View Full Version : First HD Quality Video from Camera Mount
10-11-2009, 04:19 AM
Hi, there.
It's my first HD video with FZ6 Camera Mount.
There are some faulty on the mounting, so some noticible vibration on the video.
However, I satisfied some overall quality of the video and camera mounting (includes camera itself).
I made some more videos with this mounting for testing.
Many different road types and different speeds..
Let me edit them and put some link later on..
(not that easy for me with MP4 format....little new file format and.......>>>> my computer is little old aged.... ha ha ha)
Anyway here is the YouTube link...
Water Warrior 2
10-11-2009, 06:38 AM
Wow Busy, that is quite a picture. The video is very clear and the depth perception is very noticeable. Also the color is much better than we normally see on a video. Looking forward to your next video.
10-11-2009, 08:40 AM
I've tried mounting my Canon HV30 on my bike, and the results were not nearly as steady as what you got. Compared to many other attempts I have seen on YouTube, you are doing very very well, especially considering that the GZ250 isn't the steadiest platform in the World!
music man
10-11-2009, 11:03 AM
I've tried mounting my Canon HV30 on my bike, and the results were not nearly as steady as what you got. Compared to many other attempts I have seen on YouTube, you are doing very very well, especially considering that the GZ250 isn't the steadiest platform in the World!
That's because he is not riding a GZ, he is riding an Yamaha FZ6, and if you haven't seen his camera mount maybe you ought to check it out, if you are really serious about having a camera on your bike, you could probably get some good ideas from his mount.
[Edit] I found that thread, viewtopic.php?f=14&t=2719&p=26424&hilit=camera+mount#p26424 (, It actually doesn't start out as a thread about his camera mount, but scroll down a few posts and you will find it.
10-11-2009, 12:36 PM
Thanks MM. I assumed he was riding a GZ since his profile doesn't mention any other bike.
I did a little experimenting with video on the motorcycle, and came to the conclusion that the best approach is a helmet cam. The human body takes out all of the vibration and a lot of the bumps. It also gives a more realistic impression of riding, because it records where you're actually looking as opposed to straight ahead all the time. I actually rigged a Canon HV30 to one of my helmets, and the result wasn't bad. It's a pain, though, and I just kind of got tired of it.
Here's what I came up with:
I may get back to it sometime.
music man
10-11-2009, 02:24 PM
Patrick_777 also has a very cool helmet cam setup that you might want to do a search for. And Busyweb doesn't have time to change his profile, he is too busy racking up miles, I swear I think that guy sleeps on his motorcycle.
10-12-2009, 02:23 AM
Hi, there.
Thanks for the coments all.
Isn't it look better than regular SD (Standard Vidoe Format), even if there are some vibrations.
I need to fix those camera vibration, but seems little harder than before (not sure yet).
But I'll try next time.
Here is another video clip from yesterday testing,...
.... to convert into WMV format takes very long time with my computer..........
Very slow canyon riding... ha ha ha, to test...
(actually my canyon riding speed.. ha ha ha, I don't blame my touring tires...)
I hope that next time I could get better result....
10-12-2009, 02:58 AM
Here's what I came up with:
Hi, Mr Geyer.
The video looks great for me.
I considered to mount new camera on the helmet.
And I may try next time at helmet, but some disadventages...
Hard to control camera while on rinding.
Can't see preview window..
And some Neck Pain >> I searched internet >>
People said to reduce nect pain with heavy helmet cam, try put counter-weight on the other side of helmet.???
Thanks for the nice video and scenery that hardly can see here in los angeles area.
Water Warrior 2
10-12-2009, 03:15 AM
Looks like a fun road by not a fast one. Too many blind curves and chances for wildlife leaping out. Good weather for a ride too.
10-12-2009, 08:26 AM
Hi, Mr Geyer.
The video looks great for me.
I considered to mount new camera on the helmet.
And I may try next time at helmet, but some disadventages...
Hard to control camera while on rinding.
Can't see preview window..
And some Neck Pain >> I searched internet >>
People said to reduce nect pain with heavy helmet cam, try put counter-weight on the other side of helmet.???
Thanks for the nice video and scenery that hardly can see here in los angeles area.
Thanks! You are very correct about the disadvantages of the helmet cam. I had to go to great pains to line the camera up so that it "saw" about what I saw. I did this, as I recall, by turning the movable LCD around so that it faced the front, and looking in a mirror. It took a few tries. I had to turn the camera on before I even got on the bike. The 4 minute finished video was edited down from a 16 minute ride. I didn't use any normal kind of helmet cam. I literally duct taped a small tripod with flexible legs to my helmet, and mounted my regular camcorder on that. It didn't pull to either side, but it did add weight. Also, with the camera above the windshield like that, there is risk to the lens, unless you buy a neutral or UV filter to protect it.
I took a couple of videos with my "lash up", and then gave up on that approach. I was working on a mount for the motorcycle when I kind of got tired of the project and moved on to other video subjects. I never got a bike mounted camera to work as well as yours.
I looked into buying a proper helmet cam, but felt, based on what I could find, that the technology isn't quite there yet. As far as I could discover, there are no helmet cams that do real 1080i HD. But, things are tending to develop so fast, I'm sure there will be after a while, so I'll just bide my time. Or it may have happened already.
Outputting a .wmv high definition video is very time consuming on any computer when compared to other formats such as .mp4. It is the nature of Microsoft's compression algorithm, which, while very advanced, and delivers an excellent quality/file size ratio, is complex and processor intensive. If you're uploading to YouTube, you might try the .mp4 route, since YouTube seriously compresses video into one of the Flash Media formats anyway, and a lot of quality is lost in that transition. Of course, which output/upload format is best for you depends on the software you are using. Video formats are still kind of a "Tower of Babel" situation. Different video editors support different formats in greater or lesser degrees, so you have to play around with what you have and see what works best. I've been through 4 video editors, several converters, and finally settled on Sony Vegas Platinum 9 (not the hugely expensive "Pro" version). It has the most "bang for the buck", power and flexibility wise. It also doesn't crash my computer on a regular basis, which Windows Movie Maker, Cyberlink Power Director, and Pinnacle did all the time.
Good luck with your video endeavors. I definitely think you are onto something!
10-12-2009, 11:58 PM
Looks like a fun road by not a fast one. Too many blind curves and chances for wildlife leaping out. Good weather for a ride too.
Hi, Mr. WW
How is the temperature over there....
Whenever I have chance, let me put some riding video clips for you... ha ha ha..
(didn't mean to hurt your depression over Winter Time, just kidding...)
Anyway, I finished another testing clip which looks better than canyon clip over there.
Water Warrior 2
10-13-2009, 12:45 AM
39 F as of 9 PM. Just a bit chilly but still better than some areas. Keep the videos coming. The last one is a very nice road to practice weight shifting for better cornering.
I am presently working on a cheap way to mount a camera to see how well it will work. I do have doubts about the camera's ability to do a video while riding so it has to be cheap in case the camera is not up to the task. First step is to clean the windshield as it has a lot of bugs.
10-13-2009, 01:03 AM
Sony Vegas Platinum 9 (not the hugely expensive "Pro" version).
Hi, Mr. Geyer.
I saw lots of positive comments on Sony Vegas application, so I may try next time.
And here is some my tips for the bike video taking methods that I earned hard by epxeriences.
These could be applied on regular camera or camcorders which is not made for helmet cams.
Specail helmet cams are ;my guess; already set by standard.
First of all, try to remove auto settings which gives camera processing burden.
1. try to settings manually
2. if there is no manual setting try to use "Sports" mode which makes high shutter speed >> reduces vibration
3. For manual settings.
a. use manual focusing >> set to infinity >> VERY IMPORTANT (my opinion...)
b. try to use center focusing if has one >> multi segment focusing was bad choice for me
c. for shutter speed and aperture >> try to use static when environment does not change much; desert, beach, or plains...
d. for shutter speed and aperture >> try to use auto exporsure mode when surround light density changes alot; like canyon or mountain
e. if exposure mode has center(spot) mode >> give it try whenever >> good for the open places, wide open environments.
f. for dark situation; late afternoon; >> try to set High Sensitivty >> manual ISO for high values >> camera will gain high speed shutter
These are from my expeiences, but sometimes I don't do... ha ha ha ha
Just set sports mode with auto exposure on center focus/exporsure mode....
10-13-2009, 01:14 AM
video looks great...
10-13-2009, 01:20 AM
39 F as of 9 PM. Just a bit chilly but still better than some areas. Keep the videos coming. The last one is a very nice road to practice weight shifting for better cornering.
I am presently working on a cheap way to mount a camera to see how well it will work. I do have doubts about the camera's ability to do a video while riding so it has to be cheap in case the camera is not up to the task. First step is to clean the windshield as it has a lot of bugs.
Here, over 65 F. degree now..
some people complain that its cold.. ha ha ha (me too)
When I first try to mount camera, I had an option for that also >> Clean Wind Screen >> Or make hole on .. ha ha.
I gave up, and choose side of bike.
When you have finished, let us know with video/photos.
10-13-2009, 07:53 AM
40's or 30's at night, 50's during the day here. Today is rainy. Getting too cold for the GZ, which I don't think would supply enough power for my electric clothes. Switching over to the Concours for the remainder of the season. I'll put Stabil in the GZ's tank and change the oil and filter in the next day or so. Same for the Beemer. I have battery tender hookups on them, and the garage doesn't get that cold, so that's all the prep I do. I go out and start the bikes and let them run for a few minutes every week or so during the Winter. Not long enough to overheat, but long enough to circulate the oil and not let the gas sit too long in the carbs.
Busy, Thanks for the tips. If I ever get back to trying to video from a moving motorcycle, which I probably won't, I'll spring for a proper helmet cam. Reading this thread got me curious, and I poked around the web a little. There are what appear to be very good HD helmet cams out there now. For what I would want to do, I would want the camera to look where I look.
10-13-2009, 11:38 AM
Good videos, Busy. You'll be the SoCal motovideo king if you aren't already. Thanks for that first video of the start of Angeles Crest Hwy. I was wondering where they had it blocked.
10-13-2009, 10:32 PM
Good videos, Busy. You'll be the SoCal motovideo king if you aren't already. Thanks for that first video of the start of Angeles Crest Hwy. I was wondering where they had it blocked.
Ha ha ha, Mr. Moedad.
You won't believe that how depressed I was when I saw that "Road Closed" sign.
Aha, I saw your panorama photo at the other post.
The vertical panorama looks great, I wonder what was the application or how did you take it???
10-13-2009, 11:37 PM
Aha, I saw your panorama photo at the other post.
The vertical panorama looks great, I wonder what was the application or how did you take it???
It's not a panorama. I shot it with my Canon digital Rebel. It's just a narrow crop of a single picture of Upper Yosemite Falls.
10-14-2009, 12:14 AM
Aha, I saw your panorama photo at the other post.
The vertical panorama looks great, I wonder what was the application or how did you take it???
It's not a panorama. I shot it with my Canon digital Rebel. It's just a narrow crop of a single picture of Upper Yosemite Falls.
It's not a panorama. I shot it with my Canon digital Rebel. It's just a narrow crop of a single picture of Upper Yosemite Falls.[/quote]
I thought that it was a panorama photo.
Wow, that's great one.
Um, you went yosemite with bike?
Or, with cage?
Where is the report for it?
Hope that we could get some more photos?
10-14-2009, 04:23 AM
As one of the YouTube member commented (complains, it's really rare on my videos)
that my last uploaded version dose not look like HD version.
He said "Look Blurry".
So, I looked again, yes the qulity wasn't that good.
The reason is that the clip has bad quality was compressed twice.
First, conversion into WMV from MP4.
And again after some editing from Windows Movie Maker.
I experimented with that video, NO EDITING (but just one conversion) and uploaded to YouTube.
Looks little (?) better now.
Here is non-edited version for ... (just uloaded, to be processed it might take sometime??)
Water Warrior 2
10-14-2009, 10:20 AM
Amazing !! 7 minutes and only 2 other vehicles on the road. That is my kind of road but unfortunately very rare around here except at 3 in the morning. A nice clear video though.
10-14-2009, 11:49 AM
Um, you went yosemite with bike?
Or, with cage?
Where is the report for it?
Nope, not on the bike (yet).
Hope that we could get some more photos?
You don't want to get me started on Yosemite photos. We'd be here all week.
10-14-2009, 12:10 PM
Um, you went yosemite with bike?
Or, with cage?
Where is the report for it?
Nope, not on the bike (yet).
Hope that we could get some more photos?
You don't want to get me started on Yosemite photos. We'd be here all week.
we got nothing but time.
Water Warrior 2
10-14-2009, 06:34 PM
Um, you went yosemite with bike?
Or, with cage?
Where is the report for it?
Nope, not on the bike (yet).
Hope that we could get some more photos?
You don't want to get me started on Yosemite photos. We'd be here all week.
I don't see the problem. Bring em on.
10-14-2009, 06:59 PM
You know, I just might be willing to put up with all those liberal hippies in CA if I could have some roads like that to ride on... :)
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