View Full Version : what does a hyper charger do to your gas milage.
09-08-2009, 09:01 PM
and do you need to re jet the bike.
Easy Rider
09-08-2009, 09:10 PM
and do you need to re jet the bike.
Time for a little tough love here, I think. :cry:
Danny, buddy.......
When you first came here, you were a nice young man.
Lately, however, you seem to have gone over to the dark side, with comments about not caring about your hearing........
And now about spending your money (do you have a job yet) on chrome "fluff".
What's really going on here ???
"Hypercharger" is just a NAME. It doesn't do crap, really. It's more for looks than performance.
Now, the guys that have them won't come right out and admit that probably but it's true.
The same is true for changing pipes and other intake mods (K&N).
Sometimes re-jetting works out OK and sometimes it doesn't BUT what little you gain really isn't worth the time and money.
Now......if you like to tinker just for the sake of it, fine, go ahead.
If you expect any real performance gain, you will be disappointed.
Methinks maybe it's time you join an M-50 forum where your questions can be answered better.
There is an active community here:
Good luck!
09-08-2009, 09:51 PM
lol i never said i don't care about my hearing, i just said i'm too lazy to find my ear plugs, im a bit depressed lately and feeling lazy i really enjoy riding and playing around with the new bike, its the one thing that gives me any motivation right now. i really only ride in town any ways and i really doubt that is any where close enougth to damage my ears. if i were riding on the freeway for long periods of time i would definately find my ear plugs after finding out wind noise at high speed is enough to mess up year ears..
as for a job i drive a truck for fedex, been working there for over 5 years. I transferred back to Ohio with the company, missed my friends and family and came home.
i figure if a hyper charger did not ruin your gas millage and you don't halve to re jet the bike ( I would prefer to leave things stock that you halve to tear apart to change just for good measures) it would be a cool thing to have and play around with.
im still a nice young man, i put a led kit on my bike so i don't get run over at night and i think i might want a hyper charger some day. besides that stuff i have no big plans to add loads of chrome or turn my bike in to a 30000cc or any thing like that
a hyper charger is a part made for many different bikes and people here have many different bikes, I like the people here in the gz forum if i ever have a question about my bike or how to fix something on my bike i dont play to ask it on here, ill check out another forum. i mean there is a spot on here for things other than the gz.
if you still think i have gone over to the dark side for what ever reason than im sorry you feel that way. some how i must have gave you a bad impression about something i said latley. all i know is i got a new toy and i want to play with it.
09-08-2009, 09:57 PM
I'd go with the K & N billet free flow air kit and re-jet. I also recommend Vance & Hines True Duals. You also may have to change the ignition module to get the whole system integrated.
You really do need to get some performance advice from people who have the same bike, or your dealer mechanic.
Everyone who has a Harley (including me) does those things. We all joke that it's the $1000 "Harley Tax"
It definately will improve overall performance, throttle response, and possibly gas mileage.
It'll damn sure sound better. LOL.
:skull: :2tup: :skull: :2tup:
09-08-2009, 10:13 PM
I'd go with the K & N billet free flow air kit and re-jet. I also recommend Vance & Hines True Duals. You also may have to change the ignition module to get the whole system integrated.
You really do need to get some performance advice from people who have the same bike, or your dealer mechanic.
Everyone who has a Harley (including me) does those things. We all joke that it's the $1000 "Harley Tax"
It definately will improve overall performance, throttle response, and possibly gas mileage.
It'll damn sure sound better. LOL.
:skull: :2tup: :skull: :2tup:
well i guess that answers my question. it would be nice if it improved the gas millage, definitely don't want to get any less mpg. re jetting and changing out the ignition module is not something i wold really like to do. i was thinking you might only halve to replace the stock air box with the hyper charger. and it would just kind of work like a ram air system on a car or something like that. i have made a few of those ram air systems for cars that i have owned and i did noticed better acceleration and i also got 2 or 3 more mpg, one other thing i noticed is that the car seemd to run a little bit smoother wit the ram air. im sure a real kit would have been a little better than the ones i made.
09-08-2009, 10:22 PM
and do you need to re jet the bike.
Time for a little tough love here, I think. :cry:
Danny, buddy.......
When you first came here, you were a nice young man.
Lately, however, you seem to have gone over to the dark side, with comments about not caring about your hearing........
And now about spending your money (do you have a job yet) on chrome "fluff".
What's really going on here ???
"Hypercharger" is just a NAME. It doesn't do crap, really. It's more for looks than performance.
Now, the guys that have them won't come right out and admit that probably but it's true.
The same is true for changing pipes and other intake mods (K&N).
Sometimes re-jetting works out OK and sometimes it doesn't BUT what little you gain really isn't worth the time and money.
Now......if you like to tinker just for the sake of it, fine, go ahead.
If you expect any real performance gain, you will be disappointed.
Methinks maybe it's time you join an M-50 forum where your questions can be answered better.
There is an active community here:
Good luck!
Easy...please just shut the fuck up for a change.
music man
09-08-2009, 10:42 PM
One thing to add, any modification you make to the intake/air filter side of the carb that DOESN'T require you to do any re-jetting or at bare minimum, a whole lot of adjusting, is also not going to give you much increase in power or performance, same goes for the exhaust side for that matter.
(DISCLAIMER, I am in no way saying that you won't gain ANYTHING from doing something like that, just that if you don't have to do much, it usually means you don't get much when engine modifications are involved), Just my two cents.
09-08-2009, 11:23 PM
One thing to add, any modification you make to the intake/air filter side of the carb that DOESN'T require you to do any re-jetting or at bare minimum, a whole lot of adjusting, is also not going to give you much increase in power or performance, same goes for the exhaust side for that matter.
(DISCLAIMER, I am in no way saying that you won't gain ANYTHING from doing something like that, just that if you don't have to do much, it usually means you don't get much when engine modifications are involved), Just my two cents.
yeah i know, change one thing out and you got to change a few others to get full benefit, usually, every now and again there is the exception i guess, i don't know, i'm off to bed.
Oh and Danny ....
If you have performance exhaust .. that usually requires a rejet or adjustment (stage 1 jet kit)
If you have performance exhaust and a open air filter such as a K&N .. that usually requires a stage 2 jet kit.
If you have performance exhaust, open air filter AND do a mod such as opening up your air box (airbox mod) ... that usually requires a stage 3 jet kit.
Common for shadows anyway.
The hypercharger would probably mean a rejet on your bike, as it does mine. I currently run a stage 2 jet kit with my setup. I can run stock baffles, performance baffles or no baffles and not have to do any carb adjustments. Some how, that thing is tuned perfectly.
Easy, you have been sent a warning .... don't have your posting privileges revoked. Either contribute positively or stay out of the thread.
Easy Rider
09-09-2009, 09:14 AM
Easy, you have been sent a warning .... don't have your posting privileges revoked. Either contribute positively or stay out of the thread.
You won't have to fire me.....I quit.
It's been a good run guys but it is becoming obvious that my presence is no longer wanted here so I'm gone.
To those friends I've made here ......and others who don't carry a chip on their shoulder, you can find me at:
or a new forum we are creating locally to help (mostly) mid-west riders get together
But then maybe I'm just such a terrible person that nobody cares.
Bye bye. :cry:
09-09-2009, 09:33 AM
Don't go!!!!
09-09-2009, 10:10 AM
Easy, you have been sent a warning .... don't have your posting privileges revoked. Either contribute positively or stay out of the thread.
You won't have to fire me.....I quit.
It's been a good run guys but it is becoming obvious that my presence is no longer wanted here so I'm gone.
look i don't think any one really wants you gone. just be a little bit more curdious in your post. your saying im no longer a nice young man and i went over to the dark side cus i got a new bike and im thinking about sticking one performance part on the bike. that's the problem. not that you think the hyper charger is worthless. thats your opinion and your free to stat that opinion but
this aint star wars and i have not gone over to the dark side. if it was and i did i would send the death star over to your house and blow up the bushes in your front yard with laser beams :lol:
stick around man. just think about what your saying and if it sounds like it might piss any one off or offend them. leave that part out.
music man
09-09-2009, 10:15 AM
just think about what your saying and if it sounds like it might piss any one off or offend them. leave that part out
:crackup :crackup :crackup :crackup :crackup :crackup :crackup :crackup :crackup
09-09-2009, 10:46 AM
I just found a forum exclusively for the intruder volusia. i will be signing up for that, looks like there is tons of great info on that site.
ill still be around here tho.
Oh and about the gas mileage .... i lost mileage with the mod. More fuel + air flow going thru the bike. But i got a little more power and people like to comment on how it looks.
09-09-2009, 08:35 PM
You won't have to fire me.....I quit.
It's been a good run guys but it is becoming obvious that my presence is no longer wanted here so I'm gone.
Instead of actually choosing to NOT being a douchebag to everybody, you simply quit. That's classy.
09-09-2009, 09:35 PM
Hey Easy, I hope you change your mind and stay with us. I think your bark is a lot worse than your bite and you have a lot of experience and knowledge and you are willing to jump in and try to help people when they have a problem with their bikes. I guess when I read something where I think you might have come on a little strongly I just think, well, that's just Easy Rider being himself and I let it go. I can understand why the administrators might feel it necessary to call you on some things once in a while but I think it's kinda entertaining sometimes as long as you don't go off the deep end with it, and you don't usually. Again, I hope you stay with us, the place just wouldn't be the same without you around!
09-11-2009, 03:33 PM
Ditto on what Burkbuilds said. Your posts are a little rough around the edges but contain a lot of really good info. Plus, every forum needs its lovable grouch. ;)
Easy Rider
09-11-2009, 11:27 PM
Instead of actually choosing to NOT being a douchebag to everybody, you simply quit. That's classy.
How's that for a perfect example of being hypocritical ??
Danny informed me that he was not offended by what I said.
And I certainly did not call him a "douchbag".......or anything of the like.
Just for the record, I appologized to him anyway.....because my "horrible" post didn't quite come out how I intended.
The real issue here seems to be my unwillingness to be censored when it comes to my stance against bike mods that are obnoxious, illegal and of questionable value.
I will accept a dope slap to the head when it comes to not treating other users with the proper respect (but that slap seems to come to some and not others).......but I will not continue to participate in a conference where the free exchange of ideas is limited by the whims of the owner.
Calling bike mods obnoxious, illegal and questionable is insulting to the owner of said bike containing the mods. I do not come on here and give 'stock' bike owners crap and say their stock bikes are shit/slow/dumb. I don't see why you have to do that to custom items.
A hypercharger adds power to the bike ... you don't even own one, what makes you know so much about them? If you stuck around the shadowriders forum long enough, before pissing off the entire group of members there, you would have seen there have been bikes dyno'd before and after hypercharger installs. ADDED HORSEPOWER was the result.
You pretty much stated that they are crap and do nothing ... as well as pipes and rejetting? Are you serious? LOL. You downed every mod that you hate in one sentence and your analysis is that they are worthless. My bike, with those mods DOES have more power to it. AND people DO comment on the things i have done. Two things there ... self worth of the mods done to my bike and appreciation from those who comment on those mods.
He wanted to know more about a hypercharger .... as with everyone wanting to mod something on their bike your answer was "dont do it, its stupid and a waste of money....keep it stock". If everyone thought like you, there would be no OCC, WCC, custom builders, custom bikes ... we would all be riding stinky stock bikes, helmets, orange vests, AGATT and hanging out at starbucks showing off our matching faux leather ensemble that our wives picked out for us at the GAP.
My problem lies in the fact that you are NO HELP whatsoever in modding threads ... people want to tinker and enjoy their ride and make it their own ... you just wanna deter them from that. Either help them out in a positive manner and give them the info, HONEST and TRUE info, or move on to another thread. Let them take the info submitted and make their OWN decisions.
Easy Rider
09-12-2009, 10:43 AM
I do not come on here and give 'stock' bike owners crap and say their stock bikes are shit/slow/dumb.
Yes you absolutely DO. Just a few days ago you were putting down any bike smaller than a 750 as a "toy, put-put bike".......and claiming that EVERYBODY would eventually want a bigger bike.
Talk about NOT BEING HELPFUL in a GZ forum.......... :skull:
Let them take the info submitted and make their OWN decisions.
Except that you are not allowing all the information to be submitted. That's bias and censorship, plain and simple. The fact IS that most modifications to pipes and air boxes are ILLEGAL under Federal law. You can piss and moan about that all you want but you cannot change that fact.
As for the performance issue, I believe that the gain is not worth the time and effort......and if you want more power, you should get a bigger/more powerful bike. That OPINION doesn't match yours so you think it is alright to stiffle it.
And finally, you will notice that the post that started this included the line:
"Now......if you like to tinker just for the sake of it, fine, go ahead."
I think that anybody thinking about spending money, sometimes a LOT of money, should consider it carefully and should know that it MIGHT not be as great as some would make it seem.
NOW......if what you are really saying is "Its MY game and if you don't like MY rules, censorship and all, they you can get out"......then stop beating around the bush and just say that so it will be clear to all.
09-12-2009, 10:56 AM
:popcorn: :cry: :whistle:
09-12-2009, 11:25 AM
Just my two cents worth here. If someone comes on a thread and starts insulting someone personally, especially if they are using offensive language and belittling someone I think that is a good place for administrators to step in and stop it, however, I think the administrators need to show a higher standard of expression than the people they are addressing, not using comments like "why don't you just shut the ______ up". To me that seems more out of line than anything Easy said in his post to Danny's question. When I read Easy's post to Danny, I thought he was being very "tongue in cheek" and kinda "teasing" Danny with his comments about "not being a nice boy" anymore. From the way Danny responded, he seemed to take it that way too, and I don't think anything Easy said was offensive. Sometimes it's very difficult to know what someone's "tone" is in a written post unless they just go "off the wall" with vulgar insults or something. If the fact that someone disagree's with you is offensive to you then I think that you need to get over it, that's life, people will disagree with you and that shouldn't be taken as an insult. I like to do mods to my bike too, but I'm not "offended" if Easy doesn't agree with me about what I want to do, I actually appreciate hearing an opposing opinion, sometimes it might help me re-evaluate what I'm thinking about doing and if I decide not to listen to his advice it didn't really hurt me to hear it. I think that any of us who've been around this forum for any length of time are aware of Easy's position on modifications, and that' probably true about a lot of us on different issues, some people express very strong opinions about a lot of things that I don't always agree with, but I fully support their right to disagree with me, isn't that one of the things that makes our country, and this site, so great? I like that people express different views about stuff, who wants to only read positive comments about every subject, surely there have got to be subjects that have more valid points of view than just one. I mean come on Dupo, you obviously like to do and promote doing mods and you obviously don't seem to hold a lot of respect for anyone's ride that isn't as powerful as your Shadow and that's okay, that's you and I like hearing what you have to say even though I don't always agree with you! If you think Easy's comments aren't valid, then jump in and say what you finally did say which is that they've made a lot of difference in your bike and that is backed up by a lot of others who have made those types of mods, not just telling Easy that he shouldn't comment. I like hearing Easy's comments too even though I don't always agree with him, it's that variety that makes this such a good site!
I guess what I'm saying is, unless someone is using offensive/vulgar language or starting some type of a "fight" on here, I think you should let them post, if you want to express a different opinion on whatever topic they are talking about I'd love to read it, but please don't tell people that they should just shut up and not post or you are going to pull their posting privileges because you don't agree with what they are saying. Secondly, if you feel it necessary to reprimand somebody, I'd recommend that you start with a private message to them first and see if they might retract or modify or clarify their original post before you make a public "bash" on them, a lot of times giving people a chance to privately re-evaluate what they have written might result in a situation where tensions are lessened instead of escalated in the forum. Lastly, I'd like to say that this is my favorite bike forum and one of the reason's I like it is the variety of opinions expressed here and that includes Easy Rider's posts. Yeah, he's a little rough around the edges sometimes, but I've also noticed that when somebody is having a problem with their bike not working properly he's usually one of the first to jump in and try to help them find a solution even if it takes a lot of back and forth. Not very many people are that generous with their time and experience to help out someone they don't know and that tells me a lot about the type of person he is way beyond his sometimes "grouchy" persona. I hope he stays, I think he's much more of an asset to this site than a liability and I hope you guys can come to a reasonable understanding with him, if you can't then I think it's a loss to the site and all of the members on here.
John Burk
09-12-2009, 12:13 PM
\but I will not continue to participate in a conference where the free exchange of ideas is limited by the whims of the owner.
And yet you are still posting/lurking/annoying.
Its also against federal law to remove mattress tags .... lol. Your federal law argument is retarded. No one cares on a federal level if you want to put Vance & Hines pipes on your bike, modify your air box .. or anything else. Unless they start emissions testing on motorcycles around here no one is going to care.
You went on the 'other' shadow forum which is all about modifications and pissed off an entire forum. Several pages of people telling you off because you INSULT people. Your FIRST post and you insulted everyone on that forum. Don't act so dam innocent that its "your" opinion. Your opinion is full of negativity and insults.
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Originally Posted by KingTriEye
I am looking to get a new exhaust for my bike
Why? Do you want to take a perfectly good bike and screw it up ??
Do you REALLY want to be an obnoxious asshole?
That's what riders with loud pipes are, you know.......obnoxious assholes.
I'm sorry i am one of those obnoxious assholes ..... with that comment you can go fuck yourself buddy.
And if i'm so against these bikes, why is it i keep this forum going even after not owning a GZ for almost 3 years???
Yes you absolutely DO. Just a few days ago you were putting down any bike smaller than a 750 as a "toy, put-put bike".......and claiming that EVERYBODY would eventually want a bigger bike.
Talk about NOT BEING HELPFUL in a GZ forum.......... :skull:
Again, you take two totally different threads/comments and twist them together to suit your argument. thread 1- i said TO ME it was a toy after a few months. thread 2- i said if u are thinking on upgrading, UPGRADE so you dont end up upgrading again in a year. Your version twists those two into something i DID NOT SAY.
Except that you are not allowing all the information to be submitted. That's bias and censorship, plain and simple. The fact IS that most modifications to pipes and air boxes are ILLEGAL under Federal law. You can piss and moan about that all you want but you cannot change that fact.
What information.....information that you dont know anything about? You don't own one, dont have one installed and dont know shit about hyperchargers. The legality of Federal Law is a retarded argument .. nobody is going to come get you for changing out your pipes or air cleaner. Grow the fuck up and stop hiding behind "federal law" arguments .... its really childish. There are tons of bikes out there with aftermarket pipes ... i really see a round up of em going on. All those law breakers ... something should be done </sarcasm>
As for the performance issue, I believe that the gain is not worth the time and effort......and if you want more power, you should get a bigger/more powerful bike. That OPINION doesn't match yours so you think it is alright to stiffle it.
Its not the opinion i have the problem with, its the way you deliver that opinion. Your opinion is "its CRAP". Wow, thats one of the best comments ive ever seen to help someone decide what to do. It took you all this time to actually write an opinion that has no negativity in it. You could have just commented like that in the first place and be done with it. Instead, start all this shit because you'd rather deliver that opinion in a negative, insulting manner.
NOW......if what you are really saying is "Its MY game and if you don't like MY rules, censorship and all, they you can get out"......then stop beating around the bush and just say that so it will be clear to all.
Nope, not at all. What I'm saying is, you're an insulting :curse: who doesn't play well with those who like to spend money on fluff and modify their bikes. And no, i really don't like you. Please refer to the link i supplied from the Shadowriders forum for any further questions about why i dont like you.
:cuss: :bang: :crazy: :mad: :tdown: :??:
I mean come on Dupo, you obviously like to do and promote doing mods and you obviously don't seem to hold a lot of respect for anyone's ride that isn't as powerful as your Shadow and that's okay, that's you and I like hearing what you have to say even though I don't always agree with you! Secondly, if you feel it necessary to reprimand somebody, I'd recommend that you start with a private message to them first and see if they might retract or modify or clarify their original post before you make a public "bash" on them, a lot of times giving people a chance to privately re-evaluate what they have written might result in a situation where tensions are lessened instead of escalated in the forum.
John, This is a very long on going problem from day 1. Tried to divert this problem many times to no resolution. This is not the firs time this has happened. There has been threads where things escalated because of Easy's comments. It just never ends. Please take a few minutes to read the shadowriders thread i linked. You'll see that he just cannot contain himself from insulting members of a forum. That thread on that forum was the last straw for me.
And where have i said i have little respect for those who have something smaller than my bike? I dont ever recall saying anything like that. And honestly, my shadow is not all that powerful. 55 HP ... thats all it is. Hell of a lot more than the GZ but compared to most on the market today, its peanuts. I'll get smoked by any harley out there .... but i dont really care, i like the looks. Same said for most GZ riders ... aint fast but it fits what you want/need. I've never put down anyone with a smaller bike. Closest i've come is when someone wants to upgrade ..... i give my opinion and thoughts and let them run with it. Most fears are the fear of a big bike ... because being on a GZ most bikes seem larger than life and i try to let em know, its normal to feel that way and u get used to it just like u did the gz (for first time riders). I don't down smaller bikes ... I OWNED ONE TOO!!!
09-12-2009, 02:52 PM
I have no problem with easy at all, yes he was just being him slef and joking around the bout some of those comments. he did think i was out of work and had no income at the moment and thought spending money is a bad idea. in a way he was looking out for me in some aspects. but i agree cutting any one down for doing mods is not cool, i did not feel cut down, i just thought what the hell cus i knew the dark side and not bieng a nice young man was just something he was saying. he did not mean that stuff and i dont believe he means to come as being rude or offensive, some people are that way and if you get to know them you find its just their personallity and they mean nothing by it.
he just has the idea that if its not broken dont fix it. mods are unnecessary and cost money. if it works now leave it be and ride it. i kind of see things that way also. but hey if you got the cash and a mod is going to make you happy. great, go for it. like i said i dont want to deal with re jet and all that stuff. i like to keep it as stock as possible, if all i had to do was bolt that thing on and replace the air box great but im deciding against it. im fine with my bike. now if i got some other kind of beater to rebuild that would be a different story. it would be a bobber for sure. but i think easy is a descent guy that just comes off the wrong way and does not mean too.
now lets drop the whole thing and get back to normal.. my thread has been ruined..
[quote="Easy Rider":1hr08lz1]\but I will not continue to participate in a conference where the free exchange of ideas is limited by the whims of the owner.
And yet you are still posting/lurking/annoying.
Not that anyone cares, as I hardly ever post and don't have much to offer knowledge wise, but I agree with burkbuilds - the administrators' reactions here have far exceeded anything Easy said. Easy, dhgeyer, Sarris and a few others have a lot of knowledge and I love learning from them, but I'm done, too. The only reason I even share it with everyone is as an example of how they're driving people away. I'll see if I can figure out how to "quit" the forum, but if the admins need to do that, then I'm formally requesting it. To Easy, dhgeyer, sarris and others, thanks for sharing your knowledge - I hope I can "see" you somewhere else in cyberspace.
09-12-2009, 03:36 PM
I have been reading this and tried to stay out of it, but I have to put my 2c in. Does anyone remember the diatribe that took place over the course of a few days back in April between me and ER resulting in a poll about who should leave the forum? I personally found his posts to me quite offensive and basically nasty, as did a few others, and I tried to fix it but it only got worse, with him absolving himself of any wrongdoing whatsoever and shitting on me even more. As he once said somewhere on here, maybe to me, "it's not WHAT you say, it's HOW you say it". That applies to all of us, the admins too.
We've since "made up", or I learned how to ignore his insults to me and others (which are real), but the basic point is there has to be more civility and respect for others to keep this forum going, and to keep the membership from leaving, If someone can't be civil, then they should go. If they can put a pause on their SUBMIT button and read their post again and think about what and how they said whatever their point was, then they should stay. It's quite simple. There should be no excuse for poor behavior, that that's just someone's personality. We are a community here and have to treat each other kindly.
So, ER, can you hear what people are telling you without getting pissed? Can you turn it down a notch ?
Are you coming or going?
Easy Rider
09-12-2009, 03:44 PM
[quote="Easy Rider":33nwdcrq]\but I will not continue to participate in a conference where the free exchange of ideas is limited by the whims of the owner.
And yet you are still posting/lurking/annoying.
And THAT is somehow NOT worse than what I did ????
Get the F***, deep.
I am not going anywhere..... I like it here.
Signal to noise ratio is just a small part of any web site that has diverse members.
09-12-2009, 04:44 PM
[quote="patrick_777":1ax6ajqm][quote="Easy Rider":1ax6ajqm]\but I will not continue to participate in a conference where the free exchange of ideas is limited by the whims of the owner.
And yet you are still posting/lurking/annoying.
And THAT is somehow NOT worse than what I did ????
Get the F***, deep.[/quote:1ax6ajqm]
please every one just drop the crap now, parden m. i agree you guys that are administrators should not be cursing out the members. if you dont like something sure give them a warning or what ever but please don't curse people out. and if there continues to be a problem enforce your warnings but dont set there and cuss and egg it on even more. no one is gonna be nice and calm when being cursed at, its is just gonna make things worse cus every one is going to get angry.
something to think about.. please drop the issue now. if easy sticks around great, if not than not. im sure if every one just chills out things will even out and every one can try to get along and every one will be happy
09-12-2009, 04:45 PM
I am not going anywhere..... I like it here.
Signal to noise ratio is just a small part of any web site that has diverse members.
Right on, well said. :2tup: :rawk:
But it could still be toned down a little.
music man
09-12-2009, 04:47 PM
Here is my two cents. I think just about everyone on here that posts even on a semi-regular basis has pissed someone off at some point or another, but the problem with Easy Rider is, is that it seems to happen at least every other post he puts up. It is just a constant barrage of nasty attitude towards anyone who doesn't agree with him. And I will be the first to say that I have seen plenty of threads that Easy Rider has actually contributed some helpful information to, but the bad side of that is, is that I have seen far more that he has just attacked someone and turned it into an argument.
It is just not necessary on a regular basis to go after people like that, there have been people that have wandered in here that got and definitely deserved an attack, but Easy Rider has attacked every one on here at least once, and most people that have been around for a while have gotten it several times. So I think what Dupo said to him was well deserved, and Dupo never told Easy in that original post to leave, just to tone that shit down or he would make him leave, and I don't think that is such an unreasonable request.
09-12-2009, 05:41 PM
And THAT is somehow NOT worse than what I did ????
Get the F***, deep.
Out, not off. And it's not worse because it was directed at YOU, not somebody who didn't ASK for it.
I thought you quit?
If anyone bothered reading that thread from shadowriders ... you may have seen that this has been ON GOING with easy, patrick, a few other members here and I.
I put up with it for a long time until he came into shadowriders forum and called all of us a bunch of assholes, among other things. Gloves came off ever since then. I respected him enough to let things slide on my end and let you all have at it here with small spats that happened. I lost the respect when he came into a forum that i've been a member of (patrick too) and start spouting his mouth off.
Disrespectful EVERYWHERE he goes.
Google his username sometime ... you'll find another forum he frequents and pisses members off.
Easy .... stop being so dam thick headed and realize what everyone is saying ... tone it down. THat was my original warning and i stick to that. You wanna keep it going? You have useful posts to members with problems ... then as musicman stated, your insults and 'bad' threads supersede the good ones. Simply tone it down and think about what you are going to put on the forum. Thats all thats been asked of you for a LONG time.
Not that anyone cares, as I hardly ever post and don't have much to offer knowledge wise, but I agree with burkbuilds - the administrators' reactions here have far exceeded anything Easy said. Easy, dhgeyer, Sarris and a few others have a lot of knowledge and I love learning from them, but I'm done, too. The only reason I even share it with everyone is as an example of how they're driving people away. I'll see if I can figure out how to "quit" the forum, but if the admins need to do that, then I'm formally requesting it. To Easy, dhgeyer, sarris and others, thanks for sharing your knowledge - I hope I can "see" you somewhere else in cyberspace.
Daym. Later dude. Gonna quit because i've reached my breaking point? ok then..................
09-13-2009, 12:36 PM
From the Sunday magazine section of my local paper today -- (
Not to Beat A Dead Horse.....But I thought about Easy Rider on my ride today.
The only thing that I could come up was Little Man Syndrome.
Now I do not not know Easy, but this seems to fit his actions...
Short Man's Syndrome
Aggression or needless bumptiousness displayed by a man below average height when it is perceived to be an attempt to compensate for his small size.
A shorter guy is constantly jostled in a crowd by an unthinking taller guy who sees over his head. Eventually, the shorter guy reacts aggressively by verbally abusing the taller guy. The taller guy is superciliously amused because the amount of aggression shown by the shorter guy is disproportionate to his presumed physical ability to carry through his threats. "Oh - it's short man syndrome".
09-13-2009, 03:57 PM
Not to Beat A Dead Horse.....But I thought about Easy Rider on my ride today.
The only thing that I could come up was Little Man Syndrome.
Now I do not not know Easy, but this seems to fit his actions...
Short Man's Syndrome
Aggression or needless bumptiousness displayed by a man below average height when it is perceived to be an attempt to compensate for his small size.
A shorter guy is constantly jostled in a crowd by an unthinking taller guy who sees over his head. Eventually, the shorter guy reacts aggressively by verbally abusing the taller guy. The taller guy is superciliously amused because the amount of aggression shown by the shorter guy is disproportionate to his presumed physical ability to carry through his threats. "Oh - it's short man syndrome".
:haha2: :haha2: :haha2: :haha2: :haha2:
09-14-2009, 07:24 AM
Not to get off the subject-But, What does a hypercharger do to gas milage?
09-14-2009, 09:02 AM
Not to get off the subject-But, What does a hypercharger do to gas milage?
Oh and about the gas mileage .... i lost mileage with the mod. More fuel + air flow going thru the bike. But i got a little more power and people like to comment on how it looks.
09-14-2009, 09:07 AM
Not to get off the subject-But, What does a hypercharger do to gas milage?
Oh and about the gas mileage .... i lost mileage with the mod. More fuel + air flow going thru the bike. But i got a little more power and people like to comment on how it looks.
I was being a smart ass!!!
09-14-2009, 12:21 PM
...and people like to comment...
Boy, do they! :popcorn:
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