View Full Version : Need help Ran bike dri!!! OF OIL!
09-11-2009, 10:51 AM
I do and dont know how this happened none the less I am more then man! I ride about 162km one way for scholl a day. I just started and I would like to know do higher rpm eat oil? I did not check my oil and noticed the bike was just a little oof shifting/power/noise. I thought let me check my oil level when I get home from school. I FORGOT! And my buddys and I were going to the local bike show about a 45min ride away. Myself and passenger weigh in about 370 so more then the bike. It was getting a lot louder on the way did not really have much power anyway we got there pretty ok. (I was driving it hard to keep up with my friend up hills and such). I check the oil NONE!!! I dont see anything on the sight glass even when leaning the bike way over even after weighting a bike then leaning it over. So we rode to a gas station and right before pulling in the engine cut out I ran the bike in (more like walked it in) put oil in it and my buddy got on my friends bike for the ride home. but when I opened to put oil in it was smoking out the hole and smelled bad (clutches burning). also it has a VERY LOUD clicking tapping noise now! I need a new engine!!! Its gone :skull: I can ride it but it gets only louder and I take the car to school but its a lot of gas. any ideas what does first on these bikes? O_o :??: O_o So I will NEED A NEW ENGINE! Hay anyone sellling one :2tup: ? I am not dieing it anymore cuz I dont wanna do anymore damage and I dont trust it if it leaves me some were.
Any ideas would be of much help, thanks guys!
09-11-2009, 12:47 PM
See how much a re-build is as compared to a new engine. Most rebuilds will include all of the rings, bearings, seals and they can see if anything else was damaged. Sorry for your bad luck!
09-11-2009, 03:37 PM
I will never complain about my little GZ's problems again. Keep us in the loop as you work through this.
I did see an engine on eBay, by the way. Min bid is $500 though. :P ... ccessories ( QhashZitem518c911a4dQQitemZ350250670669QQptZMotors Q5fATVQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories)
I could swear I saw one for under $300 a week or so ago, but maybe that auction ended.
09-12-2009, 04:27 PM
Sorry for you - Lessons for others - Do not procastinate - Somethings cannot be put off.
09-12-2009, 08:31 PM
Well my grandpa says it sounds like the valves are bent so I am gonna take it to a guy who knows better what he is doing and if that is true I might just get them to replace the top end of the motor. In a few days I will know way more I will let you guys know what he says and how it goes!
09-12-2009, 09:35 PM
Maybe a little, but not enough that a reasonably maintained bike would fail that way, unless you're running WFO all the time. How many miles are we talking from the last ime you added oil?
New GZ250
09-12-2009, 09:48 PM
Valves get bent from over revving not lack of oil. If it turns out to be bent valves that would be good news, if the engine is fried...
Good luck, hope your Grandpa is right, as I am one and I'm right most of the time. (At least my grandchildren think so)
09-12-2009, 10:05 PM
LOL Thanks GZ 250 The first time and half way to school the second time I was going to school WOT all the way I was doing 120 to 140 on the highway (Downhills with tail wind) But when I saw how bad the fuel econamy was I stopped and the last day I was going 110 or 100 no more no less. I did an oil change 1553 miles/2500km since. I overfilled it a bit and it burned off the extra oil and checkt it once or twice after that and it was looking pretty much on the full line.
I do take first gear up to 40kph everynow and then. I like to run the bike pretty hard once in a while and get up to the speed limit as fast as possible and stay there.
But when I remeved the oil filler thingy I thought I smelled burning clutchs but I know they smell really really bad but this was a "thats not plesent smell" not a bad smell. And it had like steem or smoke coming out of it not a lot but like a light fogy mist. We will see.
What you guys think?
09-13-2009, 05:14 AM
LOL Thanks GZ 250 The first time and half way to school the second time I was going to school WOT all the way I was doing 120 to 140 on the highway (Downhills with tail wind) But when I saw how bad the fuel econamy was I stopped and the last day I was going 110 or 100 no more no less. I did an oil change 1553 miles/2500km since. I overfilled it a bit and it burned off the extra oil and checkt it once or twice after that and it was looking pretty much on the full line.
I do take first gear up to 40kph everynow and then. I like to run the bike pretty hard once in a while and get up to the speed limit as fast as possible and stay there.
But when I remeved the oil filler thingy I thought I smelled burning clutchs but I know they smell really really bad but this was a "thats not plesent smell" not a bad smell. And it had like steem or smoke coming out of it not a lot but like a light fogy mist. We will see.
What you guys think?
Sounds like the best "fix" for you is a bigger, faster, bike! :whistle: :2tup:
09-13-2009, 06:45 PM
Trust me if money was no problem I would have started wil a 650 or 800 but insurance per year is just crazy!!! It was about the same as my bike!!!!
New GZ250
09-13-2009, 06:50 PM
Trust me if money was no problem I would have started wil a 650 or 800 but insurance per year is just crazy!!! It was about the same as my bike!!!!
But you have free heath care! :neener:
Water Warrior 2
09-13-2009, 11:02 PM
Trust me if money was no problem I would have started wil a 650 or 800 but insurance per year is just crazy!!! It was about the same as my bike!!!!
But you have free heath care! :neener:
Free health Care is really a myth that most folks believe. We just pay for it differently in another government tax. Personal income tax is a way to get health care monies for the government so they can dole out a little at a time while seeking re-election.
New GZ250
09-13-2009, 11:46 PM
[quote=RamAir]Trust me if money was no problem I would have started wil a 650 or 800 but insurance per year is just crazy!!! It was about the same as my bike!!!!
But you have free heath care! :neener:
Free health Care is really a myth that most folks believe. We just pay for it differently in another government tax. Personal income tax is a way to get health care monies for the government so they can dole out a little at a time while seeking re-election.[/quote:2g2kzmeg]
I understand being an Alien from Canada and living in California! Love those Canadians, and the relatives too! :)
Easy Rider
09-14-2009, 11:26 AM
What you guys think?
Sad to say but............
The little bike was built to be a "cruiser".
My opinion is that in your situation, you probably have the wrong bike.
With that long a ride every day, I don't think you are going to be happy with it for long.......especially when if you realize that running it at 70 mph most of the time will probably shorten it's life considerably.
I think your current problem, however, is probably just a fluke of some kind. Even those who have come here and reported that they beat them to death didn't seem to have trouble until they got over 20,000 miles.
I wish you luck with the repairs. I'm more inclined to guess that it is the "bottom end" (bearings) that are shot.....maybe cam shaft bearings too.
Easy Rider
09-14-2009, 11:29 AM
Trust me if money was no problem I would have started wil a 650 or 800 but insurance per year is just crazy!!! It was about the same as my bike!!!!
Is there a "cutoff" point, price wise, for smaller dispacements??
My company said theirs is 600......or at least there is ONE at 600.
Threre are a few models available in the 500-600 cc range that are road worthy.
Water Warrior 2
09-14-2009, 12:52 PM
Insurance is a real crap shoot in Canada. Some provinces have government insurance that is a must have and others just let private ins companies do the deed. Provincial ins will cost more and give less in return but also insures everyone on the road is insured. You must purchase your insurance with your registration at the same time. I have the minimun gov insurance and have private ins to cover all the rest for the bike. Having private coverage for fire, theft and collision will save me approx $300 a year.
09-24-2009, 08:36 AM
Have you actually tried starting the bike again with oil in it?
I don't see how you burned through a whole engine's worth of oil in such a short time span.
How long has it been, both miles and Gregorian time, since you did the oil change?
I ask because I checked my sister-in-law's bike 3 times the other day and I could NOT get an oil reading of any kind (I would bet money that the bike was devoid of oil). Then, after walking the bike a few feet forward, everything registered like normal.
To be honest, I have no idea what was going on.
Now, I know that you explained the symptoms of what happened when you pulled into the gas station parking lot, but I've never experienced an engine sieze while running. They usually wait until they are stopped and then won't get started again.
If it is as you have said and your motor is shot, then you might want to consider the cost of having a shop perform a rebuild. Labor and whatever else they throw in will probably put you out about as much dough as it would to buy an engine and install it yourself. You'll just have to do some research on that front.
Also, I have to second everyone else's advice regarding putting off maintenance. If it is as bad as you say, then you waited WAAAY too long to check on it. The bike was probably giving you signs that something was going on and you ignored it....
shame. shame.
10-11-2009, 12:45 PM
jonathan180iq thank you for your imput but the motor stopped when I pulled in the gas station I let off the gas and the engine just stopped. so sorry you are right it did not seaze up it just got way to hot to ideal! You must understand that for two days I rode it to school full throtle 2 hors one way 2 hours they way home going 120kph alll the way to 140 kph (down hill with tail wind and so on)
Also I just bought a $600cnd used engine with just about the same milege. Started takin the old motor off broke a few screws on the exhost but oh well and do I need to use a type of lock tight?
All the info I can get from you guys on an engine swap would be great. I have downloaded the manuels from this site just to let you all know.
Water Warrior 2
10-11-2009, 03:50 PM
Experience with cages and a little with bikes has taught me a bit. Start off with a camera and take pics all the way through the R+R. Small containers for nuts, bolts, clips and assorted stuff. A well lighted work area is a must have item. Blue Loktite is what you want for fasteners. When in doubt about something just sit back and look at it, sometimes the easiest little fitting or doo dad is the most baffling of all. Clean as you go, dirty parts are a PITA to deal with but the cleaning while removing will make the assembly more familiar after the removal. Some type of penetrating fluid for bolt removal. Zip ties, you will need them, trust me. A stool or box to sit on, kneeling pad for the knees and a boat load of patience. One item at a time, try to be methodical in the R+R. Keep us updated with the process.
10-11-2009, 06:37 PM
Thank you Warrior I am just about to head down now and continue! Ill let you huys know how it goes!
11-06-2009, 10:35 AM
Sorry all that I have been away for so long I have just been so sooo busy! BUT I AHVE GOOD NEWS! She livess! I finnished the engine swap and black beauty got a clean bill oh health from the mechanic! :2tup: I ahve not so detailed pics of the motor change if anyone wants me to put them up I can. She runs great and he told me that the news engines compression is like new so all is well just a few small things to change here and there and she will be in perfict running health.
Again thank you all for you edvise and input I thought hard about what I was going to do and in the end I am happy with how it terned out.
Water Warrior 2
11-06-2009, 03:13 PM
Right On !!! Glad you were able to get the bike up and running.
11-06-2009, 05:54 PM
Your persistence has paid off, RamAir. Good job. Now don't kill this one! :poke2: Seriously, though, well done.
03-18-2010, 06:24 PM
SWEET HAVE NOT BEEN ON HERE IN A LONG TIME! Well when you kinda put the bike away you um forget a bit sorry guys! Ya motor is still runnnin strong. and I am takin great care of here! Thanks for all the help guys.
03-18-2010, 07:18 PM
Good luck,Ride easy.
03-20-2010, 11:21 PM
you should have a go at rebuilding your old motor, for if you ever pop this one again, plus when it comes to selling it most like the right motor in the bike
ive been hooning mine around fora few weeks and now ive decided 60 mph is enough for it and it should live for a long time
from what i can work out its a simple motor to work on and with ebay you should be able to collect all the bits you need for pennys, and itll be good to learn something and on the plus side if you get it wrong youve not broken a working engine :D
03-22-2010, 02:28 PM
Very true ummm ruffsutt (sorry hard to call someone that LOL) I plan on when summer comes to pull it apart and see whats what. but I would have also dameged the cylinder wall and need new barings. Like I said on other threads I am looking at becomeing a auto mehcanic and will be building a few motors from the ground up in a few years since I some major project plans. But yes I get what you are telling me. Also if I was gonna keep the bike for much longer I would do so much. But next year I plan on moving up since insurance will be cheaper. If I can keep it in the family I will but if not oh well. I will not look foward to that cuz its makin me sad. But just a few more plans for the bike for the last two years it will be just fine for me! And this engine was cheaked over by my mechanic (I changed the motor with a buddy of mine and myself). and he said its just great. Great compretion and runs perfect! It will last for many years since now I will be takin better care of this motor. And do my checks far more often.
03-22-2010, 03:25 PM
its all good ive blown up nearly everything ive ever owned hahaha
if you get it apart and it is goosed just rebuild it with the parts there as a learning experience and stick it with the bike when it goes
im watching a few sv 650s atm and need to rebuild this cbr to sell it but im going to try n keep hold of this little one cos its probably the best hop about bike ive had
Fish Baseball
03-23-2010, 07:24 PM
Mate congratulations on the engine change over. I for one would be very interested in said photos, because knowledge is power after all.
06-13-2010, 08:14 PM
the tapping is from your excess in valve clearance, lack of oil ground down your can and rocker faces!
Easy Rider
06-13-2010, 10:50 PM
the tapping is from your excess in valve clearance, lack of oil ground down your can and rocker faces!
Welcome to the forum.
The more the merrier.
You and I are going to have a problem, however, if you continue to make flat statements like that when it really is just an opinion or an educated guess.
You might well be right......but have no way to know that for sure without being there. :tup:
06-14-2010, 12:55 AM
well since your so "respected" and i have just finished rebuilding a dr350 that ran out of oil and now i am rebuilding the gz250 that ran out of oil. The first things to wear from lack of oil on these bikes (and most bikes) are the top ends, mainly its the cam seizing to the journals but before that it is the rocker faces and the cam lobes that get worn alot as the bike slowly runs out of oil. The bike may still be running but you will hear alot more noise from the top of the motor due to the excess valve clearance. Im a newb here but I dont ride GZ250's like you fellows here, I am just here to offer good info in exchange I had some questions of my own about this bike.
Water Warrior 2
06-14-2010, 03:31 AM
I was always of the opinion that the oil level should be checked to prevent engine destruction. Adding a little oil is far cheaper than adding an engine.
06-14-2010, 07:22 AM
I was always of the opinion that the oil level should be checked to prevent engine destruction. Adding a little oil is far cheaper than adding an engine.
Easy Rider
06-14-2010, 10:10 AM
well since your so "respected" ......
Chill. Just pointing out the difference between "fact" and "opinion".
I can't quite figure out why so many intellingent and well educated people seem to have a problem with that distinction.
Everything you said is, no doubt, true......for an engine that is leaking and slowly runs out of oil. For one that suddenly goes dry.......or is started with none in it......all bets are off and the bearings may very well fail first; there certainly may be noise evident from the bearings first.
Anyhow, the point IS......that without being there you don't know for sure WHAT is causing the noise. Saying "it probably is the cam..." is quite different than saying "it IS the cam....." :tup:
06-14-2010, 12:59 PM
it is the cam and rockers not the bearings, there you go. not a guess
06-14-2010, 01:10 PM
And....They're off!
music man
06-14-2010, 01:15 PM
06-14-2010, 01:18 PM
I keep forgetin' that one MM.
Easy Rider
06-14-2010, 04:30 PM
And....They're off!
Nope. Obviously pointless.
Scratch what I said before about intelligent and educated.
06-15-2010, 07:13 AM
And....They're off!
Nope. Obviously pointless.
Scratch what I said before about intelligent and educated.
I constantly have people I know calling me and and asking me what this noise is over the phone. I just tell them I have to be there to give them my opinion, can't do it over the phone.
01-30-2011, 02:45 AM
Mate congratulations on the engine change over. I for one would be very interested in said photos, because knowledge is power after all.
Sorry not been in this thread for sume time. Since I was rushing to get the bike back up and running I did not take the best pics but I could most certianly put up the pics that I did take to help me with puttung the thing back together. A motor change on a bike is a cake walk. cars now there is far more stress! (Yes yes I know depending on the bike and car dont get all up on me from this statement now) :neener:
01-30-2011, 02:50 AM
Bonehead love what you said cuz its so true. Poeple ask me "My car make a ....... sound, what is that?" I go, "I dont know" And they say, "what? what kinda mechanic are you, you dont know, how do you fix anything?" Then I just tell them "well gimme more info, how cold was it? what where you doing? how fast were you going?" and so on then they realize that its not so simple hehe.
prestondrnek what you said my be true for before my motor ate all its bearings. I will be pulling my motor apart this summer (both of them) to see what has happened. The second motor spun the top end. I know this cuz it had oil in it and was made much less noise then the first. The first was totally messed up cuz with the bike lying on its side me under it I could not see any oil. And also could smell the clutch packs where burning up, I had to ride it to a gas station to get oil.
Still though none of my motors LOCKED up on me witch is great!
01-31-2011, 09:58 AM
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