View Full Version : 6 speeds is it at all possibile to mod?
09-12-2009, 12:06 AM
Is there any way to tern our bikes into six speed?
09-12-2009, 05:07 AM
I understand where you're coming from! I often try to put it into (non-existant) 6th, especially when I'm accelerating onto the autopista, from the slip road.
I'm no mechanic, so I can't give you a definative answer, but I'd imagine that if it WERE possible, it would be a MAJOR job. :??: :)
09-12-2009, 07:35 AM
The answer is there no six speed option is available and there no way (or internal space) to put one in.
Trust me, I would have done it years ago if available. I want to do a Baker 6 speed in my HD when $$$ allow.
In my circle of riding buds that extra shift is called a "Ghost Shift"
09-12-2009, 08:27 PM
lol So I "Ghost Shift" a lot. haha
So put in a sport bike with a six speed you say??? lol
New GZ250
09-12-2009, 09:24 PM
I keep looking for that extra gear too, haven't found it yet! Damn shame! Never happened on the bigger bikes I had at one time years ago when I was young. Guess looking for that ghost gear wouldn't happen on an automatic transmission bike. Don't laugh my buddy has a classic Honda 750 automatic bike. Don't know why anyone would want one though? :??:
09-12-2009, 10:08 PM
Well I know my buddy that gets on my bike a lot wantce on but whants it auto he thinks it to complicated. I have tought him how to ride mine and he is pretty good (Parking loots only and he has been up to 40kph) so nothing crazy but some ppl just want that. I know what you mean man as long as I have a foot strong enough to shift it shall be manual!!!!
That ghost shift is the one that you shift into ... realize you dont have another gear to go into .... so you let off the throttle and get back on it a second time like "you meant to do that" .... lol.
09-13-2009, 04:03 AM
I have that phantom gear on both of my bikes! I also have the "just testing" gear, when I think I'm in first but i'm really in neutral and go to take off from the traffic light and nothing happens but a lot of revs. "Yup, engine still works!"
Easy Rider
09-14-2009, 11:42 AM
I keep looking for that extra gear too, haven't found it yet!
Adding one tooth to the front sprocket helps with that.......some.
If you haven't already, a search here for "16T" or "16 tooth" or maybe just "tooth" might prove interesting. It will find a LOT of posts on the subject.
09-14-2009, 02:27 PM
[quote="New GZ250":3ihqwwue]I keep looking for that extra gear too, haven't found it yet!
Adding one tooth to the front sprocket helps with that.......some.
If you haven't already, a search here for "16T" or "16 tooth" or maybe just "tooth" might prove interesting. It will find a LOT of posts on the subject.[/quote:3ihqwwue]
Yes I have read some of that but being someone who likes the highway long or short trips I dont like lossing whatever go power the bike has thats why if we could have 5th to kick down to and back up to a 6th gear like you guys 16T 5th feels like that would just kick bike!!!!
09-15-2009, 10:16 PM
I was always looking for that 6th gear too, it could really use one.
09-22-2009, 02:33 PM
If you had a 6 speed you'd end up looking for 7th eventually. It's just the nature of motorcycles.
Most people are used to the calm and casual engine noice of their automobiles and don't feel all that comfortable revving through gears on a bike. That, or they don't feel comfortable cruising for long periods of time at a high WHIIIIINE.
09-22-2009, 08:26 PM
If you had a 6 speed you'd end up looking for 7th eventually. It's just the nature of motorcycles.
Most people are used to the calm and casual engine noice of their automobiles and don't feel all that comfortable revving through gears on a bike. That, or they don't feel comfortable cruising for long periods of time at a high WHIIIIINE.
the whine on my new bike does not bother me the wine on the gz scared me. thinking to my self, is this thing going to blow up if i keep going 70mph.
09-23-2009, 08:50 AM
I would be scared too if I spilled wine on my GZ.
09-23-2009, 10:41 AM
Don't drink and ride.
09-23-2009, 11:11 AM
I would be scared too if I spilled wine on my GZ.
whine, wine well there pronounced the same. i cant spell very well
09-23-2009, 03:48 PM
It's all in good fun.
09-23-2009, 03:50 PM
It's all in good fun.
i know i'm just saying i'm not the best speller in the world O_o
09-23-2009, 03:52 PM
That's fine. I'm just saying it's all in good fun. :popcorn:
09-23-2009, 04:02 PM
That's fine. I'm just saying it's all in good fun. :popcorn:
im just messing around too.
09-24-2009, 08:14 AM
I'm just messing around more.
09-24-2009, 08:22 AM
I'm just messing around more.
no your not, that's all i could think to say :bang: i got nothing.
09-24-2009, 08:45 AM
You're on here a lot. Get to work/school.
10-11-2009, 12:53 PM
WOW Hey sunshine and Johny boy STOP FIGHTING ON MY POST!!!!!
hahaha just joking! Hey were are those smiley faces so I can show emotion too I can find any!
Also I know what you mean about I will start looking for seventh but I want a sixth gear for fuel econamy. I love ripping it through the gears (My bike lives on the redline) But when I wanna take it slow I just want it not to sound like its labering to much I understand why I feel that for a 250 it have a healthy amount of tourqe and I think it can handel it but I really really would love it for the highway to have all the fun of five gears and even gear them all lower for better pickup then pop her into sixth and just ride the highway!
Well thats my store!:P
Easy Rider
10-11-2009, 01:32 PM
(My bike lives on the redline)
It is a CRUISER; it wasn't really meant to do that.
We've had a couple of riders here with similar riding styles.......and both blew their engines with less than 20,000 miles.
[Edit] Just reviewed another thread you posted and........I guess we can add YOU to the list of blown engines. :cry: I believe that makes 3 now.
Maybe you need a Ninja 250. It redlines about 12,000 !! :biggrin:
10-11-2009, 01:37 PM
Hey were are those smiley faces so I can show emotion too I can find any
When you start writing something, the smileys are all at the left of the box you're typing in. If they're not there, look at the list of options under the box, & make sure that " disable smilies" is un-ticked. :twisted: :biggrin: :skull: :cool: :skeptical: :roll: :) :tongue: :shocked: :popcorn: :neener: :poke2: :poke2: O_o :techy: :??: :cry: :crackup :crazy: :haha2: :blush: :cuss: :puke: :drool: etc, etc, etc
10-11-2009, 06:48 PM
LOL NEasy Rider thank you for the input I plan on getting a sport bike later down the line in life but for now CRUISERS is what I love and will have our bike also reves up to 10 or 12 thaw just dont keep it there! And if I did not run out of oil I bet you any money she would still be kickin today! The only think that could kill a bullet proff motor like that is no oil and thats what happened! And she still runs but is diying! So Ill keep your guys posted!
Thank you all. Maybe if I can figguere it out Ill post the pics when done?
10-11-2009, 06:57 PM
alantf thanks man wait I have no options under the box?
Easy Rider
10-11-2009, 08:42 PM
our bike also reves up to 10 or 12 thaw just dont keep it there!
The only think that could kill a bullet proff motor like that is no oil and thats what happened!
Sigh! No it doesn't rev that high. Nobody can seem to find any documentation on it but there is a rev. limiter built into the ignition that cuts off about 7,500. Maybe somebody with a tach can verify that.
AND.....the engine is pretty rugged but not "bullet proof".
That's what I was trying to tell you. We know of 2 riders that have "killed" theirs by riding them wide open for long periods of time.
Whether you believe it or not, YOU probably did the same thing. The oil didn't just disappear. Riding it hard likely broke something.
10-12-2009, 01:30 AM
Perhaps you are right Easy Rider but I have looked at the posts were the guys have put those 50 doller tachs on from ebay that go up to 8K and it goes way past it if I can find the post then ill put it here. Also I dont think I broke something dont our motor burn more oil it the limit of RPM? Cuz its air cooled?
Also The new engines in!!!! Just a few more things to do and then verrrom!
Water Warrior 2
10-12-2009, 03:25 AM
Perhaps you are right Easy Rider but I have looked at the posts were the guys have put those 50 doller tachs on from ebay that go up to 8K and it goes way past it if I can find the post then ill put it here. Also I dont think I broke something dont our motor burn more oil it the limit of RPM? Cuz its air cooled?
Also The new engines in!!!! Just a few more things to do and then verrrom!
Reving almost any engine to it's limit will increase oil usage. Doesn't matter if it is air or water cooled. The GZ was not designed to be wrung out for a long period of time. Unless you can do an engine swap every few hours like a racing team you should probably travel a bit slower.
10-12-2009, 04:52 AM
I have no options under the box?
Click on "post reply"
Under the box is "Click here to add an image to your post"
Under that should be a list :-
Disable BBCode
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They all have tick boxes. Are you getting any of these?
10-12-2009, 07:50 PM
Water Warrior yes taht is true but I think its more of a problem for our motors with burning oil then say my moms toyota that redline at about 6500rpm. And all you said is fully true its sad I had to learn the hard way about beating the litttle gz to death I will and plan to drive slower from now on (I was just runing late and when you go 100kph it does take about 20min longer to get to school.) I still plan on running everything I own pretty hard every bike and car but I will take greater care with my bikes from now on thank you guys!
10-12-2009, 08:10 PM
edit, it posted my message twice.. doh
10-12-2009, 08:10 PM
WOW Hey sunshine and Johny boy STOP FIGHTING ON MY POST!!!!!
hahaha just joking! Hey were are those smiley faces so I can show emotion too I can find any!
well first of all you got to hit post replyup there in the left corner of the threads to find the smiley faces, not just type something in and hit submit.
and who you calling sunshine :cuss: i hope you are not referring to me :poke2:
Water Warrior 2
10-12-2009, 09:09 PM
Water Warrior yes taht is true but I think its more of a problem for our motors with burning oil then say my moms toyota that redline at about 6500rpm. And all you said is fully true its sad I had to learn the hard way about beating the litttle gz to death I will and plan to drive slower from now on (I was just runing late and when you go 100kph it does take about 20min longer to get to school.) I still plan on running everything I own pretty hard every bike and car but I will take greater care with my bikes from now on thank you guys!
I think the Toy would use some oil too if wrung out to redline for an extended length of time. My Vstrom will use a bit of oil at higher RPMs. But I consider high RPMs as 7000 to redline..........10,500. The rev limiter kicks in at 11,000 RPMs. Not a true sport bike engine but still very entertaining in the twisties in 4th and 5th gears. 6th gear is for loafing along with highway traffic.
10-13-2009, 08:34 PM
dannylightning Sorry about that man I just took a quik look at your name and thought it read daylighting HAHAHA Way off bro my bad all the way! And "dannylightning" and "alantf" Thanks guys I was doing it wrong by just typing in the bottom of the page insdeed of hitting post reply.
Also we gotta put in 91octain gas? WOW I did not know that anywho I just need one gassket and all four exhaust bolts I wanna get stainless steel though I dont want them to break next time I gotta clean my exhaust or take it off!
Water Warrior 2
10-13-2009, 09:18 PM
dannylightning Sorry about that man I just took a quik look at your name and thought it read daylighting HAHAHA Way off bro my bad all the way! And "dannylightning" and "alantf" Thanks guys I was doing it wrong by just typing in the bottom of the page insdeed of hitting post reply.
Also we gotta put in 91octain gas? WOW I did not know that anywho I just need one gassket and all four exhaust bolts I wanna get stainless steel though I dont want them to break next time I gotta clean my exhaust or take it off!
No to 91 octane. Just pour in 87 octane. Just make sure to use a top tier gas like shell, esso, chevron and be happy. For bolts just go with standard bolts and use thread ease so they don't get totally bonded to the aluminum. Unlike metals tend to do that. And be careful tightening the bolts, you do not want to pull the aluminum threads out.
10-14-2009, 02:56 AM
i think i remember reading not to put any thing higher than 87 octane in the gz or it will run like crap. not sure how true that is but i only used 87 and it ran fine.
10-14-2009, 07:20 AM
i think i remember reading not to put any thing higher than 87 octane in the gz or it will run like crap. not sure how true that is but i only used 87 and it ran fine.
I've used all 3 grades of gas. The only difference I noticed was at the cash register, and not the bike.
10-14-2009, 07:44 AM
I've used all 3 grades of gas. The only difference I noticed was at the cash register, and not the bike.
Theoretically this bike is supposed to run on cats' piss, so the third world owners can run it on whatever they can find. :chop:
10-14-2009, 08:26 AM
The GZ is truly third world transportation. With a GVWR of 775 lbs less maybe 325 lbs of bike including fluids, means that your GZ can carry 450 lbs of driver & passenger. Include the Asian sub-continent low compression head that will run 60 octane gas, saki, dog shit, etc. and this bike will take the entire family to market. Papa-san, mama-san, junior-san, & baby-san. All on one GZ. So will it carry you?? Well, it carries my 6'-1" 300 lb ass on a 50 + mile round trip commute daily at 55 to 65 mph at 65 to 70 mpg. And with a 30" inseam, I'm not cramped. The GZ is easily the most reliable bike I own. No problems, just maintain on schedule. No muss, no fuss.
87. Eighty Seven Octane Regular.
All US spec GZ's run on USA 87 Octane Regular. Page 2-2, paragraph #1 of my newly purchased owners manual says "Your new vehicle requires regular unleaded gasoline with a minimum octane rating of 87 ((R+M)/2 method).........."
The formula in the US is the (Research Octane Number + Motor Octane Number) /2. Both are different measurement methods for the same octane percentage with one of the two (don't remember which) is significantly higher than the other. The EU, the UK, & SE Asia have different measurement standards as well. It should be standardized, for sure.
The owners manual on site is very old and has incorrect octane info. My new manual is a US spec.replacement from Ron Ayers. Suzuki Genuine Parts #99011-13F59-03A
Take a look at this site for a bunch of info on octane rating for gasoline. This is probably more than anyone wants to know. Interesting stuff.
From my previous posts. (PS: I no longer do 50 mile commutes.)
11-06-2009, 10:36 AM
Sorry all that I have been away for so long I have just been so sooo busy! BUT I AHVE GOOD NEWS! She livess! I finnished the engine swap and black beauty got a clean bill oh health from the mechanic! :2tup: I ahve not so detailed pics of the motor change if anyone wants me to put them up I can. She runs great and he told me that the news engines compression is like new so all is well just a few small things to change here and there and she will be in perfict running health.
Again thank you all for you edvise and input I thought hard about what I was going to do and in the end I am happy with how it terned out.
11-08-2009, 08:07 PM
Hey Ram . The gz will rev to 8000 rpm in 5th gear ( 130 k/hr ) but that is where max output occurs. My buddy suggests keep at 6000 ( 100 k/hr) for cruising and you will never kill it.
03-24-2010, 01:54 PM
LOL So what rpm was it doing when I went over 140kph?? :retard: :lol: Well now I will be riden her a lok easyier. Trust me. This year and the next and I am done with her. I need something bigger. But I do really reeally love her. like I said I would love to keep her in the family. Also ya I still push her just a lot nicer to her. I cary oil around with me nowadays! LOL Also its leeking a bit of oil a bit so i think I have to tighted that. I have only a few mor plans for the bike that I can finish eary this summer then it will be just what I want it to be. It will be great! :2tup:
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