View Full Version : Los Angeles, Winterization Video HD Version
10-17-2009, 05:03 AM
To prepare for the winter in Los Angeles,
I had to fix my new camera mounting..... ha ha ha
Just for sharing....
PS: Now, members will know, how hard to overcome the winter time in here S. Cal.
Water Warrior 2
10-17-2009, 04:29 PM
A very clear and steady video. Too bad about your winter weather though. I'll trade you. Today is about 45 F, can't see the snow on the mountains because the clouds are so low, 2 inches of rain so far today with more on the way. The Pacific here is gray and really cold looking. Oh, more bikers to wave at, go figure.
10-18-2009, 02:35 AM
A very clear and steady video. Too bad about your winter weather though. I'll trade you. Today is about 45 F, can't see the snow on the mountains because the clouds are so low, 2 inches of rain so far today with more on the way. The Pacific here is gray and really cold looking. Oh, more bikers to wave at, go figure.
Hi, Mr. WW.
No way, I won't trade it ... ha ha ha.
Today, I tried to mount differenty way (and different view angles) and tested some riding.
Unfortunately, it came out worse than previous mounting.
However, there are some good seneries clips...
As I started late this afternoon, I got some low light situations while taking video.
And some good results (not clear looking but new camcorder takes some resonable video)
When I finished the conversion/uploading to youtube let me put links here.
Thanks for the your comments.
10-19-2009, 12:56 AM
Here are the some testing clips...
Changed just vanishing point and angles.
Seems that more seneries on the video.
And late afternoon clip...
Water Warrior 2
10-19-2009, 06:12 AM
That's it, I'm moving South. Too much traffic in the GWN for me. Busy, is there a way to change the sound pick up to cut out the wind a little and maybe hear a little more engine noise ? Probably not but I would like it. That way I could turn up the volume, wear ear plugs and pretend I was riding. LOL.
10-19-2009, 10:42 AM
That's it, I'm moving South. Too much traffic in the GWN for me.
Busy, go out during rush hour and show him what kind of traffic we deal with where people actually live. We can't have people moving here under false pretenses.
Good videos, but I miss your adventurous ride reports.
10-20-2009, 03:08 AM
That's it, I'm moving South. Too much traffic in the GWN for me. Busy, is there a way to change the sound pick up to cut out the wind a little and maybe hear a little more engine noise ? Probably not but I would like it. That way I could turn up the volume, wear ear plugs and pretend I was riding. LOL.
Hi, Mr. WW.
Let me try to cover the speaker of camera next time to see if it works...
By the way, as Mr. Moedad said..
I uploaded one of the Los Angeles Traffic video and Lane Splitting..
(took couple of days ago.....)
10-20-2009, 03:11 AM
That's it, I'm moving South. Too much traffic in the GWN for me.
Busy, go out during rush hour and show him what kind of traffic we deal with where people actually live. We can't have people moving here under false pretenses.
Good videos, but I miss your adventurous ride reports.
Hi, Mr. Moedad.
Here is the Los Angeles Traffic Video..
And, on the clip, there are Lane Splitting with Motorcycle.
Slow but efficient way to get home fast.. ha ha ha
(some dangers are always when lane splitting... so I do slow most of time)
10-20-2009, 09:05 AM
How fast were you going during that lane splitting? It looks like 40-50mph but I'm sure it wasn't that fast.
You must have pissed off about 100 people in their cars on the way home wishing they could do that.
10-20-2009, 10:46 AM
Hi, Mr. Moedad.
Here is the Los Angeles Traffic Video..
And, on the clip, there are Lane Splitting with Motorcycle.
Slow but efficient way to get home fast.. ha ha ha
(some dangers are always when lane splitting... so I do slow most of time)
There you go. That's a lot more typical than canyon rides. Whew, with your cam mounted on the side of your bike, some of those cars on the left look awfully close! Good job, Busy.
Water Warrior 2
10-20-2009, 02:31 PM
Now that is more like what I am used to riding in. Except for the lane splitting of course. Was joking of course about no traffic on your trips, you must have to ride in a lot of traffic to find peace and quiet elsewhere.
10-20-2009, 02:51 PM
Was joking of course about no traffic on your trips.
We know, we're just having fun. It is kind of eerie on some of those canyon roads that Busy likes though. They were built a long time ago, many following Indian trails, to connect the small towns and villages of what was the El Camino Real (The King's Highway) in the early days of California with the villages along the coast road, which was unreliable at best in its infancy due to frequent closures from storm and slide damage. Most of those canyon roads are used much less frequently since Hwy 101 has become the multi-lane freeway that it is, and since the coastal route (Hwy 1) has long ago been permanently connected between Los Angeles and Santa Barbara (still closes due to the occasional slide however). So most of those canyon roads are virtually deserted much of the time. That's why they look so empty in Busy's videos. The motorcyclists in So Cal love them, but most of them lack amenities (like roadside taverns), and so don't see some of the bike traffic that other local twisty routes get.
10-20-2009, 06:09 PM
Hey Busy,
I thought your lane-splitting video did an excellent job of capturing the exhilaration and the danger of this unique-to-California riding option. I am a "reluctant" splitter - I do it when the traffic is at a near stand-still, cause I don't like to stop on the bike. Still, it always gets my heart rate up. Also, the Strat is about as wide as a Civic so I gotta be real accurate. If you get a good rhythm going, you can sort of weave into the gaps, but about every 20th car or so there seems to be a bike-hater that will move over to hug the line. Fortunately, in So Cal, many of the people in the cars are also bikers so quite a few of them will move over to give you more room.
Still, it's very interesting that they allow it. As anyone can tell from the video, it is quite a bit more dicey than regular riding. There are laws governing the maximum speed you can do, and also the amount faster than the traffic you can go.
Water Warrior 2
10-20-2009, 06:52 PM
Alan, if you think the Strat is wide you should measure it against my Vstrom. It is really wide. Almost like a fat lady in Spandex. (
10-20-2009, 07:30 PM
Alan, if you think the Strat is wide you should measure it against my Vstrom. It is really wide. Almost like a fat lady in Spandex.
Water Warrior 2
10-20-2009, 07:48 PM
OMG..................Some folks should not be on a bike.
10-21-2009, 12:02 AM
How fast were you going during that lane splitting? It looks like 40-50mph but I'm sure it wasn't that fast.
You must have pissed off about 100 people in their cars on the way home wishing they could do that.
Ha ha ha, Mr MM.
I always have smile in my heart (sometimes at the face) whenever I go splitting at the traffic.
Don't know why, but feels really good when passing those stucked cages.. ha ha ha
The speed is depend on the road width.
Most of time, I think that 30-45, or just about double speed of the cages.
If traffic goes up to 45, I stop splitting and follow the traffic. (sacres when goes high speed spiltting.. ha ha)
I admir those who do high speed splitting at the highway; yes some are doing; not for me ...
10-21-2009, 12:09 AM
Fortunately, in So Cal, many of the people in the cars are also bikers so quite a few of them will move over to give you more room.
Hello, Mr. Alan the writer... ha ha ha
Where have you been?
When spliting, if those cagers spare me some more road space, I always shake hand sign for them to thank.
Just a foot is great appreciation for the bikers when lane splitting.
Many of them (car drivers) actually don't see the bikes coming from behind until it gets closer to them.
That's why some bikers try to add some high sound exhaust ???
Anyway, glad you are still hanging around here....
10-21-2009, 12:21 AM
Alan, if you think the Strat is wide you should measure it against my Vstrom. It is really wide. Almost like a fat lady in Spandex. (
Hello, Mr WW.
I found my side mirror are folderable... couple of days ago..when I worked on for my new cam. mounting.
If I hit something with mirror, mirror will bent in... like cage side mirror.. ha ha ha
My bike's side mirror is placed in un-commonly compare to the other bikes; it goes little far away out.
So, actual my lane splitting goes on/off with measurment of cross width of my both side mirrors.
How is the V-Storms side mirror placement? (check if it can't be folderable??)
After seeing your bike photo, ... um I don't think lane splitting is possible with bags attahced..!!!
10-21-2009, 07:29 AM
How the heck did she get on that bike? Nope, I'll be nice.
10-21-2009, 02:36 PM
I thought your lane-splitting video did an excellent job of capturing the exhilaration and the danger of this unique-to-California riding option.
Nope ....... This is EXACTLY why I've kept the gz for the last 2½ years, & why I've got to be careful what bike I pick if I DO upgrade! At least 50% of my riding is in similar conditions on this small island, & there are no laws banning or restricting lane splitting, so the gz is the ideal bike for the conditions. Also, when I saw busy's video with the mountain right at the side of the road, it was so similar to the roads I ride on (with a BIG volcano slap bang in the middle of the island) that it was uncanny. :chop:
Water Warrior 2
10-21-2009, 04:04 PM
Alan, if you think the Strat is wide you should measure it against my Vstrom. It is really wide. Almost like a fat lady in Spandex. (
After seeing your bike photo, ... um I don't think lane splitting is possible with bags attahced..!!!
The only thing foldable on the bike is the old rider. The bags are wide enough to knock over traffic cones in construction areas and annoy the cagers behind me. I have also grazed a concrete pillar with the bags in my parking area so I keep a supply of new reflective tape to replace what I scrap off. The trade off is a bigger presence on the road for cagers to see.
10-23-2009, 06:50 PM
I got ginormous saddlebags on the Strat, but I don't think they stick out any farther than my bars/mirrors.
I always start every ride with a backwards lane split and end every ride with a forwards lane split into a rising garage door, sliding in between the two Piece of Crap cages sitting in my driveway. Good practice!
10-23-2009, 09:40 PM
I always start every ride with a backwards lane split and end every ride with a forwards lane split into a rising garage door, sliding in between the two Piece of Crap cages sitting in my driveway. Good practice!
Ha, ha ha.
Mr. Alan, that's a great practice....^^
I, first, thought that you are doing on the road...with your tank-bike.
Until I read garage door part...
10-24-2009, 12:11 PM
Wow, if you tried that in Atlanta (it's illegal here) the cage riders would take you out in a hundred yards just out of meanness! I've seen people try to put a rider into the concrete barrier wall because they were sitting in traffic and the bike was riding by in the "pull off" lane. Now don't get me wrong, southerners are very hospitable most of the time, but Atlanta drivers are rude and short tempered in my experience.
music man
11-05-2009, 04:47 PM
I got ginormous saddlebags on the Strat, but I don't think they stick out any farther than my bars/mirrors.
I always start every ride with a backwards lane split and end every ride with a forwards lane split into a rising garage door, sliding in between the two Piece of Crap cages sitting in my driveway. Good practice!
You do that to your garage door too!!!! I keep waiting till one day when I time it wrong and take my freakin' head off with it.
music man
11-05-2009, 04:50 PM
Wow, if you tried that in Atlanta (it's illegal here) the cage riders would take you out in a hundred yards just out of meanness! I've seen people try to put a rider into the concrete barrier wall because they were sitting in traffic and the bike was riding by in the "pull off" lane. Now don't get me wrong, southerners are very hospitable most of the time, but Atlanta drivers are rude and short tempered in my experience.
Yea you try that crap in Little Rock (or here for that matter) and somebody would open their car door up and take you out just for spite, because you are getting through traffic faster than they are.
11-05-2009, 05:21 PM
It's been known to happen out here too. It's easy to understand the frustration. There are few places on the planet with more cars "not going anywhere for a while" than Southern California. Add in a neon colored sport bike and a fuchsia mohawk helmet and you are literally cruising for a bruising.
They're just jealous - and with good reason!
We also get to ride in the carpool lanes, we're not subject to the seat belt laws and I've had two instances in recent weeks of parking attendants waving me through the parking garage (so I didn't have to pay!) One was at LAX. Saved me almost 20 bucks. You do have to duck around the wooden barrier arm thingie. Almost couldn't do it on the big bike.
I did discover, contrary to popular belief, we are NOT exempt from tolls on the toll roads.
11-05-2009, 05:35 PM
Parking at school is a perk too. I don't have to get a "sticker" and I can pretty much park anywhere as long as I'm not blocking something or someone. If it is raining I usually drive up the sidewalks and park under the awning of one of the Mechanical buildings that just houses equipment.
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