View Full Version : Looking for riders in Central PA

10-19-2009, 02:07 PM
Are there any people who use this site from Central PA? I have not seen a single GZ250 in our town and I would like to get together with others to plan a ride. It's getting cold but I think we'll still get some nice days for riding.

New GZ250
10-19-2009, 04:34 PM
I have your same wish for the San Francisco Area! Good luck, finding a GZ friend!

10-20-2009, 05:59 AM
Dupo isn't on his GZ anymore, but he's in Allentown. Also mr. softie is around there too, in Bucks County I think.

10-24-2009, 02:33 PM
Are you anywhere near Rts. 81 or 11? I ride through there sometimes on my way South or West from NH. Might just get one more of those trips in this year if the snow holds off. If not, then early Spring for sure.

I must admit that, while I was skeptical about some of the mods you were thinking about or were being suggested, I am impressed with your determination to stick to it and get something you can ride. I wouldn't mind taking a few photos of your creation, as I have a very good camera and know how to use it.

10-28-2009, 08:06 AM
Probably the closest I am to 81 would be Harrisburg. I am just off 322 in Lewistown which is about 60 miles west of there.
Lewistown is about 45 miles from Selinsgrove where 11 and 15 pass through. I have been through your area on several trips to the New England states though not on a bike. It's a beautiful area. Let me know if your passing through. I haven't done any highway speeds yet on 322 but it's a nice ride on 522 to Selinsgrove. I tried taking pictures but you can't really tell how low it sits. I am just so thrilled to be able to ride. It rides really nice but I need to get a windshield to replace the one I broke in a spill earlier. My goal was to ride to the top of a nearby mountain by the end of October. I did it this past weekend. This is probably the biggest bike I will ever be able to ride but I am still hoping to find a Harley that I can lower to 24 inches. I may need to build some more muscle if I do.

10-28-2009, 09:24 AM
Yes, you're not that far from the section of 11 that splits from following 81, and goes along the Susquehanna River. I've been down that stretch (and back) 3 times since '04. On 3 different bikes, too! Not sure about this year - Winter seems to be coming in faster than usual. I'll ride in anything unless there is snow/slush/ice on the roads. I worry about being too far from home and stuck in a snowstorm. If not this year, I'll definitely do a trip South in the Spring. I haven't in a couple of years, and I'm overdue.

We in NH are blessed to live in some of the best riding country in the world, as are you. I was surprised to learn that NH has the highest per capita motorcycle ownership in the country. We have a strong state organization, and of course bike week at Laconia focuses attention on riding. You must also have a strong state organization, since the helmet law was partially repealed a few years ago. Not that I suggest riding without one, but that political action tends to indicate a solid state rights organization.

Congratulations on your mountain, and on your personal victory in getting on a bike. I think you will find a couple of things in time. One is that the muscles you need to build up for riding will get built up by riding. I call them my "motorcycle muscles", and they tend to get out of condition if I lay the bikes up for the Winter. I don't always put them away. Some years I ride right through the Winter, any day the roads are clear and it gets above 20 degrees. The other thing that you will discover is that the longer you ride, the less strength you will need. It becomes more about skill and balance. I've seen some pretty small women handle those Harleys, ones that could get their toes down, but not flatfoot. I'm not saying it's a great idea, but it can be done. Several of the women in my local club ride or have ridden Sportsters, some of which I believe have been lowered.