-2009, 06:09 PM
I don't think it's meaningful to compare insurance costs across other states, never mind other countries. In fact, it's probably not meaningful to compare within a state (rural vs urban) Plus there are age, driving record, etc. issues.

Regarding carring insurance for the year, if the bike is not on the roads, you may not need to insure it if you own it outright. If somewhat else has the title, they may require you to have insurance on it until it is paid off. Many insurance companies charge you based on your estimated annual mileage, so if you aren't using it year round you might be paying less.

Places like Los Angeles, New York City, Newark, NJ, etc. (and, apparently, Canada) are going to have much higher insurance costs than Wichita or Bozeman. Registration fees are also much higher here in CA than elsewhere. My Strat costs $192 bucks just for registration.

I do recommend you shop around. Not only are all rates not the same, but, many times there can be differences at the same company depending on how they classify your bike and if they properly qualifiy you for all available discounts. I moved my bike insurance from progressive to AAA and my cars from AllState to AAA and got better rates for both.

music man
11-08-2009, 07:14 PM
I don't think it's meaningful to compare insurance costs across other states, never mind other countries. In fact, it's probably not meaningful to compare within a state (rural vs urban) Plus there are age, driving record, etc. issues.

Its really not, because not too long after I bought the GZ, I had to move over near Little Rock into a town with about 2000 people in it, and my insurance was higher than it is here in Hot Springs, My car insurance was too, And also that town was only like 35-40 miles from where I am Right now.

music man
11-08-2009, 07:15 PM
Just under $200.00 a year, I carry full/maximum everything! Think deduct is $250.00. If I paid what Water Warrior pays, I'd buy a horse!
Don't forget this is for a 2009 bike.

If I could get full coverage/maximum everything, for less than two hundred bucks I would, but I can't.

11-08-2009, 07:47 PM
Here in Toronto Ontario I pay $340.00 for liability only. For other larger bikes the rates escalate rapidly. Example H-D sportster $1100/yr and for h-d dyna my buddy pays $1450/yr a 750 shadow is $900/yr. In canada insurance is expensive. In Ontario it is outrageous. If you don't pay you don't ride. Also used bikes cost a lot more here than prices that I here quoted in this group.
Example 1996 shadow 600 with 40,000 km is $3800.00

11-09-2009, 04:28 AM
Its really not, because not too long after I bought the GZ, I had to move over near Little Rock into a town with about 2000 people in it, and my insurance was higher than it is here in Hot Springs, My car insurance was too, And also that town was only like 35-40 miles from where I am Right now.

It's the same in England. When you apply for insurance they want the post code (zip code). I think that this lets them find the average figures in an area for such things as theft & accident statistics.

11-09-2009, 04:20 PM
I've seen this topic come up in other forums before, and it usually goes about like the posts so far, minus the quotes from outside the U.S.A. The one thing that always comes out is that there seems to be no rhyme or reason to the quotes you will get from different companies, and they can vary widely. So, like the man said, do shop around.

11-10-2009, 04:23 AM
My main complaint is that, when in England, I'd shop around every year,find cheaper insurance, then write to last year's company saying that I didn't want to use them this year. Every time I did that I'd get a phone call from last year's company, asking why I wasn't using them anymore. When I explained that I'd got cheaper insurance, the answer was ALWAYS "We'll match that". My answer was always "No - if you can match it now, why couldn't you match it when you sent me my renewal notice". It appears that they'll try & sting you for whatever they can, not what it costs them to actually insure you. :cry:

11-10-2009, 02:31 PM
I don't know if it is still available, but in at least one state I lived, you had the option of insuring yourself. You had to post a bond with some governmental agency (I think it was 30K at the time, maybe 50K) and, then if you didn't have any accidents, insurance cost you nothing. Of course, you could lose your whole bond, too. The reality is, unless you can predict the future, no one knows what it "actually" costs to insure someone. It's a pooled educated guess at best and, in times of unanticipated greater levels of catastrophe and chaos, is often wrong. Rates often go up in one year to cover the mistakes of the previous year.

I have been told flat out by one of my previous insurers NOT to buy MC insurance from them as they knew they were not competitive.

11-10-2009, 04:31 PM
In New Hampshire the law does not require most drivers to have any insurance at all. I say most, as there are some drivers that have to have liability insurance, namely those with DUIs or a poor driving record. For those of us who do buy insurance, we can and do buy a thing called "uninsured motorist" insurance, in case we get hit by someone with no insurance.