View Full Version : my 01 suzuki volusia video and gz video's

09-23-2009, 08:19 PM
can any one tell me around what rpm the bike is idling at, . factory specs say it should be 1,000-1,200 rpm. to my ear and just kind of guessing i set the idle to what i thought might be correct but what do i know.

that is the led kit i got from auto zone, the exhaust is kind of loud but not too bad and i think it has a killer sound. i came in last night about 3am and did not wake any one up in the house. i have a good stereo and the exhaust sound played back on that is almost exactly true to life. not sure how its gonna sound on you tube, haven't listened to it yet on there, video is almost done uploading, when you upload something on you tube it always seems to loose some of the sound quality.



short video of the led kit


camera mounted on rear foot peg, not as interesting as i thought it would be but still kind of cool.


cruzing on the gz


09-23-2009, 09:56 PM
Hello, there.

Cool video.....
Liked your led kits ....

09-23-2009, 10:00 PM
Hello, there.

Cool video.....
Liked your led kits ....

thank you,

09-23-2009, 11:19 PM
Very nice Danny!

09-23-2009, 11:57 PM
Very nice Danny!


gonna go for a nother night ride tomorrow and put the camera around my neck again. it thought mounting the camera on the rear foot peg would have been alot cooler, not a very good view,

gonna post that video up with the rest of them.

09-24-2009, 08:46 AM
While we all would like a deep, throaty exhaust, I personally think yours is a little too loud, you can still hear it three blocks away and is still quite loud when in back of the camera, 180 degrees away from the mic. I don't know how everyone in the neighborhood isn't pissed at that sound when you speed away and think you're pretty obnoxious.
The lights are cool as long as they don't interfere with your night vision and those videos with the camera mounted around your neck are really pretty steady and of good quality, and actually don't show as much vibration as when mounted solidly on the bike.

09-24-2009, 09:26 AM
While we all would like a deep, throaty exhaust, I personally think yours is a little too loud, you can still hear it three blocks away and is still quite loud when in back of the camera, 180 degrees away from the mic. I don't know how everyone in the neighborhood isn't pissed at that sound when you speed away and think you're pretty obnoxious.
The lights are cool as long as they don't interfere with your night vision and those videos with the camera mounted around your neck are really pretty steady and of good quality, and actually don't show as much vibration as when mounted solidly on the bike.

my camera picks up every little sound possible and it does amplify things a little bit, the microphone is on the top of the camera not the front of the camera so it picks up sound from 360 degrees around. my friends harleys wich are all louder than my volusia, they sound about the same tone wise now but theirs make a lot more noise.. my mom says when she is in the house she cant really hear my bike going down the street. if she has the windows open she can hear me a little bit but she said its not loud enough to bother any one and when i went to my friends house he had no idea i pulled in to his drive way, just to be safe if its after 9pm when i come home i make sure to get up enough speed so i can coast to my house, just a quick rev up the drive way that last for about 2 seconds. i think it sounds killer tho.

when a camera is around your neck your body absorbs most of the shock, it seemed to work the best out of every thing i have tried. the lights don't bother me at all and it really makes the bike stand out at night, i think my visibility on the road at night just went up by about 200% after adding those. people notice things that light up pretty colors way more than they would notice one head light coming down the street. i know i was behind a guy that has a little neon tube hanging off his rear fender and it only lit up at the bottom of the tube near the ground , i thought even that one little light made the guy much more viable from behind.

09-24-2009, 10:35 AM
While we all would like a deep, throaty exhaust, I personally think yours is a little too loud, you can still hear it three blocks away and is still quite loud when in back of the camera, 180 degrees away from the mic. I don't know how everyone in the neighborhood isn't pissed at that sound when you speed away and think you're pretty obnoxious.

Maybe people in the neighborhood actually <gasp> don't mind the sound? Its not like he's tearing up the streets acting like an ass trying to piss people off.


Hey Danny .... how is it there is zero wind noise in that peg mounted video?


What is the title of that song in the gz neck mounted vid?

09-24-2009, 02:56 PM
My new (to me) S50 is a little loud too, with the Cobra pipes.
I go down the street a little slower in my neighborhood, not to give anyone a reason to complain, trying not rev it or to make too much noise. I don't open it up 'till I get to the main roads. That's what I was getting at, a little advice, but he knows that already I guess. :cool:

09-24-2009, 03:00 PM
While we all would like a deep, throaty exhaust, I personally think yours is a little too loud, you can still hear it three blocks away and is still quite loud when in back of the camera, 180 degrees away from the mic. I don't know how everyone in the neighborhood isn't pissed at that sound when you speed away and think you're pretty obnoxious.

Maybe people in the neighborhood actually <gasp> don't mind the sound? Its not like he's tearing up the streets acting like an ass trying to piss people off.


Hey Danny .... how is it there is zero wind noise in that peg mounted video?


What is the title of that song in the gz neck mounted vid?

that song is called freedom machine and the recording artist is junior brown. he has some damn cool songs, that's the only one that really sounds like that. his stuff mostly country and blusy type stuff with some rock & roll / rockabilly influence. junior brown rocks, that guy can play the guitar like no other, look him up on youtube and see what he does with his custom made (get steel) guitar, you got to see this thing to under stand and once you see what he does im sure you'll think its amazing. i had a few of his songs that i downloaded and later found a few of his albums at the library, that was suprizing

as far as no wind noise goes the microphone is on top of the camera and not right on the front for the wind to blow directly in to so im sure that helps a little bit and i think the other factor that may have come in to play is that my leg might have been detouring alot of the wind away from the camera

well the only thing is the bike was kind of loud the second you gave it gas, i just packed my mufflers, i lined the inside of the muffler with a layer of muffler packing, it quieted it down nicely at idle and gave it this nice muscly, throaty drag car type tone, not too loud at idle but still pumps out some volume when i get on it. doesn't sound so poppy now.

this is what it sound like now, trying to decide if i like the sound better now or how it was before i packed the muffler..


09-24-2009, 03:28 PM
I think I like that better, switching back and forth between the two of those videos. Still sounds ballsy but deeper and not as loud when you wind it up.

09-24-2009, 03:41 PM
I think I like that better, switching back and forth between the two of those videos. Still sounds ballsy but deeper and not as loud when you wind it up.

i liked the little extra loudness before, but i like the tone a little better now, I just wish it would have been a little quieter at idle and cruzing speed before. i think it sounded great both ways.

09-24-2009, 09:20 PM
My new (to me) S50 is a little loud too, with the Cobra pipes.
I go down the street a little slower in my neighborhood, not to give anyone a reason to complain, trying not rev it or to make too much noise. I don't open it up 'till I get to the main roads. That's what I was getting at, a little advice, but he knows that already I guess. :cool:

you like that S50, how does it ride?? pretty quick?? thats a 800 right?? i was looking at those but there was something about the frame up on front by the head tube that really bothered me, just the looks of it. im super picky about every thing,

i was down to a Honda shadow or newer harley sportster, i was dead set between one of the two bikes (about the only ones out there i really liked most every thing about). than i ran across this volusia and thought wow, took it out for a test drive and i knew after about 2 min of riding this was the bike, 15 min in to the test drive it seemed to be running top noch so i headed back to buy it, they even took a check so i did not have to run to the bank and get the money out witch is good cus i probably would have drove to the bank and back like some kind of speed demon.

i cant find any thing i don't like about it besides the passenger seat, it's not so attractive. well i did think the pipes should be a little louder too but that is a different story and already been taken care of. i have seen lots of cool aftermarket stuff for this bike, its all killer but this bike is already killer, cant see any reason to go and change out a bunch of stuff whey i feel it was done right in the first pace.

if you got any video or pics of your bike post them up on this thread, i would like to check out your new suzuki

09-24-2009, 09:55 PM
Buy some Mustang seats! That'll be the best investment you can make! *still drooling over the Mustang seats for his Marauder that came today*

09-24-2009, 10:22 PM
Buy some Mustang seats! That'll be the best investment you can make! *still drooling over the Mustang seats for his Marauder that came today*

i think my stock front seat looks way better than any of the mustang seats that are made for my bike.. the Corbin young guns seat is the only one i have found for my bike that i like.. got to get something with lots of style

i been looking for mustang seats on ebay for my bike and there only seem to be a few models available and they all pretty much look the same. checed the mustang website too. i hear there comfortable tho.

09-24-2009, 10:27 PM
See... I don't understand that line of thinking... you'll only care what the seat looks like when you're not riding. When you are riding, no one will be able to see it. Not to mention your rear end will be thanking you. ;)

09-24-2009, 10:47 PM
I think your vids are so cool. Rock on!!!

09-24-2009, 11:16 PM
See... I don't understand that line of thinking... you'll only care what the seat looks like when you're not riding. When you are riding, no one will be able to see it. Not to mention your rear end will be thanking you. ;)

well i see your point im sure those corbin seats that have some kind of comfort foam that molds to your rear end or what not as advertized would be pretty comfortable too, my stock seat is plenty comfy, it's the back seat i hate. people can see that when im riding down the street. it looks so out of place on the bike and stands out like a sore thumb, i want a low profile stiletto seat, i keep it on for one reason, for example Tuesday night i took some girl at the bar out on a ride and when we got back she had a big kiss for me. the time i went out with out the back seat a girl wanted a ride and i said sorry but i ain't got a back seat darling.

im extremely nit picky about certin things like my bike, women, audio equipment and probably a few other things. little things like a ugly back seat just drive me crazy. I don't want to put on a seat on my bike that i dont like the looks of, especially when its the front seat and the back seat and i don't like the looks of either.

09-24-2009, 11:20 PM
I think your vids are so cool. Rock on!!!

thank you, i enjoy making them, i get bored easily when i have free time and try to think of something semi constructive to do. that's part of why i got a bike in the first place. if i get bored i can hop on and ride away.

got a new video i took tonight, had the camera around my neck again. its taking 2 hours to load up on youthful and the first time i tired after about 1 hour 45 min there was a error and i had to start all over.. blah.,.

when its finally up ill post it with the other video's

09-25-2009, 08:50 AM
that other video is up, first video on the page.

09-25-2009, 09:22 AM
When you took the girl at the bar out for a ride, did you have a helmet or any other protective gear (jacket, etc.) for her?
What would you have done if she fell off or for some reason the bike went down? :??:
It's not worth it for a kiss.

09-25-2009, 09:39 AM
When you took the girl at the bar out for a ride, did you have a helmet or any other protective gear (jacket, etc.) for her?
What would you have done if she fell off or for some reason the bike went down? :??:
It's not worth it for a kiss.

no helmet law here in ohio, she had a jacket, and she had eye protection, I wasn't drinking and if she fell off i would have called 911.

what is it some kind of sin to ride some one on the back of your motorcycle.

look, what really happend was i wrapped her up in bubble wrap and tied her down to the seat just to make sure she did not fall off or get hurt

i got a little more than a kiss, so it was worth all the trouble bubble of wrapping her. she thought it was so sweet that i would care enough to do that hahahahahahaahhahaah

09-25-2009, 09:48 AM
The fact that you didn't have a motorcycle helmet for her shows that you have no respect for her life and that all you care about is getting some tail. Just because there's no helmet law doesn't mean its a good idea. Chances are if she had fallen off she would have died and you would have been calling the morgue instead.

I can't stand riders who are more concerned with image than anything else, ESPECIALLY when other people are concerned. Its one thing for you to make a decision regarding your own safety. Its another thing to make that decision for someone else, especially if they are ignorant of the dangers associated with riding.

09-25-2009, 10:26 AM
The fact that you didn't have a motorcycle helmet for her shows that you have no respect for her life and that all you care about is getting some tail. Just because there's no helmet law doesn't mean its a good idea. Chances are if she had fallen off she would have died and you would have been calling the morgue instead.

I can't stand riders who are more concerned with image than anything else, ESPECIALLY when other people are concerned. Its one thing for you to make a decision regarding your own safety. Its another thing to make that decision for someone else, especially if they are ignorant of the dangers associated with riding.

this girl goes riding with her dad and her uncle all the time I dont think she was ignorent to any thing and i don't think any one else is either, except for you and your statements, people know motorcycles are dangerous, it was her choice to get on the bike, she asked me to take her for a ride when she found out i had a bike.

look here mr primal, mind your own business. your opinion is not appreciated here. worry about the way you live your life and ill worry about the way i live mine. excuse me, i don't like the mustang seats, i have a nice looking bike and if im going to put any thing on my bike its not going to look nice..

image man you want to talk about image. would you put on pair of bright pink spandex shorts and wear them around town, I didn't think so, why cus your concerned about your image. you want to talk about ignorant well read your stupid ass post

i don't come on your thread and insult you so don't come on mine and insult me mother %$@#@! don't ever come on my thread and insult me.

09-25-2009, 10:34 AM
you know i put up a few video's and every one just has to get on here talk shit. wtf.

thank you biker tammy, busyweb, dupo and burkbuilds for the nice comments .

09-25-2009, 10:44 AM
What I was getting at was that with the kind of litiginous society we live in where everyone wants to make a quick buck by suing everyone else for negligence or whatever (like if you had on a helmet and you didn't provide one for her safety and protection), that whatever could have happened, you really could have been screwed in a way you wouldn't have liked.
I used to go horseback riding with a girlfriend who owned 3 horses, and she made everyone riding one of her horses to sign a waiver or release absolving her of any injury or damages to yourself while on one of her horses, plus wear a riding helmet.
It's for your own protection as well as for the passenger.
Riders need some instruction before getting on the bike, so they don't do something silly and upset your balance or control and it shouldn't be taken casually. Just my opinion.

09-25-2009, 10:52 AM
What I was getting at was that with the kind of litiginous society we live in where everyone wants to make a quick buck by suing everyone else for negligence or whatever (like if you had on a helmet and you didn't provide one for her safety and protection), that whatever could have happened, you really could have been screwed in a way you wouldn't have liked.
I used to go horseback riding with a girlfriend who owned 3 horses, and she made everyone riding one of her horses to sign a waiver or release absolving her of any injury or damages to yourself while on one of her horses, plus wear a riding helmet.
It's for your own protection as well as for the passenger.
Riders need some instruction before getting on the bike, so they don't do something silly and upset your balance or control and it shouldn't be taken casually. Just my opinion.

i under stand where you are coming from, i cant say i love every thing you have had to say but i do think you mean well. but primal just came out and directly insulted me because i'm not taking his advice and i don't want to buy a mustang seat for my bike.

09-25-2009, 11:01 AM
I was trying to be constructive and mean well, you have to protect your own ass too as well as the passenger's. :) :poke2:

09-25-2009, 11:30 AM
Its one thing for you to make a decision regarding your own safety. Its another thing to make that decision for someone else

And what you are doing to Danny is different ... how?

Hell, someone rode on my bike .... on the fender. Wanted a ride that bad i guess ... it was her sore ass not mine. Good thing i didnt wax the bike that day. (safety police ... :poke2: )

09-25-2009, 12:06 PM
Its one thing for you to make a decision regarding your own safety. Its another thing to make that decision for someone else

And what you are doing to Danny is different ... how?

Hell, someone rode on my bike .... on the fender. Wanted a ride that bad i guess ... it was her sore ass not mine. Good thing i didnt wax the bike that day. (safety police ... :poke2: )

promal, what decision did i make for some one else and please tell me what image has to do with riding some one on the back of my bike.
i think your just being a douche cus you got mustang seats and i dont like them. or that im not taking your advice and buying one. when you post up some pictures of you out in public in those pink spandex pants and i might not worry about how the mustang seat would look on on my bike and ill get one. they might look nice on some bikes but i really don't think it would on mine.

I would like to file a complaint.

09-25-2009, 07:10 PM
Haha, you really think I'm that pissed off because you don't like Mustang seats? Really? Are you that... never mind.

I'll be honest... people who are more concerned about image annoy me. Its like they approach motorcycles as a fashion trend. Its why I can't stand guys who ride choppers with ape hangers -- you know they don't put any miles on their bikes because its simply too uncomfortable.

Now, maybe you are like that... maybe you aren't. But I still think its incredibly stupid to not have a helmet for a passenger. Granted, I'll give you that the passenger in question in this thread may have had enough experience to make her own decisions, but you can't deny that most of the time when a guy gives a chick a ride on his bike, she's probably never ridden before. Its THESE people that you have no right to make decisions for, or at the very least you should fully disclose the dangers of riding.

Now unbunch those panties and relax a bit. ;)

music man
09-25-2009, 09:37 PM
I'll be honest... people who are more concerned about image annoy me. Its like they approach motorcycles as a fashion trend. Its why I can't stand guys who ride choppers with ape hangers -- you know they don't put any miles on their bikes because its simply too uncomfortable.

I am like that to a certain extent, but honestly, everyone is concerned about image a little bit. Now that being said, I will be damned if I pick a seat for my motorcycle based on looks, I wouldn't care if it looked like I strapped a pillow off my bed on to it, as long as it was comfortable, of course because of the first thing I said, I would only have that ugly seat on there for long trips, but the point is the same regardless. (but it would be nice to find one that looks good and is comfortable, but as far as seats are concerned, comfort comes way before looks).

And I will agree with you about those gigantic ape hangers also, there is absolutely no way that can be comfortable.

09-26-2009, 02:08 AM
I'll be honest... people who are more concerned about image annoy me. Its like they approach motorcycles as a fashion trend. Its why I can't stand guys who ride choppers with ape hangers -- you know they don't put any miles on their bikes because its simply too uncomfortable.

I am like that to a certain extent, but honestly, everyone is concerned about image a little bit. Now that being said, I will be damned if I pick a seat for my motorcycle based on looks, I wouldn't care if it looked like I strapped a pillow off my bed on to it, as long as it was comfortable, of course because of the first thing I said, I would only have that ugly seat on there for long trips, but the point is the same regardless. (but it would be nice to find one that looks good and is comfortable, but as far as seats are concerned, comfort comes way before looks).

And I will agree with you about those gigantic ape hangers also, there is absolutely no way that can be comfortable.

i hear the apes are really comfortable, my good buddy has some of those on his bike, he claims they are much more comfortable cus your arms are just hanging there and with regular bars it takes more effort to hold your arms up and such crap witch makes your arms tired faster. that is why he likes them. in a way that sounds kind of logical

if i really cared about image all that much i would have bought a harley. It's nice to have something you think looks good, something you can be proud of, no matter what i have i like to to be and look nice. please excuse people for wanting to have nice things.

what is screwed up and annoying is a person that knows nothing about another person but yet judges them over something so small, and than tries to talk down to that person. that crap don't fly with me, im not quite sure i'm the one that has their panties in a bunch.

09-26-2009, 12:47 PM
Its why I can't stand guys who ride choppers with ape hangers -- you know they don't put any miles on their bikes because its simply too uncomfortable.

but you can't deny that most of the time when a guy gives a chick a ride on his bike, she's probably never ridden before.

You seem to make assumptions and group people into certain categories and immediately judge them by that. I guess when i try out the 12" apes for my bike i should just assume you can't stand me then? Nice.

I know a guy that runs 22" ape hangers and has run his bike from PA to Florida about 5 times now. I know others who swear by (not as tall) ape hangers for comfort and ride everywhere like that. They put more miles on than i do!

Most of the women i see on motorcycles are guys wives .... rarely do i see guys just pick up chicks on the fly and drive off.

music man
09-26-2009, 01:07 PM
I can definitely see where those Mini-ape hangers would be very comfortable, but those damn tall ass ones I just can't see it, for one thing they almost always look stupid on any bike, there are only a hand full of bikes that look good with those real tall ones on it, but for someone tall like me, those Mini ape hangers would probably be an improvement in the comfort department.

09-26-2009, 01:17 PM
I just love how you all are taking this personally. I really do. ;)

09-26-2009, 01:41 PM
i just ordered a pair of these they cost 2,000.00 but i care so much about image i just halve to have them so i can be cooler than ever one else. damn im gonna look so cool going down the street with these people wont be able to stand it.

i also order every singe piece of chrome and all the baddest accessory's they make for my bike. you should see these fenders i ordered, they have skulls on them and you run your pipes threw the mouth of the skull, i got a flame thrower kit too, that way flames will shoot out of the skulls mouth every time i give it a little throttle


Water Warrior 2
09-26-2009, 09:06 PM
So that's what happened to the handlebars on my snow blower.

Krazy Kraut
09-26-2009, 09:57 PM
Love the video's!
I was actually thinking about adding some LED light's! It's crazy to ride here in Wichita, no one watches for Motorcycles AT ALL! It looks nice. And by the way: It's your bike and the women that rode with you was an ADULT!!!! Having a helmet on is a choice, yes it would of been better, but almost no one rides with a Helmet here. But don't take it personal, every one has their opinons, if we like them or not. I never ride without a helmet, it's just a personal thing.
So, enjoy your Ride!
ROCK ON!! :retard: :rawk:

09-27-2009, 10:43 AM
Love the video's!
I was actually thinking about adding some LED light's! It's crazy to ride here in Wichita, no one watches for Motorcycles AT ALL! It looks nice. And by the way: It's your bike and the women that rode with you was an ADULT!!!! Having a helmet on is a choice, yes it would of been better, but almost no one rides with a Helmet here. But don't take it personal, every one has their opinons, if we like them or not. I never ride without a helmet, it's just a personal thing.
So, enjoy your Ride!
ROCK ON!! :retard: :rawk:

thank you, the led kit is from autozone, cost me about 60 bucks. well worth it if you ask me.

09-28-2009, 07:36 AM
i just ordered a pair of these they cost 2,000.00 but i care so much about image i just halve to have them so i can be cooler than ever one else. damn im gonna look so cool going down the street with these people wont be able to stand it.

i also order every singe piece of chrome and all the baddest accessory's they make for my bike. you should see these fenders i ordered, they have skulls on them and you run your pipes threw the mouth of the skull, i got a flame thrower kit too, that way flames will shoot out of the skulls mouth every time i give it a little throttle

http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/aa247/dannylightning/giantapehangers.jpg?t=1253986777I wonder how many times he dumped that bike learning to ride with those bars, Really look STUPID to me.

09-28-2009, 08:53 AM
I think you'd probably have to ride that thing standing up.

Are the pipes 7' tall too?

09-28-2009, 12:38 PM
.Are the pipes 7' tall too?

i do beleave they are. that guy probably dont ride that bike much, might just be his show bike.. who knows.